Washing laundry and parasite or bacterial spores? by Amazi ..... Parasites: Skin Support
Date: 4/1/2016 11:26:26 AM ( 9 y ago)
Hits: 4,478
URL: https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=2311632
I'm trying to get better laundry detergent options. I feel like i'm not getting what i believe to be spores out of my clothes.
I tried:
Soaking in 160 - 180 degree water. 3 x back to back.
Then washing with borax, ammonia, oxiclean, neem, clove and oregano oil. No bleach because these are colors. Mostly 100 % polyester clothing since cotton seems to retain parasites more.
Steam wash
Dry with antibacterial option.
4x soaked in vinegar than washed with tthe above detergents and i still get this itchy spore sensation that seems to trigger the parasites being pumped out within my back. It's like a trigger for parasites already in me to continue on when i put these recently washed garments on.
I want to try industrial hospital strength detergent and will but wanted to get some validation and/or further validation from anyone with experience with washing these off. Best products to use. I was going to try enzyme cleaner but someone already posted that it doesn't work but i'm not sure.
When i buy new cheap clothing i don't get this reaction and i'm afraid that i am reinfecting myself by continuously introducing these garments that are no sanitized completely. Any advice will help.
I have visibly identified tape worm, flukes, pin, fluke, hook and round worms and i'm treating for them. If i have something else it might be strongyloides but haven't taken the i ermecting for that since i'd like to treat the tape worm issue first. Icu protocol and nitazoxanide. Thanks
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