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Re: For ZOE and others..:) by 1234567 ..... Master Cleanse Support Forum

Date:   8/24/2006 12:37:11 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   787


Thank u so much for replying on my post!!..:))

Yes, it does seem that I have a problem with my bowel coz of using lax tea for quite a long time.. The best option for me is give it a rest for at least a month and at the same time 'refill' my bowel with stuff besed on fiber (today I am going to buy some organic yogurts without Sugar and any additions to it.. Hopefully it will help my bowel).. So by now I did two short MC- 3 and 5 days.. So the next one should be not more than 10 days (step by step)... I know I can be tempted to go for more, who knows, but it would be better to set aim just max 10 days esp coz I have a tendency to end up fasts not v healthy.. If I am able to break my Master-Cleanse fast PROPERLY then it can meen to me that I could go for more days later on.... As for parasite cleance.. I will do it as soon as I will get my bowel back on track (thanks for this idea as well!)..:)

Also what do u (and others) think about yogurts from shops?.. In this case I mean ORGANIC ones and which contain basicaly JUST milk and cultures (no colour, no flavors, no sugar, no sweeteners)..??


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