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Re: IBS relief? by shroom ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   3/12/2017 3:54:36 PM ( 8 y ago)
Hits:   1,110

Hi Line-up. Glad to see you are still active here (not to mean this in a negative way)!

I did not think about charcoal but this is a great idea.
I thought along the lines of psyillium and bentonite or clay.

I have started taking super enzymes, which completely stop the burning sensation I was having after eating.

I was officially diagnosed with H. Pylori infection, and was treated twice.

I recovered 80% but ended with predictable relapse. I was able to record exactly what happened, which was; a super re-population with the parasite (I have a video recording of it) and special leukocytes which degrade and create a type of mucus with very active granules that gather the cysts for expulsion. The polymorphs actually chemotax to the cysts, which is an absolute diagnostic confirmation that these parasites are the target.

There was no cultured evidence of H. Pylori, even though I was positive for a) urease breath test, b) ELISA blood test, and c) endoscopic biopsy- all conclusive for H. Pylori.


This proves to me, there is a component of the parasite, which is similar to toxoplasmosis, that actually infects cells of the stomach, and produces urease to protect itself from stomach acid. I have been able to isolate this component.

This would be a novel discovery regarding stomach infections, and my gastro specialist agrees with my science and evidentiary data. He is going with my recommendations of using antifungal treatment with metronidazole. Problem is, Diflucan is too expensive.  I am waiting for  an on-line nutraceutical formulated for antifungal properties, which I intend to take with metronidazole.

The parasite itself, is easily confused with yeast cells, and even "bud" off, but do not undergo mitosis. I sometimes wonder if this parasite is being confused with candida albican cells, and candidiasis.

Anyway.....I have found a peptide that completely eliminates the parasite in vitro, but it would take the reopening of a new lab to isolate and concentrate the molecule before I could test it. Plus, there might be a slight risk of immunopathology associated with bioidentification of target antigen and, I would need fresh specimen to prime the cells used to produce the peptide. 

So, looks like I might get back into it soon.




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