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10 liver cleanse stories continuing 7 by UserX ..... Liver Flush Support Forum

Date:   3/7/2002 6:14:16 AM ( 23 y ago)
Hits:   9,003

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--- In gallstones@y..., ktmtw@y... wrote:

Dear Group

I completed my first full flush yesterday. I Used the
flush as described in the book [CURE FOR ALL DISEASES]

I was very pleased with the results.I passed many green
looking blobs one of them about a inch long.and I would
say hundres of small tan stones that look like the one
that is in the picture at the home page,that is stuck in
the bile duct.

These stones range from the size of a small bread
crumb to a little bigger then a bb.
some looked they were stuck together.

I have been feeling pretty good since.

I'll do another in two weeks

wishing you all well



--- In gallstones@y..., bootsy328@y... wrote:

Hello Group!

Sorry I have not been very active in the group lately... I am going
through another period of fabulous gb health! After suffering from 7
attacks over 2 years, I have not had an attack since June of last

I am eating almost anything I want... but I stay away from red meat,
fried foods and almost all dairy.

My biggest improvement came last July when I started taking flaxseed
oil every morning in a little fresh sqeezed oj.... I added lecithin
to it and bile salts in September and started really feeling good!

I have NO real stomach pain... a little discomfort once a week when I
eat too much. Red sauces and pasta are no longer a problem... hardly
any acidic stomach and great stools 1-3 times a day.

Yes.. it is a new world and I hope that it will continue. I am not
depriving myself whatsoever, but not eating a lot of bad foods...
just too much Sugar in my tea and honey and chocolate on my french
bread! (OK... I'm not prefect!)

My approach is to read the signs of byuilding sludge, which for me
seems to be indegestion. When I get indegestion twice in a week I
have done a flush. I get very few greenies anymore... That's the
good news!

Thanks to all the group for all the support and ideas. I hope that
my story will help those of you who are seeking great gb health to
keep working on both cleaning out the gb and also keeping it clear.

ken a. (Formerly Kalexan328@a...)


--- In gallstones@y..., Ma2AnnaLee@c... wrote:

I looked at our local, well-stocked health food store and could not
find bile salts.

What kind of names might they be listed under???

I did my flush about a week ago and was very disappointed. All I got
for my trouble was small greenish blobs of olive oil-juice. And after
the effects of the epsoms diminished, I was back to square 1.

My ultrasound Jan 25 revealed that I did indeed have stones (in the
main bile duct) and the duct was dialated 7 cm. The dr. reccommended
surgery, of course, but indicated it was not an immediate situation.

Anyone have anything to offer here???



--- In gallstones@y..., "Fred Walter" wrote:
I started my first Liver Flush yesterday (Saturday, March 17, 2001).

Oh man, I didn't expect to see so many big green balls.
I was tempted to take pictures, but that would have been too gross.

The biggest was 2cm long by 1cm in diameter.
The next biggest was about twice the size of a pea.
There were a bunch of pea-sized ones.
A whole bunch more about 1/2 pea-sized.
A heck of a whole bunch more smaller than that.
And a bunch of 'chaff'.

I probably should have done the parasite and kidney cleanses first.
Right now my lower back is sore, in the area of my kidneys.

During the first few hours of diarrhea, I spotted a few really
dark brown things, about half the size of a flaxseed.
At first I thought they must have been seeds from the jam that
I ate Saturday, but then I saw one embedded in one of the
green balls, so they weren't seeds.

Are there pictures of 'flukes' anywhere on the web?
I don't have my copy of Hulda Clark 's book handy.

Near the end of my boughts of diarrhea, my rectum and the area
around it became quite sore. I suspect this was caused by
a combination of toilet paper that feels like sandpaper,
and stomach acid in the liquid squirting out of my butt.
White petroleum jelly helped a lot. If I'd started applying
it earlier on then I might have avoided some of the irritation
near the end of the liver cleanse. I also need to buy some
softer toilet paper.


The times in the following report are approximate.
All sizes are approximate - I didn't measure anything with a ruler.

I used Hulda Clark 's liver cleanse, except I shifted everything
by 2 hours because my inner timeclock is shifted by that much.
I didn't use ornithine because I can't legally buy that in Canada.


