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Re: Please help!! What are these things! by Carty3 ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   2/11/2018 4:42:56 AM ( 7 y ago)
Hits:   1,156

Try and get your nutrients just from food and drinks for now. I read a very interesting study pertaining to women who took multivitamins and ones who didn't for 20 yrs they followed them and all the one's taking them died in their early sixties. Our bodies aren't made to be pumped full of minerals and metals that it can't break down. It will eventually all get deposited in organs over time. Actinobacteria that was just recently linked to causing Alzheimer's is causing increased heavy metals in the brain which is what's causing our hair to turn gray and white over time. The very reason we grow old is from a buildup of this bacteria throughout our entire bodies. They find a cure for this infection it will be a cure for many diseases and people may start living well into their hundreds if not two hundreds like in biblical times. And I'm not even a doctor or a scientist I once was a respiratory therapist for 10yrs before getting very ill from this bacteria having gotten it from a health supplement deer antler velvet spray. I also believe I was exposed to it as well when I was younger and played soccer for 12 yrs since its commonly found in dirt or soil and unclean water. The stuff I've learned from this has been a gift from God I wouldn't still be alive if it wasn't for him he revealed all of this knowledge to me it was not of my own accord. Praise Jesus! Now I just need him to bless me with a cure or remedy for it lol

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