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Re: Have liverflushing ruined my life? by Randih ..... Liver Flush Support Forum

Date:   9/15/2016 5:03:56 PM ( 8 y ago)
Hits:   2,540

Hello again!

Yes I will of course take Iodine and selenium. I already have these product. It was also very interesting that you`ve found that the Liver Flush may have originated in African folk medicine. This I never heared about, but it wouldn`t surprise me if this true. Interesting!

As you probably understand I`m very interested in doing parasite cleansing nowadays. I feel I must be infested with these critters. I think it`s very strange that this person (from curezone) who has helped me all these months , didn`t understand that I had parasites. This thought of having parasites has striked me more than once, but whenever I asked someone, even the doctors, they all laughed and said of course I didn`t have parasites.

I couldn`t go to bed last night and spent many hours searching for parasite cleanses. I couldn`t find so much in Norway except that you could use onion, garlic, cloves spices and ginger. I haven`t looked up veterinary meds. online yet, but I will. Finally I found HUMAWORM and became very happy. However when I read that I couldn`t use any medicine along with it - I gave up. I don`t know how to get out of this evil circle if I can`t use meds. until I get a little better. Is it like this with every parasite cleanse?

Peggyaus recommended a product for me which contain Black-Walnut-Hull-Wormwood, Cloves. Of course this is forbidden in Norway, but I took a chance and ordered something similar. I hope I have luck and it goes through the Customs.

This morning I ate raw onion. It was so strong to chew so I cut it in small pieces and swallowed it with water. After this I drank a mixture of cloves spices, ginger, black pepper and tumeric in warm milk. My breath was like a dragon - and burning in my throath. Ha -ha -ha. I think I have to find another way to do this. However before I go to bed I will eat some raw garlic - I`m so desperate to get better. I have to make this parasite cleansing first priority, don`t you think?

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