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Challenge method by mattk3 ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   12/5/2020 3:21:08 AM ( 5 y ago)
Hits:   2,115

Typically, before doing challenge tests, one verifies Ph..

Ph. validates reserves of potassium and magnesium, and if Ph. is greater than 6 or 6.5 under the tongue, some limited challenge tests can be done.
Typically supplements of magnesium citrate 133mg, potassium citrate 99mg, and magnesium sulfate < 1000mg are done daily.

To determine if flats, whites, and or red worms are present, the conventional challenge test is done one med at a time, for 3 days, at 1/4 to 1/2 the therapeutic std dose.
Flats are flat. Playhelminths and tapeworms.

Whites are 2 layer worms, like a skin and a intestine. Color may not be white. Color may be white, clear, tan, brown, reddish black if dying.

Reds are 3 layer worms, with tough skin to penetrate, meds typically only work through ingestion. Get them when they feed. DNA varies, some reds may be red, clear, white, pink, or have blood in their mouth or GI, when observed.

Typical reactions at this level provide information.
1) reactions at 1/4 dose level indicate a massive infection, caution needs to be used.
2) reactions at 1/2 std dose level indicate a moderate infection
3) reactions at std dose level within 3 days indicate a significant infection.
4) reactions that require more than 3 days are embedded, or more difficult to identify.

One person took 3 months to identify a red worm infection, after 30 years of infection. The signals were there for a red worm infection, eye tearing, skin issues, digestive issues, back, joint, and bone pain, cognitive decline and memory issues. After 3 months worms could be felt, doing moderate dose levels of OXFen. This example shows the flexibility one needs to endure, when identifying basic family identification, let alone identifying a species.

Typically one starts with nominal levels of albendazole, to gauge reactions to a mild antiparasitic.
One then graduates to a dose of Ivermectin over a few day period.
Then a std dose of FenBen is assessed.

Standard dose levels by meds are:

Albendazole 4mg/kg std dose, (White, Flat, Sometimes Red) 8mg/kg max per day
Mebendazole std dose varies from 100mg to 300mg depending on infection. (White)
DEC 2mg/kg - 4mg/kg std dose, initial ramp begins with 50mg dose, and if heart pain test must stop. (White, Filarial)
Ivermectin 200ucg/kg std dose (Reds, Sometimes White female eggs)
FenBendazole 5mg/kg std dose (Reds L3 stage)
OxiBendazole 5mg/kg std dose * note strength varies from 10 - 20%, so a standard dose may be 1/4 of the product scale. (Whites, Sometimes Resistant Red species L3, L4)
OXFendazole 5mg/kg std dose * Strengths vary, but dose for 225mg/ml is very small (Mostly Reds, Resistant species Larval stage)
Piperazine Citrate 250mg/Dose - 750mg/Day (Whites)
Pyrantel 250mg - 1000mg per dose, maximum 10mg/kg depending on weight (Whites and Reds) Typical dose is 2.5mg/kg to 5mg/kg.
Praziquantel typical dose is 25mg/kg. Typically 4 doses are taken per day. (Flats and Flat L3)
Levamisole 1.25mg/kg is the threshold dose, 3.75mg/kg is the maximum dose level for startup in initial 60 - 90 days. (Sometimes Flats, Whites, Reds)
Flax seed oil 30 - 300mg/kg
Castor oil 20mg/kg
Peppermint oil 20mg/kg
Black Cumin Seed oil 10mg/kg

There are many more challenge meds, and many more parasite families.

So, in general, one takes a single dose of 1/2 strength, to gauge any severe reactions.
It can take 3 days to get a reaction for most infections, to load the system with a medication.
By the 4th day, typically is when a reaction starts. Record any notes or reactions.
If there is no reaction, typically there is no acute infection.

Typical challenge test routine is 3 days on, one day off, before testing the next med.

Once sensitive reactions are identified, then the bigger picture may present itself.

Example, all white meds cause a reaction, a significant Ascarid or White worm infection is present.
Example, Praziquantel and FenBen cause a reaction, this is most typical of a Flats/Conventional Reds or strongyloides infection. Most common.
Example, OXFen or OXBen reaction, tougher parasites in typical red or white families.
Example, No reaction except to OXBen - Resistant species of REDS.

There are many other examples of reaction combinations and the analysis of what family or species to pursue.
A Macro-zoom camera is usually used to identify mouths and anal worm head and tail identification marks.
Typically then a formula routine is used to verify a species, or treatment.
Formulas vary widely, and are beyond the scope of this post. Actual med dosing depends on complications and intensity to get an infection into remission. Education and symptoms of overdose should be conveyed, so an infection is addressed safely.

Infections typically cure flat worms, then white worms, then red worms, in that order.

If a complicated infection is to be cured, then meds for each family are usually employed for the duration of the treatment, until a family is cured.


I had multiple infections and parasites, bacterial, fungal, flat worms, white worms, and red worms, prehistoric worms, I lost count of the number of infections, but had over a dozen species.

All but 2 species were cured. I have maintenance for life on the remaining 2 species.

It takes persistence.
Rome was not built in a day.
Stay on an identified species or infection until it is cured.
Jumping around usually leads to failure.
Communication, Documentation, and Focus is required.

Like peeling an onion, once an infection is removed, different symptoms appear. Time to work on the next layer of most important infection, till all layers are completed.
For me it took 8 years to get them all, but I was really complicated.

Avoid Coffee and Booze. Period.


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