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Re: help identify gut issues: candida, parasites? so lost!! by Rosenvetiver ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   4/5/2015 11:24:10 PM ( 10 y ago)
Hits:   1,657

I think that taking DE before a Liver Flush would be a good idea. I started immediately with full dosage and I didn't have a crazy detox reaction, but I also gave myself a colonic daily after starting the DE to keep the die off moving. Since you know you are sensitive, maybe start with just one teaspoon at night for a couple days and see how you react. Then up it to 2 TBS... I spread it out throughout the day in the form of one heaping teaspoon 4x on empty stomache instead of take all at once. That worked very well for me.

Liver Flushing can be intense. I agree, doing it would also be a good idea, but make sure you are having BM's before taking the olive oil mixture at night. In other words, when you start the Epsom Salts at 6pm, make sure your bowels are moving by 9pm and if they aren't, do an enema. It says all this in the book, but I will tell you from experience that on my 3rd flush I thought I would be fine, and I went to bed without my bowels kicking in from the salts. Worst night ever! I would suggest a colonic the day before or morning of the flush in addition to the Epsom Salts for flushing the system. My other flushes went so smoothly and were no biggie! Just follow the directions and you're golden!


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