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Re: How's your intake of macrominerals? (Mg, Ca, and Silica) by BeHealed16 ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum

Date:   3/3/2016 10:39:48 AM ( 9 y ago)
Hits:   2,467

The zapper was done at the office of a chiropractor trained in digestive issues. I'd use it for an hour at his office every few weeks but he did a lot of energy work after to help drain the toxins. Sounds pretty out there I know. He did NAET, etc. I would feel better after zapping but the parasites kept coming back- I could tell by symptoms and see them when I got colonics. I finally saw a new doctor for the Lyme and confections that treats the infections with magnets and the parasites went away that way- it's been 6.5 months with no symptoms and so sight of any parasites... They are common for Lyme patients. I'm sure especially for those who took a lot of Antibiotics like myself.

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