Re: floters, hair like in EYE. could it be paracite by Sassy ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)
Date: 11/27/2002 10:14:00 AM ( 23 y ago)
Hits: 40,631
This was posted earlier this year By Russ, who is very Knowlegable & used to post here & help a lot..
Scroll down to Eyes
>>> says:
The Eyes
Think of your eyeball as a balloon full of water, but instead of being rubber, it is a protein membrane. Optical tissue normally allows fluids to flow through the membrane wall which acts like a filter, cleaning out harmful particles, keeping your eyes clear and your vision good as it allows nutrients to permeate. But should the membranes become tough like leather, the fluids are trapped and particles begin to accumulate. If this buildup continues , your vision will seem as if your looking through frosted glass, a condition known as cataracts.
When eye drops containing the proper amount of CS/MSM are applied, the membrane becomes permeable, and this has reversed the problem. It is also important that the eye remain flexible so that the muscles can alter its contour and focus as needed. In the event that its membranes and muscles become rigid and tough, the eye will not be able to focus properly, resulting in blurred vision. The MSM in eye drops soothes and softens the membranes, permitting fluids to pass through through the optical tissues to stabilize the pressure, repair any damage, clear up red spots and bloodshot vessels, and remove floaters and other particles in the eye.
It personally took 3 months for me to get rid of the floaters in my eyes, but was worth the effort of using the CS/MSM solutions to correct it.
Russ <<<<<
If you Think/know you have worms this is not going to be enough by it self, Get all the parasite Cleanse Herbs Now
& DONT forget the CoQ10... 2 weeks after taking that is when I finaly saw the different stages of worms leaving the body & I will do it every every 2 weeks to continue to get ALL the stages as 1 dose will not get them all.
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