March 17, 2001

11:30 am
- got out of bed, showered, etc
12:30 pm
- ate an English Muffin with jam, a banana, an orange

1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
- drank a bunch of cans of orange juice/fruit punch
- I probably should have stuck to water, but hey, it was handy

4:00 pm
- bought some olive oil and pink grapefruits on the way home

5:00 pm
- was drinking water when I looked at the instructions and read
that I should have stopped eating and drinking at 4pm
- oh oh

8:00 pm
- mixed 1 tablespoon of epson salts, 1/8th teaspoon of Vitamin C
powder with 3/4 cup of water, and stirred and stirred and stirred,
until everything disolved
- then I drank the mixture
- it is really *vile* tasting, and the taste alone made me feel

10:00 pm
- drank vile mixture; see 8 pm for details

11:40 pm
- diarrhea

11:45 pm
- hand squeezed all the juice out of one large pink grapefruit
- note that the outside of the 'pink' grapefruit is yellow,
it is the inside that is pink
- this gave me almost 3/4 cup of juice
- poured this into a bottle and added 1/2 cup of olive oil
- put lid on bottle and shook the heck out of it, to get the juice
and the oil to mix

11:50 pm
- diarrhea


March 18, 2001

12:05 am
- drank the juice/oil mixture
- I strongly dislike the taste of grapefruit,
and adding olive oil did not improve the taste...
- immediately laid down in my bed, on my back,
with head up on pillow
- laid like this until 12:30 am, and then laid on my side
because I don't sleep on my back
- tonight, I didn't sleep much on my side either,
tossed and turned a lot, but it didn't help
- I wonder if ornitine would have helped?
Too bad it's illegal in Canada without a prescription.
- Did I mention feeling ill, and nauseous?
- I also had a headache, but that had been going on since
Saturday afternoon.

3:00 am
- diarrhea
- no gallstones, just lots of light greenish stuff floating
- I assume that this crud is what Hulda Clark refers to as "chaff"
- some of the greenish things were thin like a thread,
but shaped like a corkscrew

3:30 am
- diarrhea
- no gallstones, just lots of chaff

4:00 am - 6:30 am
- bunch more boughts of diarrhea
- no gallstones, just lots of chaff

7:00 am
- diarrhea
- lots of chaff
- a green blob the size of a pea, and two more about half that size,
I assume that these are 'gallstones'
- the green blobs were sometimes light green, and sometimes
they were darker green

7:30 am
- diarrhea
- lots of chaff
- 3 more Gallstones about 1/2 size of a pea
- lots more smaller green blobs

8:30 am
- diarrhea
- chaff (amount of chaff is starting to decrease)
- one pea-sized gallstone
- several 1/2-pea-sized gallstones
- a bunch of smaller gallstones

9:00 am
- diarrhea
- chaff

9:15 am
- drank more of that vile Epsom Salt mixture

9:30 am
- diarrhea
- chaff

10:00 am
- diarrhea
- chaff
- one huge gallstone, about 2cm in length by 1 cm in diameter
- lots of smaller gallstones

10:45 am
- diarrhea
- chaff (less chaff at each diarrhea)
- one pea-sized gallstone
- more than ten 1/2-pea-sized gallstones
- one of these had a dark brown thing, about half the size
of a flaxseed, embedded in the side

11:15 am
- drank more of that incredibly vile Epsom Salt mixture

11:20 am
- diarrhea
- almost no chaff
- more than five 1/2-pea-sized gallstones
- some smaller stones

11:50 am
- diarrhea
- almost no chaff
- two pea-sized gallstones
- more than two 1/2-pea-sized gallstones
- bunch more smaller gallstones

12:10 pm
- diarrhea
- no chaff
- liquid in bowl is very yellow, but not from urine
- more than four pea-sized gallstones
- more than ten 1/2-pea-sized gallstones
- bunch of smaller gallstones

12:45 pm
- diarrhea
- no chaff
- liquid in bowl is very yellow, but not from urine
- more than two 1/2-pea-sized gallstones
- more than six smaller gallstones

1:45 pm
- diarrhea
- no chaff
- liquid in bowl is yellow, but less yellow than the last time
- one gallstone about twice the size of a pea
- more than fourteen 1/2-pea sized (or smaller) gallstones

1:50 pm
- ate two oranges

2:00 pm
- diarrhea
- no chaff
- bowl water is yellow, but less yellow than the last time
- more than eight 1/2-pea-sized gallstones
- bunch of smaller stones

2:05 pm
- ate an English Muffin with Jam, and a banana

4:00 pm
- I feel like I have to go poop again, but I'm going to finish
writing this report first
--- End forwarded message ---

--- In gallstones@y..., bootsy328@y... wrote:

Hi Gang!

