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Re: Is it safe to liver flush if some parasites are still living in it? by Positive mind ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   12/10/2016 2:04:35 PM ( 9 y ago)
Hits:   681

Black walnut and cloves are not safe to use for more than 2 weeks at a time. These are highly neuro toxic and do not usually work especially if you have multiple parasites.
Best way to tell if you killed.any Tapeworms is to see their segments or scolex in your stool. If you use praziquantel, it dissolves them so it is harder to see. Some used reese's pinworm medicine as well to successfully flush them out, for me that did not work.
Heavy metals can be chelated in various ways, like chlorella 500mg bedtime (away from meds and food) with 3-5g spirulina (this combo helps a lot with the nightly liver toxins),or with zeolites, with fresh coriander or with Bentonite clay. Take small amounts daily for up to a year and dont do them all together otherwise it is too much. You might want to have your mineral status checked with a hair analysis and supplement those that are very insufficient.
The reactions to meds you describe sound like die off reactions which is not the meds themselves but the toxins of the dead parasites. Sounds like you are quite infected.
Tapeworms might not respond to herbs, especially while the other parasites are present. I would recommend praziquantel with albendazole in low doses, for dosing info see mattk3's handbook or you find his dosing info along his posts.
If your infection is already disseminated you will likely need meds as it can be dangerous to let it go on longer. I would not recommend Liver Flushes as you mention it but just take a quarter teaspoon Epsom Salt w water with breakfast. You liver will dump toxins and your stool will turn green. this is a more gentle liver flush and removes toxins slower and is less heavy on the body. Do it daily until stool stays green or when there is a die off period, especially when feeling sick in any way, also increase spirulina at this time (always away from meds!). Taking also milk thistle and fresh lemon juice in water before breakfast also helps. Dodder seed powder in capsules, 2 before bed also helped me so much with toxins. L carnitine 500mg 4x a day is also a life saver, reduce to 1-2x 500mg when you start to feel better. Night awakenings are a sign of toxins but also parasite activity. Bendazoles help on the long term, 200-400mg of albendazole p day (i use the valbazen liquid), mebendazole (not every day), and ivermectin daily (the standard dose for your weight), take ALL in the evening with your dinner. With roundworms you need to do this for a year minimum, best to hit it harder around the full moon. For me it has helped tremendously to add doxycycline 2x100mg p day, but i have heard.from others this is not always the case. Doxy removes bad bacterias and biofilms these worms thrive on and starves them. Fenbendazole is a good add on after a few months or even in the beginning, it also reduces fungal infections. Moxi plus later in treatment helps further with roundworms and gets rid of Tapeworms or flukes too. If your reactions are so severe to meds you need to start very low doses you can tolerate and build up to a full dose. You can see mattk3's, sharkman's posts here, they have both good protocols.
I have also had blasto and it gets better by time as you work on the others. Some studies recommend s. Boulardii probiotics for it which you can take daily but not together with doxycycline.


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