Have At It by WisingUp Vol 2 ..... Morgellons Disease Forum
Date: 5/18/2015 5:43:12 AM ( 10 y ago)
Hits: 1,832
URL: https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=2253922
You do what you have to do.
I will do what I have to.
LORD willing, if I have enough energy to get to it.
For me, Today, Right Now, it is about coming up with something that is easily enough replicated and then going to a number of people in various fields that might be interested based simply on the novel aspects of such results.
Most, and very likely All, would not be interested in, "Morgellons," as such.
As it stands today.
In fact, I would intentionally frame any approaches as something, "Novel," discovered/uncovered.
Any mention of, "Morgellons," would be a side bar, as in, "some have referred to this as Morgellons." An aside.
Politics. Seduction. Bait. Setting The Hook.
They may very well be, and some Would be, interested in something that piqued their interest, their curiosity, their appreciation of the appearance of something that shouldn't be... but is...
Something they could test for themselves... appealing to that part of them that is up for that.....
And this is ONLY if Something Is Come Up With... in a dramatic enough fashion.... to... Lure.
It is about getting.... Help... from a number of sources... to Zero In.
That is all.
Now. If you want to rebut this post, I will not answer.
Have at it. I have work to do.
It is possible that I might not get it done.
Constraints have already been detailed.
It is possible that if I am able to follow through on ideas, experiments, that they will come to naught in the context of the thrust of this post.
But. I. Will. Attempt.
It is my intention to give it my best shot within the limitations, constraints, in which I have to function.
It is my intention to attempt to get a portion of the Thing to jump through hoops.
To make it do what is seen in the first two videos here:
If we could get it to do what is in that second vid, to run on demand, we would have something that could possibly garner interest, get some people that presently aren't inclined, to do some poking around.....
BTW.... this is an addendum to original post... I have looked at your posting history, 192262.
It is possible that your post, and the response in this post, may be in the category of, "all things to the good," as in...
Responding to your above post has served as a crystallization of current intent/purpose to those who might be interested... and may even be of a like mind.... or might become such.
Have a nice day.
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