Calling All Cure Zone Veterans. by Jinx178 ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)
Date: 11/12/2015 9:37:21 PM ( 10 y ago)
Hits: 5,711
Hello everyone,
I've been a frequent follower of cure zone for quiet some time, and I can say many of you guys have been through hell and back. I'm reaching out because I'm tired of just following diets and not getting any good results.
Drugs I've taken: Rounds of Antibiotics , and Accutane.
My symptoms: Dry skin, leaky gut, acne, psoriasis/rosacea lethargy, poor sleep, overall weakness, no libido, lipomas, thinning hair, brain fog, poor concentration, food sensitivities , hard time sweating and constipation.
My meals are pretty healthy, I've been following an anti-candida diet with no fruit and root starchy vegetables aside from carrots, no dairy,wheat, legumes, and eggs. I eat brown rice for carbs, and I eat meat and fish. I generally try to eat animal products that haven't had any Antibiotics , besides fish occasionally. I try to always get some form of cooked vegetables with every meal.
I've been seeing a naturopath, but I feel as if I'm getting my money taken from me. I went to try and get "professional" help in desperation as I was getting no where with my skin rashes. She told me about leaky gut, and put me on the anti-candida diet, gave me a list of supplements to aid in the healing. I started feeling alot better , but I feel the only reason it did is because before I went to see her, I was attempting a raw fruitarian lifestyle. That sent me into hell, as I was just always anxious , and had frequent melt downs. She put me on a protien supplement called, opticleanse ghi, a multi vitamin, an anti-fungal called berberine, 5000 vitamin D, and a probiotic. I got a food sensitivity test and have been avoiding the foods that cause me problems, and has actually been helping me alot. The rashes seem like they're regressing. For some reason though, I have a gut feeling that this is only temporary fix though. I can imagine that avoiding foods that cause damage to your gut would cause inflammation and problems in your body, but I have a feeling that this isn't something that will permanently fix my problems. I've also got lipomas in parts of my body, but I feel as if they are from the protein drinks I use to drink when I weight lifted extensivly. I'm reaching out to see what you guys think, as I've seen alot of people on this forum have been through the ropes with these type of problems and could give some advice and thoughts about my circumstance.
I also want to do start doing some liver flushes. Since I'm on a anti-candida diet, I was wondering if there were any herbs that anyone could suggest to me to take before I attempt this to aid instead of drinking apple juice, and eating apples 7 days before the cleanse as that would go against my anti-candida diet.
I was also wondering if a parasite cleanse would be helpful as well?
Any advice and hopeful words is welcome, as I've come to wits end trying to deal with this.
I'm only 21 years old, and having these problems worries me of my future if I don't get it under control..
Thank you for taking the time to read, and I hope to hear from you guys soon!
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