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Re: Thanks so much for sharing... by prettysoulful ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   12/15/2005 10:34:44 AM ( 20 y ago)
Hits:   1,066

I can completely relate to the difficulties of the candida diet. Dropping the sweet treat, ice cream, and fruit just about whipped me. I can tell you what I did that finally did work to clear up the candida for me. I posted this info on this forum earlier, but I will repost it here for simplicity. I will also post my protocol for taking the Pau D'arco at the end so you will have the actual steps and product info.

I got better and I can tell you what I did.

A brief history of what I've done: First, I started supplementing with a good multivitamin/mineral, fish oil, and varying herbs that I added and subtracted. Then I did a parasite cleanse and bowel cleanse(dumped lots of mucus, so I continued). Then I started the liver flushes(so far I've done 5, my first couple seemed to really throw off my digestion, but that got much better, I also added milk thistle to boost my liver). Then I started the Elimination Diet for candida, and discovered that I was sensitive to wheat/gluten and all dairy products including kefir, so I cut them all out(this was tough!). I did a month of Grapefruit Seed extract, but still couldn't get a hold of my thrush, so I forged ahead. I added plant enzymes and probiotics to replenish all that my cleansing may have washed away. I then found pau d'arco tablets, and after 6 weeks of dosing in combination with my enzymes and probiotics(at different times of day than the PD) my thrush was gone, and I was free of infestation.

Fortunately, this entire process only took about 4 months. I am currently on maintenance doses of the enzymes and probiotics, but off of all anti-fungals. Unfortunately, despite having cleared my candida, I am now restricted to a gluten-free, dairy-free diet indefinitely. I have made it a game of finding alternatives for my favorite foods and ingredients, but I still feel a bit bummed about it sometimes. Then I think about how much healthier I am, and it cheers me immensely.

I would definitely suggest that you continue with the liver flushes. They will make a big difference in the smooth functioning of your natural detoxing system, and as long as your liver is congested in any way, you can not attain your full health. I finally had skin blemish improvements after my 5th flush last weekend, and I'm thrilled, as my skin was really taking a hit these last few months during all my cleansing. Also, as a result of my flushing, I was able to lower my LDL's by 29 points, and my total cholesterol by 34 points. I even had a reduction in my blood pressure. Interestingly, all of my stats were normal except my LDL's were 4 points over normal. So, that Liver Flush really can make a difference.

Good luck, and if you would like to try the pau d'arco, just let me know, I'll tell you what program I used, and maybe it will help you too.

My Pau D'arco Protocol.

I took 10 tablets for the first three days, which would equal 32oz of tea, then 6 tablets for days 4-10, then 4 tablets for the next month. The program was designed to be complete in 28 days, but I extended it until I had no thrush for over a week. Actually, the program may have had a smaller dose at the end, but I decided to stay at the maximum dose on the bottle during that time. I gave my daughter a bit less. I gave her 8 for 3 days, then 4 for the next several weeks. Very effective. I took them between meals. Also, I took half the dosage in the morning and the other half around 4PM. That way when I took my probiotics after dinner there would be no or little interaction between the two. I used a product by Source Naturals. It was the actual pau d'arco bark, not the one with the extracts. I found it for pretty cheap at, 500mg tablets, 250 tablets per bottle. I used one and one half bottle to treat me and my daughter.

I also made a point of taking at least one digestive enzyme capsule with each dosage of herbs and supplements. I used the Now Foods product called Plant Enzymes, 240 Vcaps per bottle, costs I believe $18.19 at iHerb, but lasts long and works well. Really helps with digestion while fighting candida. I often took 2 with meals.

I used a milk thistle supplement to support my liver, and have recently found a really good combo supplement by Rainbow Light. It sounds really good, but I just started using it so I don't have any real personal experience yet. (I have now been using this product for a few weeks, and it actually seemed to help me move chaff between flushes. I like this one and plan to keep using it for my liver maintenance. It is good to use milk thistle for about 2 months at a time then take a break, then use it again.)

The PD tea tastes good, but I just didn't have the time to brew tea for every dose, especially since I work all during the day.

Good luck, and I hope you are better soon.

Since completing this protocol, I have also found major benefits of taking extra vitamin E, A, magnesium, and zinc.

I use and inexpensive multi by Natrol called My Favorite Multi, as it has good doses of selenium and chromium with all chelated minerals. I also found it at iHerb.

I really hope this helps. This method was very simple, but highly effective. My daughters infection had resulted in a persistent and recurring armpit rash that failed to clear with prescriptions, but clear with this method.

Good luck.


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