Please help me figure this out once and for all... by #283535 ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)
Date: 9/12/2022 8:23:50 PM ( 30 m ago)
Hits: 304
Hello all--I'm not new to parasites or this forum, but I had to create a new account.
A couple of years ago, I started fighting parasites on my own. I had symptoms of MS; brain lesions; and a spinal tap that revealed nonexistent IgG--the immunoglobulin that is usually ELEVATED when you're fighting parasites. I had zero eosinophils as well; something turned off my immune system.
My neurologist told me I could either start getting expensive IgG infusions, but if the problem was parasites, I'd have a hard time finding an infectious disease specialist because COVID had just taken over. (Of course, I'd still have trouble finding treatment anyway...we all know that).
I took tons of herbals and meds and did everything under the sun, and expelled some horrific things from everywhere, including skin. After nine months, I stopped. My two best friends ghosted me because they thought I was crazy.
It's been a year since I've taken anti-wormers, but I have itchy skin cysts that persist, so a month ago I started DEC/ivermectin/praziquantal/moxidectin plus doxycycline and a ton of different enzymes.
What you see on the white roller is what comes out of my skin from EVERYWHERE in the shower. I use an antibacterial soap and enzyme scrub. These wads look just like my hair, but some are darker, some are white, and they all come out wadded up from my skin. The other photo is of my belly, where I have a large unhealing lesion where a lot of the wads come out. I even have these long hair thingies come out of the corners of my mouth.
People, I have searched far and wide to see if these hundreds of crazy hairlike wads are filarial worms. I have to tell my husband there's no way I could pull this much hair out of my head and wad it up like this, lol.
I won't lie--the die-off is unpleasant...there's so much creeping and crawling and itching. Still, my lesions are improving, so I must be doing something right.
I get now that--even after losing people I thought were friends--I have a lifelong issue here and I will always have to fight it. But please...what IS coming out of my skin? Thanks much!
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