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OOOOMG WAIT WAIT WAIIIIT!!! I agree, BUT.. by JeSuisButterfly ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   2/12/2006 12:30:39 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   5,697

I agree with consuming produce such as organic garlic, onions, radishes, ect.. but if your intestines have microfissures, or are sensitive, those items MAY cause EXTREME pain.

My intestines are currently swollen from garlic I consumed -3- days ago. They puff out 2 to 3 times their normal size...

One night, I juiced half a leek.. only a tablespoon of juice.. and I was so ill my caretaker thought I was going to die.

Anything that's highly sulphurous should be consumed WITH EXTREME CAUTION if your bowels are currently being challenged.

Beetlejuice, I gave you an agreement vote above because I do think those items are healthy and incredibly healing. Curezoners, onions, garlic, leeks, peppers ect. can help with parasite infestations, tissue building and much more, but if you feel pain in your abdominal area, please exercise caution and follow your intuition.

Thanks everyone.. It's nice everyone can help each other - XOXO,


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