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How to approach a parasite infection by mattk3 ..... Parasites: RX Drugs Against Parasites

Date:   3/24/2022 2:31:25 AM ( 30 m ago)
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I got a call today; I often get calls. This person had been taking antiparasitic for Two months, Praziquantel and still showing signs of being infected.
Sometimes getting some data before starting treatment is essential to save time and get better results.

I asked a few simple questions, like what is your Ph? or have you had a hair analysis.
Not doing these first, is out of sequence.

Many people do not have a clue how to cure parasite infections.
I was one of them, back in 2013.
It took years to find my path.
Along the way I formed a group and worked with about 300 folks over the years.

Each person has a story.
Each infection is unique.
The systematic approach to curing parasitic infections is always the same.

First, stop coffee and alcohol.

Second, check your peripheral Ph.
First thing in the morning you must use Ph. Paper under tongue, to measure Ph. before food or drink.
Enzyme system function, and cellular communication falls by 10X for each Ph. Increase of 1.
To fight parasites, you need a Ph. of 6.5 - 7.0.
Without proper Ph. and Immune function, curing parasite infections is impossible.

Third, Systemic infections, Pathogens, Bacterial infections, Yeast infections can be present on a body wide scale, without your knowledge.

Simple things like vitamins, supplements, oregano, caprylic acid, castor oil can go a long way to clear the body of infections.

I had a raging yeast infection, and kind of staggered when I walked. Yeast can produce Alcohol.
I had systemic bacteria from a raging Ascaris infection that spread bacteria around the body.
I had no good things left in my body, as pointed out by a essential mineral and metal hair analysis.
I really had no clue.
My Ph had fallen to 4.5 on the tongue.
I was in bad shape.
People often have no clue.
Knowing you have a parasitic infection is not enough, you have to have an idea of how healthy you are, before you start to treat parasitic infections.

Fourth, you need to know what is the scope and scale of your parasitic infection.
Once you get your Ph greater than 6, Get your Ions under control.
Supplement Potassium and Magnesium, Metals if you are low, or treating flat worm infections or white worm infections. Avoid trips to the ER. Low Magnesium or Potassium levels is often the crisis event.
Black pepper and Sea Salt are always a good idea.

In extreme cases, more supplements should be started.
Increase sulfur in your diet, Garlic or MSM, etc.
Adjust your Amino acids, depending on your profile.
Supplement Aminos Algae
Draw down Nitrogen compounds, Xanthoparmelia
Heal your liver Papaya seed extract
Use Distilled drinking water
In extreme infections, Carbon chemistry get out of whack. Fix bicarbonate and supplement a spectrum of carbon oils.
In extreme extreme infections, force the body under control, IL-17 Magnolia bark, Immune system controls, Beta Glucan, Red Pine needle oil, green tea concentrate,

You can challenge test with nominal doses of antiparasitics, for a few days. Then take a day off and try another one.
Make a list.

Types of Parasitic infections are Flat, White, Red.
There are a few rare species, and missed common ones.
There are mixed infections, and complicated infections, where one has multiple types at the same time.

For me, I searched and cured my infection, systematically.

1) Bacterial infections, I had several Herx reactions as I scanned
2) Yeast infections, I had several Herx reactions from natural oils, Immune modifiers of beta glucan, mushroom extracts, etc.
3) I started antiparasitics simply, not understanding their function or purpose. What a mistake.

What I learned was extensive.

There are three types of basic infections, Flat, White and Red.
Often people are complicated, more than half the infections I would guess.

The formula that is optimum requires multiple meds, supplements, and things to be done at the same time.
Get one infection, you can get several species, in the same family.

If you have a flat worm infection, like tape worms, you can get flukes and Schistosomiasis too.
If you have a White worm infection, you can have Ascaris, Hookworms, or white filarial infections.
If you have a Red worm infection you can have blood worms, Strongyloides, Strongyloidea, Strongyles, red filarials, or Nano's.

The reason you get multiple species in a family of parasites, is that mostly the weakness in the immune system is common to most species in the family.
When your immune system is weakened by one species, you are susceptible to getting other infections in the same family.

So know how to do a challenge test.

Simple meds like praziquantel, albendazole, Ivermectin, and DEC are often used to detect flat or white worm infections.
Pyrantel can be used to find Intestine infections.
Sometimes tougher meds like OXFendazole or OXBendazole are used to detect larger infections.
Know the meds, have emergency supplements, and a good Ph.
Know the doses, a few days of nominal dose levels, can detect most common parasites.
Know the sources, of what others use and are safe.
Start Slow and build up towards the challenge test detection zone.
I suggest a nominal dose which about half a killing dose level.
It takes about 3 days of dosing to build up a level in the human body to get a reaction.
While this will not detect all infections, often one get wiggles, aches, chills, or other reactions.
Don't try to cure infections, but detect how infected you really are.
Again, most people do not have a clue.
Without data, there is no way of accessing the big picture.

Once you know what meds you react to start with building a stasis formula.
That is low dose, flat, white, and red worm meds to lower the body stress level.

Then systematically go after a cure of flat worms, white worms then red worm infections.

That is how to approach parasitic infections.
One step at a time.
A systematic approach.


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