Re: body shot before and after parasite hyperinfection by who knew ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)
Date: 7/20/2014 8:56:06 PM ( 11 y ago)
Hits: 3,777
I completely agree with you common .I had no clue about this stuff and I mean NO clue .
When I got nailed I thought it had to be something logical like head lice or something along those lines .Because mine started with scalp itch .But now that I really think back on it .Ive been fighting some type of infection for at least five years now .Reoccuring fevers ,flue symptoms ,bladder issues etc .But the docs couldn't figure it out so I just live with it and try to be as healthy as possible .But when the scalp itch hit and I started seeing funky things in the loo .I tried to look it up on the internet and about had a coronary ,lol.
I put in my symptoms over and over again with various word changes and every time it came back as either morgellons or parasites or worms .
I went into a massive panic then realized that I wasn't alone and something really weird is happening to a lot of people .
They will figure it out eventually but the sad thing is how many people are going to be labeled dillusional in the process ? How many people are going to die because they have to fight this without medical help ?
Ive had my blood pressure sky rocket into the 200 range so many times now .Im now on a medication that helps my heart but I cringe to think of what these damn things are doing to my body .
Ive actually had a couple of ultrasounds but the last was a couple of years ago and they couldnt even read the pictures because it looked like a sandstorm in there.
Now I wonder if that was the parasites .I cant believe the docs and technician didnt think it was odd to not be able to see inside someones body on three different occasions .
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