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Cleanses for Hypothyroid and Adrenal Fatigue with severe Chronic Hives? by BlueHope33 ..... Ask CureZone Community

Date:   2/2/2016 10:37:57 PM ( 8 y ago)
Hits:   3,574

OK let me start by saying, please don't rake me over the coals for being a newbie and if I ask a stupid question on here, I am apologizing for that now. I have seen some people on this forum completely jump down people's throats for asking the wrong thing. I am a newbie, both on this site and to healing myself naturally, so patience with me and my ignorance of natural healing will be greatly appreciated. I know that all of you veterans of this forum are probably tired of answering the same questions over and over but I really need some advice from some of you who have walked a mile or a marathon in my shoes. Rest assured, I have spent many long and itchy hours on here reading every post that I thought could possibly be related to what I am experiencing, just to get some kind of relief. I will be eternally grateful for any and all pearls of wisdom that any of you may be able to offer.

Here is what is going on with me and some of my back story:

I am 44 years old and a mom of 3 boys. At the beginning of my 2nd trimester during my last pregnancy it was discovered that I had cervical cancer. In September 2010, after delivering my youngest at full term, I started going through the course of dealing with the cancer. I was a basket case to say the least. After I had a cancer confirmed colposcopy, I had a cone biopsy procedure and the results came back negative on cancer. Now that is a whole other story that is probably related to my current issues and why I am giving it a mention. This was a little over 5 years ago.

Late May 2011 was the first time I have ever experienced the pure hell of hives and angioedema with my lips and eyes extremely swollen and painful to the touch. I have no known food or drug allergies and was not on any medication at the time. The incident lasted 2-3 days. I chalked it up to too much stress or a random histamine response by my body to some kind of irritant. Two weeks later the hives and angioedema came back with a vengeance and brought their friends with them - extremely painful knots on the bottom of my feet and in between my toes. Some of the knots have had a diameter as big as golf balls and were so painful that I could not walk or put any pressure on my feet. My hands and fingers started swelling as well. The hives are from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. I get them in my ears, under my eyelids, the palms of my hands, the soles of my feet, and even in my mouth and the back of my throat. They are very prickly and itchy with a severe burning sensation. These episodes would be very sporatic and could come two weeks apart, a month apart, a few days apart, or I would sometimes go several months without a single prickly, itchy, burning bump.

I have always been naturally thin, with the exception of the post pregnancy baby weight that would eventually come off within a few months after delivery. At 5'10" I would maintain a weight between 135-140 lbs until this whole nightmare began. I slowly started to put on weight and by the end of 2012 I was up to 160 lbs even though I was extremely active by walking/running 12-15 miles a week as well as some weight lifting (not the extreme bodybuilder type of lifting). I figured it was my metabolism slowing down because I was 41 at the time.

I was extremely exhausted all the time despite eating clean and exercising regularly. I finally broke down and made an appointment with a naturopathic doctor. She listened to me and assured me that I had come to the right place and that she knew what was wrong. She believed I had hypothyroidism and possibly adrenal fatigue but the tests all came back normal with the exception of Vitamin D. My Vitamin D was a little on the low side. When all was said and done, she advised that I start supplementing with Vitamin D3 and Turmeric for inflammation. I had only one appointment with her(she had her assistant call me with her recommendations) and my bill was $1250. Really? To put it nicely, I felt like I had been taken advantage of and I was no closer to finding out what was wrong with me. I was frustrated and I swore to myself I would not go to another doctor unless it was a life or death situation, and maybe not even then. I still supplement with Vitamin D3 and Turmeric but to no avail.

