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Re: Smelly Scalp by Smellyguy1 ..... Body Odor Forum

Date:   1/13/2018 4:56:32 PM ( 7 y ago)
Hits:   2,719

I have the exact same issue as you! Almost identical story as yours also. Started in 8th grade, moved to a new home, bathroom mold, etc. I moved to a hotter climate city and would stay in my room all day and just sweat so I thought it came from that. Eventually my parents would start telling me that I stink so I would shower and would still smell. Fast forward to today and I still have the issue x10.

A diet really does help so I think it has a lot to do with candida. I have gone on and off diets and they always help but I always give in to fast food.

I'm currently giving it another go and have been eating lots of salads and chicken and have recently added natural kefir to my diet. I do daily coffee enemas, take vitamins, probiotics, and l glutamine. This is all minimally helping but I know I still have a long way to go until I'm cured.

Don't go to crazy on antifungals and try to defeat the candida at once. I would start with a diet and weaken the candida and then go for the kill with antifungals.I will say this; coffee enemas have exposed parasites in my gut that I never knew I had. Even after testing negative for parasites.Im passing loads of parasites and gobs of mucous with the enemas that seem to be helping control my odor. This being said, our issue could be a parasite infestation and topical cures for our scalp may be no help at all.

Im going to try and stick to this diet for longer than 3 months and see what happens past that.

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