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Re: I'm very healthy using Dr. Clark's work. Are you from using your version???? by holysin ..... Hulda Clark Support Forum

Date:   4/1/2016 10:11:26 PM ( 8 y ago)
Hits:   6,852

DR. ROYAL  RIFE (The discoverer)! Please note that these units are NOT approved or allowed for human use by the FDA.  As you may know many disease are vary profitable for many.  Dr. Rife was the first to invent a  super microscope that could see viruses and shock them!  The two doctors new each other and had a working relationship.  This reproduction of the exact  Bio-zapper used by Dr. Clark,  is a safe and proven device to handle and was rediscovered at Albert Einstein college in NY, 1991 March 30 Page 207 of Science News as reported in Longevity magazine Dec. 1992.  Dr. William D. Lyman Found, ( this can be goggled ),  They noticed that when they applied a small amount of electric voltage to blood it redused the infectivity of AIDS  by 50 to 96 persent, A possible cure for HIV ! It kills parasites and Bacteria, Virus in fluids or in any living  host. These finding where never heard of again and  publicized again.. The zapper was invented by Dr. Hulda R. Clark. It kills parasites, bacteria, viruses, molds and fungi with  4 volts pulsing at 30,000 times a second ( 30 KHz ) Viruses and bacteria disappear in three minutes; tape worm, stages, flukes, roundworms in five; and mites in seven. A battery-operated, positive square wave offset with a very low voltage of 4  volts is more then sufficient. Inflamed areas are negatively charged regions. Negative charges would be pulled toward the positive electrode end of the bio generator ( Zapper ) in 30,000 little jerks per second. The removal of parasites, bacteria, viruses, and fungus, with a current of 4 Volts at 30000 KHz has proved to be the most comfortable effective frequency for your pet. After the first 8 minutes on & 20 min off sessions, it must be done three times back to back . parasites can be killed with a very low voltage. But only if the voltage is 100% POSITIVE OFFSET( square wave). The zapper is great for water purification by dropping the copper handle's in at the same time, veggies cleanse, fish tanks, safe to handle can be use to cleanse pets of parasite or Viruses and much more. This item has not been approved by the FDA and is for experimental use only. Can be used for many things, use copper to sterilize water for drinking, food in two minutes. Also repels bugs when in the great out doors, Kills parasite in fish tanks. Not FDA licensed. Please note that 4 volts can NOT be felt by most humans. Dr. Clark Believed and many others that most disease are linked to some type of parasite on the host! Unit come with a lifetime replacement. Not FDA licensed as a medical device to cure disease. These are not approved by the FDA for human use. Do NOT handle if you are pregnant or have a pacemake

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