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Full all-natural protocol that helped me defeat Liver Flukes disease by #215124 ..... Liver Flush Support Forum

Date:   12/10/2016 9:37:20 AM ( 8 y ago)
Hits:   1,856

How I'm well on my way to curing my liver fluke disease.
Just over twenty years ago, after having jaundice and yucky yellow tongue which never went I basically got liver flukes disease. This year I finally managed to get rid of it (and the accompanying bloating) using a three stage all-natural process which I discovered. I'm so grateful to the powerful healing energy of the everlasting and infinite universe for helping me with this, and blessing us with all the natural remedies we need. I dedicate this to that healing energy and my brothers and sisters everywhere who I love deeply with all my heart. Here is the all-natural process:

Stage 1: bowel cleanse

The first stage was to completely cleanse my bowel by drinking a special concoction daily for about thirty days. I made the mixture by diluting approx. 50ml lemon juice in 2 litres of water. I then added a desert spoon full of apple cider vinegar (ACV) and two teaspoons of sodium bicarbonate or Andrew’s antacid to the lemon water. The three components worked together in synergy with the water to very effectively cleanse my bowel of yellow and / or black stool and also of yellow “fuzzballs”, "cotton wool/spider's web" and other parasites.

Stage 2: liver / gallbladder cleanse

The second stage involved repeating the Dr. Hulda Clark liver cleanse to purge Gallstones (crystals of cholesterol) from the liver and gallbladder. I only considered this stage complete when I was sure that there was no further improvement to be gained from stage 1 and there were no more Gallstones in the stool. As you may know, the cleanse basically entails a fast followed by an olive oil/grapefruit juice mix at bedtime. You can find exact details elsewhere on line. I repeated this cleanse several times at two week intervals over a number of weeks to be sure I had removed every gallstone. The cleanses removed hundreds and hundreds of green and yellow Gallstones ranging in size from 1.5 inch diameter down to 1-2mm in size. Dr. Hulda Clark also recommended using a zapper to kill parasites beforehand. I had some semi-effective mixed results, maybe because the zapper I used wasn’t to her design. Instead, I built my own zapper by connecting the speaker output of my 20 watt amplifier into the few turns side of a 1:25 transformer to step up the speaker voltage. I connected my radio headphone socket output to the amplifier input and set the radio to a frequency where there was a lot of loud hiss (white noise) between two radio stations. I disconnected any speakers and turned the volume controls up so that the amplifier’s output power was all going into the transformer. I connected the secondary windings of the transformed across two large tinfoil plates to form a crude air-spaced capacitor. Approx 1 – 2kV (rms) white noise was created between the plates. Although the voltage was high the current was very low so could only give you a very gentle shock. After 30 minutes in the vicinity of the plates I felt some microscopic larvae crawling out from the skin of my body. But I knew there was a lot more cleansing to do. Also I tried the Black-Walnut hulls, cloves and Wormwood combination. That helped but was expensive and did not have any lasting benefit. In my humble opinion, trying that was pretty much a waste of money.

Stage 3: purifying the liver

The third (liver purifying) stage was absolutely vital because it cleansed the toxic chemicals and seemed to remove the flukes from my liver, although I didn’t see any for certain. The crux of the liver purification stage was having a special light breakfast every morning for over 30 days. During this stage mild side effects were that my upper back felt to be burning inside, and the right hand lobe of my liver ached quite a lot. I think the burning in the evening was my liver struggling to neutralise the citric acid in the lime juice, but every morning the burning had gone indicating the acid had been neutralised and therefore the body re-alkalised. So I decided the right thing was to carry on with the purification. There could be no turning back. A surprisingly significant reduction in the amount of yellow furr on the back of my tongue indicated good progress, and that I should carry on. Eventually my tongue became clean and pink all over as it had been many years before.
The special breakfast consisted of four steps as follows.

Step 1: Upon waking up I would squeeze the juice from five large juicy fresh limes into a mug and fill the remainder of the mug with warm water. I ate nothing else for breakfast.

Step 2: I put 2 level tablespoons of coconut oil (the same as coconut fat) in my mouth and waited for it to melt before swallowing. The melting and swallowing usually took me more than 1 minute.

Step 3: I quickly swallowed the diluted fresh warm lime juice in one go to reduce erosion of enamel on my teeth and to avoid too much of a sharp taste in the mouth.

Step 4: I drank plenty of water throughout the day, rested and refrained from eating until I felt properly hungry again. The drinking lots and lots of water was very important, in order to flush out the toxins via the kidneys and urine. This purging stage made me feel very unwell on at least three occasions, but I knew I wouldn’t die. One of these occasions gave me severe diarrhoea containing small white threads. I do not know whether these were bits of lime or liver flukes. I would not be surprised if they actually were liver flukes. I think that is when the real healing began. I knew I had to keep cleansing to remove the chemicals (pesticides, PCBs, heavy metals from my liver).
So I felt ill at many times throughout these three basic cleansing stages. The bloating continued right into liver purification (Stage 3) but has almost gone.

I am by far the best as I have been since the disease began. This is the stage at which the brain fog disappeared.

Now I have absolutely no brain fog ever - it's completely gone. So limes are the most vital and critical key to solving this illness. The other aspects I've discussed are also vital and important but not enough without limes.

Overall the resolve to keep going despite very unpleasant side-effects will hopefully help you defeat this illness.

Please will you share this with as many people as you can, especially people who are sick.

Let the positive energy force you all, keep your bodies pure and have perfect health throughout your life.

Obviously I am keeping going with lots of lime juice every morning as a maintenance dose.

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