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Re: Is it possible to fake an HIV test? by #461 ..... AIDS & HIV Forum

Date:   1/13/2016 4:22:14 PM ( 9 y ago)
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You can download a copy here if you want to get started. Dr. Clark was the only researcher brave enough to go against the cartel and tell the truth. It did get her killed in the end--cadmium poisoning which mimics cancer at the end.

And yes, it is that easy, if you treat for the right thing, which the pharmacutial cartel really doesn't want you to know. Look at the money they make from all the 'treatment and research'. If they 'found out' (as if the big wigs didn't already know) that the HIV virus actually was a parasite virus that eventually would infect you if your immune system got wore down (and parasites will definitely wear your down), They'd lose millioms and millions of dollars.

It's also true for cancer and diabetes and all of the 'auto immune' diseases. Basically if they say cause 'unknown, it means they can't think of a good enough fake reason to explain the parasite infestation symptoms and their infections.

I personally have rid myself of both diabetes and cancer (the diabetes took dealing with the nanobots they've been sneaking into insulin and vaccines especially, or from the chemtrails so you breath them in when you're outdoors) but 'cancer' was a straight up fungal infection the beef liver fluke brings in. Probably other kinds of parasites by now, considering how widely 'cancer' is showing up.

I treated my 'cancer' like a fungal infection carried in by parasites and it went away. It was easy, but took 4 months to get all of it. You just have to be persistant and I'd even recommend a zapper that has the specific frequency for that fungus. Parazapper has one, I'm sure.

You just have to do the parasite zapping and virus zapping every single day for at least 3 or 4 months, because the parasites keep hatching out and reinfecting you. So every single day until all the eggs have hatched out. I'd err to the side of too long personally. :)

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