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videos of internal crawlers!! by Terp ..... Parasites: RX Drugs Against Parasites

Date:   5/6/2023 10:53:47 AM ( 16 m ago)
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Around a month ago I visibly saw signs of movement in my scrotum. Testicles move, I get it but this is something entirely different. From a young age I had varicocele and thus have observed my pubic area over time.

Around half a year ago or so, I developed a sensation of movement within my testicles. I put this off as temperature changes, circulation issues, twisting, and even just muscular movement I didn't feel myself engage. Around a month ago as mentioned, I noticed my scrotum visibly moving around. I observed them over a few week period, placed my testes on my boxers and just watched. I have yet to come across any such videos that I am about to share to you. Only one where ultrasound was utilized to view within a teste (can be found by searching "Doctors film microscopic worms dancing inside man's scrotum").

BE WARNED, this is going to be a video of my pubic region specifically the testes.
This video is NOT ultrasound, and is unedited raw footage of my junk!
Also I am aware of the policy for linking (And my account is brand new), but I am in no way promoting any websites or trying to get visitors off of this site. Do not click these videos if you intend to leave the forum after viewing.

I'm unsure where to best host the videos (I want to protect my privacy), I found a website but am unsure if it is good. Please once again, this is not an attempt to advertise any links or spam any sites. I only want to show other men this video for what to observe and to be watchful and observant of their own bodies, especially with the amount of men dying to cysts (cancer) found in these areas. I would list backup links as I know these will eventually go into some blackhole but do not want my post removed for excessive linking.

This "sendvid" site I found is taking ages to process the video, so I uploaded the files to some file hosting here: (Try the links below first as there should be no need to download these videos)

I will not attach this video with HTML iframe due to the nature of the content.
Video 1 explanation (if removed): scrotum skin moving around randomly without any muscle contraction, stimulation, outside forces, temperature changes, etc.

Both videos taken around a similar time frame (around 12-15 days ago), and still active on day 11 of my parasite schedule listed below. More videos can be recorded if needed.
Video 2 Explanation (if removed): Same as video 1 but different time of day

Based on the video found at "Doctors film microscopic worms dancing inside man's scrotum", the diagnosis was "juvenile Wuchereria bancrofti, a type of parasitic nematode, or roundworm, found in tropical regions and transmitted between humans through mosquito bites. The worms have life spans of up to eight years and, upon developing into adults inside human lymphatic vessels, will mate to produce millions of wriggling offspring called microfilariae".
Treatment: "Although in some cases surgery is needed to remove the worms, a three-week course of the antiparasitic drug diethylcarbamazine (DEC) fortunately killed off the writhing body invaders in this patient's case."

Before discovering the article/video from the other mans scrotal video, I developed a parasite cleanse which I am currently around 1/4 of the way through. I am concerned that what I am dealing with is the adult version of the worms and fear the schedule is inadequate.

- Day 1-3: Pyrantel pamoate - 11 mg/kg orally once daily for 3 days
- Day 8-9: Ivermectin - 400 mcg/kg orally once daily for 2 days
NO ST. Johns wort, Cannabis, caffeine with 'dazoles
- Day 10-14: Praziquantel + Albendazole + Ivermectin - 25 mg/kg (last day 3 dose, middle dose 15mg/kg and last dose 40mg/kg), 400 mg, and 200 mcg/kg orally twice daily for 5 days
- Day 15-19: Albendazole - 400 mg orally twice daily for 5 days
- Day 20-21: Ivermectin - 400 mcg/kg orally once daily for 2 days
- Day 22-26: Albendazole + Fenbendazole - 400 mg and 50 mg/kg orally twice daily for 5 days
- Day 27-29: Pyrantel pamoate - 11 mg/kg orally once daily for 3 days
- Day 30-34: Nitazoxanide - 500 mg orally twice daily for 5 days (add 2 days of ivermectin 200mcg/kg maybe for blastocystis, to clear bacterial infections from die-off)
- Day 34-42: Albendazole - 10-15 mg/kg orally once daily for 3-6 months or Mebendazole - 40-50 mg/kg orally twice daily for 3-6 months. (PERSONALLY WILL LIKELY NOT CONTINUE Albandazole AFTER DAY 42)
- Day 42: Praziquantel - 40 mg/kg orally once
- Day 42-43: Ivermectin - 400 mcg/kg orally once daily for 2 days

I am confident that the schedule will provide me adequate removal of basically everything but the adult worms. I originally intended to add diethylcarbamazine to this schedule but had not as it is not something that is easily found (please please please provide some hints for a good source... pleasssee....). Now that I know this is something directly related to what I am dealing with and will affect the adult version, I am sold and will find some ASAP. Also have read about piperazine, but am unsure of its effectiveness as I need to do more research tomorrow.
I am on day 10, going into day 11 of my schedule. Day 8-34 were really my best attempt to generate something which would solve my issue. Now I come to find out that the adult version isn't affected and want to add DEC to effect it. I will be doing this as soon as it arrives and will update the schedule here for feedback.

I am not going to a doc, it is a last resort option if the schedule + diethylcarbamazine doesn't resolve my issues. I had little paranoia about this, and this doesn't really affect my daily life but I am afraid for my virility and sex life.

WARNING, I discuss SEX and SEXUAL activity next. If you are sensitive to these topics please skip over the rest. I want to share as much information as possible so others dealing with this can resolve it. I know I'm not the only one.

I also think these things are in my prostate, I do practice semen retention now but have been waking up with morning wood (Mid 20's). My issue certainly isn't the wood but the ejaculation that seems to happen out of nowhere like 20 seconds after waking (practicing semen retention results in possible wet-dreams, and these have happened before. But awake? No or extremely little stimuli? No dreams to induce this? A week after the last occurrence when normally its months?). Also a rare feeling of something slipping from scrotum to anus area, so also colon and up maybe???

I have had Premature Ejaculation to a very large extent, to the point where I do not attempt to chase woman (probably testosterone related). I have had girlfriends in the past, regular sex with self-gratification drained me enough to hold on for very very long times. But about 5 years ago I noticed the length of time before ejaculation slowly decreasing. During self-gratification I would typically edge (stop right before ejaculation, calm myself, then again) but as of a few years ago I noticed that when edging then trying to calm down I couldn't do it (years of training would make me better right?). No matter what I do, I can't hold it back once I'm on the edge the 2-3rd time. I even purchased bluechew to calm nerves in case a princess fell in my lap (no princesses yet but I'm too young for this shit man). My issue is the worms, I am certain. These things aren't just in the testes but also the penis (but to a much lesser extent). The movement also happens visibly in the penis, not the skin swirling but the whole shaft shrinking, enlarging, moving.

I am confident that the schedule + DEC will solve my issues, but I am also concerned about what will happen when all this shit dies there. The die off will be intense, and I have not prepared much for it and expect little information to be available.

I am looking for tips, advice, information, and any general support. The situation is really starting to hit me right now, not sure if its the lack of sleep from writing this or just reading all my thoughts at once but I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. I am optimistic about this and will continue to update throughout my schedule.

Thanks for your time,

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