Based on my experience with Lecithin and my recent research, I am
beginning to believe that Lecithin may be MORE important than Flax
seed oil for the gb sufferer. Go to any search engine and type in
Lecithin Research and you will find many articles exposing the
benefits of Lecithin, its work in the body and some of the latest

It seems that the choline and other substances found in lecithin are
necessary ingredients to good liver function. Without enough
Choline, the liver becomes a "fatty liver" and does not eliminate
tryglicerides as it should.

If I were to venture a guess... the flaxseed oil made me feel great,
got rid of many aches and pains and help the bile flow ach morning...
but the Lecithin taken regularly each morning may be th cure to my
clogged up gb and great liver health!

I take 1-2 tablespoons of granulated organic lecithin with 1/2
tablespoon flaxseed oil in an ounce of orange juice, along with some
bile slats. Bile salts can be purchased from:



--- In gallstones@y..., "Bill Coward" wrote:
Hello All,

Well, I did my first flush without anything to show for it! I followed Dr.Clark's protocol and I also used Julia Chang's Gold Coin Grass for a week
before the flush, all to no avail. I guess it's always possible that I don't have any gallstones. I've never had any symptoms that would
indicate gallstones. However, I do have lots of allergies (food, chemical, mold), and Dr. Clark in her book said that flushes producing at least 2000
Gallstones would eliminate all allergies permanently. I have a long way to go to reach 2000 at the rate I'm going. She also said that "only
bile from the liver is pea green" and to "look for the green kind, since this is proof that they are genuine gallstones, not food residue." I found nothing
green and nothing else floating that didn't look like food residue.

I must confess that I told a white lie above. There was one thing that Dr.Clark implored me to do that I ignored -- the dreaded parasite
cleanse. Actually, I was going to do that too but balked when I found that her special brew, Clarkia , would be shipped from overseas and would cost
over $100 because of some difficulty in shipping smaller sizes??? The posts from others here seemed to indicate that most don't do the parasite
cleanse before doing the liver/gallbladder flush, so I didn't think it was critical even though Dr. Clark states that you may come up empty handed if you don't.
What has been the experience of others not doing the parasite cleanse first?

Is there some other parasite eradicator that works as well as Dr. Clark's? Any other explanation for my poor showing?

Any words of wisdom would be appreciated.




--- In gallstones@y..., palgd@y... wrote:

Hi all,
I posted this on the Bowel Cleanse list, and thought it might help
someone here as well:

Paul Bragg's GB Cleanse uses no citrus at all (for those who may be allergic or can't stand the taste of citrus)....

In an 8 oz. glass put one third olive oil, two thirds pure apple juice and add one tablespoon of pure natural apple cider vinegar (the kind
with the "mother" in it). You take this mixture three times the first day.


On the second day you take it twice.... on both days you may drink all the apple juice you desire, but no other liquid (not even water).

On the morning of the third day eat a generous salad of raw cabbage, carrots, celery, beet root, taomatoes and lettuce with generous
amounts of cider vinegar and olive oil. Eat a dish of steamed greens such as spinach, kale, beet tops or any other cooked leafy greens.
Watch your bowel movements and see what happens.

This info is from Paul Bragg's book, Apple Cider Vinegar Health System.


--- In gallstones@y..., ranefjord@h... wrote:

Hi there.

Havn't been here for a while, hope you all feel better and that you
cleanses works fine. Have been feeling very good (been out running!!)
and pretty bad too. I had some problems flushing out big cholesterol
stones, but it seems like they have loosen up now. Yesterdays cleans
was a real success. I feel great today. Its amazing how calm it feels
directly after the stones are rolling out. Its like shutting down a
big buzzing generator. Im still amazed about the cleanes, even after
8 months of flushing. Thank god for internet.