In Sept/Oct 2013 I went from 160 lbs to 198-200 lbs in 6-8 weeks with no change in my diet and while maintaining my active exercise schedule. There was no major life event during that time. It was completely out of the blue. No matter what I do, I can only drop no more than a few pounds only to have it come right back on. And I am not one of those fly by night exercise enthusiasts who work out to lose weight, then stop working out as soon as the pounds come off. I work out for health. I work out for strength (again, not the extreme bodybuilder kind of strength). I work out because I truly enjoy it and how it makes me feel. Also, I eat for fuel and nutrition, not for cravings and a sweet tooth. Now I am aware of the fact that muscle weighs more than fat but I promise you I did not all of the sudden become ripped and put on 40 lbs of muscle in 6-8 weeks. That is just physically impossible for even the most dedicated of gym rats. And don't take this wrong guys, but even a man's body is incapable of achieving this. No, there is something definitely not right with what is going on in my body.

In Sept/Oct 2014 my mom finally convinced me to go to a different doctor. She had heard that this doctor was the best at addressing the issues I faced and that he treats the patient and not the lab work. It took a lot of convincing because I made a promise to myself the last time and I did not see that this was life or death. But she used a mother's guilt as her weapon and tugged at my heart strings by telling me that my boys needed their mom to be healthy. Dang guilt! My mom is the best at using it to her advantage. Well I went to see him and my labs showed the same as before, but instead of sending me on my way with a hefty bill, he told me that he believed that I was hypothyroid. He prescribed me Armour Thyroid as well as a compounding hormone cream with estridiol, progesterone, and testosterone. He explained to me the difference between natural desiccated thyroid and the synthetic drugs. He spent over 3.5 hours with me on the first appointment and for once I felt like a doctor truly listened to me. I have seen this doctor every 4 months since Oct 2014 and I am actually due to make another appointment within the next couple of weeks. At first, I started to feel a little better and even lost 15-20 lbs. My doctor told me the hives would go away once we get my thyroid under control but so far they have gone no where. When my exhaustion returned, he added Phentermine to my daily medication. I still have extreme exhaustion and it takes everything I've got to get out of bed every morning.

Currently I take:
*180mg Armour Thyroid
*75mg Phentermine
*I stopped using the hormone cream due to unwanted side effects & will talk to Dr. on next appt.
*I also supplement with Vit D3, Vit C, Biotin, Turmeric, Probiotic, a thyroid support vitamin with Iodine

My current symptoms are typical hypothyroid and adrenal fatigue including but not limited to:

*Extreme exhaustion
*Hair loss
*Thinning eyebrows
*Extreme itching
*Dry skin
*Joint pain
*Weight gain & inability to maintain normal weight
*Insomnia due to chronic hives
*Consistently low body temp
*Brain fog
*Feeling cold all the time
*Irritable Bowel - not diagnosed but go from constipation to diarrhea
*Moderate depression
*Chronic toenail fungus

I am so tired of dealing with this nightmare for the past several years and I have always been on the lookout for anything I can do to not only alleviate the symptoms but to finally treat and cure the underlying cause. I stumbled across this site a few months ago and anytime I had some spare time, I would pop in here to see what everyone had to say and then do some of my own research. I decided I wanted to do Dr. Clark's parasite cleanse because I have done a candida spit test that was positive. I saw that it was also advised to do psyllium and Bentonite shakes along with the parasite cleanse. I am on Day 8 of the parasite cleanse and have been doing the P&B shakes for the past 4 days. My hives came out in full glory on the 2nd day of the parasite cleanse and has not let up since. Now I have the hives 24-7 with them being worse at night. They are completely unbearable to the point that I only get 2-3 hours of sleep a night. I am so exhausted that I am delirious. I have also had a continuous headache for the last 4 days. I know that this is die off and I need to push through it but I am getting close to my breaking point. I have also read that chronic hives is an indicator of a congested liver. Should I continue with everything I am doing or should I stop the parasite cleanse and do the liver/gallbladder flush first? Also, I have heard that people with adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism should not take Epsom Salts because of the risk of hypermagnesemia. Is there a suitable substitute that would achieve the same results as the Epsom Salts ?

Any other advice anyone can offer would be amazing! I am open to trying just about anything in order to restore my health and start living life again. Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions and to all of you who took the time to read my life story. I really did not intend for this to be so long and I apologize.


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