I have also been using a new homeopathic medicin (natrium
muriaticum), since carduus marianus wasn't really right. NM D200 is
very right! Do a search and see if it fits you, working garanteed (if
it fits you). The first 7 days on NM D200 gave me migrain (detox
probobly), but it disapeared. Now I have start to sweating much more
(my skin is not dry anymore), The sweat smells old and discusting,
but its getting better (detox?). The cleanses has been working much
better lately (better circulation probobly) and I do get out alot of
crushed stones and stagnant bile. I have been using the med for 2
months now, but realizing that it takes time to heal. I do the
flushes when I feel that its time and when my stools turns to more
yellowish color again (about every two - three weeks).

Another thing you might try for improving digestion is not to drink
at the same time as you eat. Alot of doctors have told me that I
should drink alot with my meals, but in my case they are wrong. Seems
like water will disturb the acid balance in the stomach and make it
less 'strong' and therefor poor digestion. I drink alot between meals

take care

/Jens (Maceo)


--- In gallstones@y..., Tishri7@a... wrote:
<< Good, luck Gina, with your op. I believe they always do the
surgery now, which is
a lot easier to recover from. >>


glad to find out that you're doing better. I have tried not to write about this, but here it goes.

No! GB surgery does not always help at all, and the so-called "keyhole" surgery is not always easy. I did a survey of friends when I first started having this problem with my GB to find out the pros and cons of GB surgery.

Here's the scoop.

I just recently called a good friend of mine who I worked at the hospital with for 8 1/2 years. She had GB surgery after putting it off for a long time. She just didn't wish to have surgery and tried a healthy Diet and never even heard of the cleanse. If she had heard of it at that time, I'm 100 percent sure she would have tried it. Anyway, she started off by saying her digestion is just terrible. She can't even eat the foods that she loves anymore like lettuce, she can't handle it. So now salads are out. It messes up her digestion horribly. Also, she still has pain and she has diarrhea all the time now. Always has the runs after everything she eats, even just snacks.

Plus, she couldn't have the keyhole surgery, but had to have the major one. Then she went on to tell me about her 30-year-old daughter who had GB surgery not too long after her. Her daughter had the keyhole surgery, and after the surgery while she was at home recovering, just kept getting sicker and sicker. She had started leaking bile into her abdomen and it was making her very ill and turning yellow from the bile. Well, they had to careflight her to a major hospital in a big city, I won't say which. Then she had to stay in ICU for several weeks to get her better before they could do a second surgery on her to find the leaking.

Yes, she's out and fine now after a very long illness, and it took her time to build up any strength. She really was fortunate they could find the leak and fix it.

Then I've talked to a lady at the health food store that I frequently go to. She had GB surgery several years ago. Her exact words to me are: "If I had just known what I now know, I would never, never have had the surgery, ever!"

See, she's all messed up. She can't eat so many things now it's unreal and still has pain. She drinks 1 pint or more of aleo vera juice every day cuz of her stomach and the immense about of acid in it since the surgery. She can't eat wheat, lettuce and many other things. I'll ask her how
something is, she says, "Oh, I can't have that either!" She said to me, do what you can to avoid the surgery.

This is just a couple of people. My husband actually has talked to one person who is glad they had the GB surgery. I haven't talked to anyone who is glad. I'm sure there are some people who are glad, just I haven't talked to them.

I will also say that in Dr. Cabot's books, she explains that those who must have GB surgery have an extremely difficult time with their livers, having fatty livers. It is just almost something that is going to happen to you if you have your GB removed. Then you MUST always be on a special diet to fight that. This is something that modern-day medicine -- if one wishes to call it medicine -- doesn't tell you. So be prepared.

Sorry to put this on anyone who is having surgery. It's something to think about, and I would be prepared. There is no such thing as "an easy surgery," never. All surgery is hard on your system. I know, I've had surgery several times in the past. Nothing is ever the same again, so weigh everything before you do it, please.

I have a friend who is probably in his 60s now. He had a severe gall bladder attack over 10 years ago. This is the first person that I ever heard about the cleanse from and it stuck in my mind. I talked to him back in about July, and he's still doing his cleanses every year. Sometimes he has to do it twice, but he hasn't had anymore attacks.

Take care,


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