Re: Science of MMS or alternative therapies by SilverFox ..... Miracle Mineral Solution MMS Forum
Date: 6/19/2014 10:28:56 PM ( 11 y ago)
Hits: 3,062
Hello Heather,
The Science behind sodium chlorite and chlorine dioxide is pretty straightforward.
In liquids and in the air the concentrations are measured in Parts Per Million (PPM). Toxic effects are measured in milligrams (mg) of chlorite exposure per kilogram of body weight. The EPA did a toxicological review of this in 2000.
To relate this to Miracle-Mineral-Supplement you need to figure out how many of your drops equal 1 milliliter (ml). With a standard dropper there are 20 drops of water to 1 ml. Sodium chlorite is heavier than water and its weight varies with its concentration. Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is 22.4% sodium chlorite and in a standard dropper you get about 17 drops per ml. Remember that 1 ml = 1 cc as some syringes and graduated cylinders are marked in cc rather than ml.
If you put 1 ml of Miracle-Mineral-Supplement into 1 liter of water and your weight is 70 kg your exposure is 3.2 mg chlorite per kg body weight. You can read through the EPA review to see how the animals did on an exposure like that.
As far as concentration of mixed batches goes, 1 ml of MMS in 1 liter of water gives you 224 PPM available chlorine dioxide as chlorite. When you activate the solution you convert some of the available chlorine dioxide to free chlorine dioxide and you can measure the free chlorine dioxide with test strips or a meter designed to measure chlorine dioxide.
The Lubbers study looked at the effects of chlorine dioxide and chlorite on humans. In the study people drank water with concentrations up to 24 PPM. They drank the water every other day and were observed the day following the dose. No adverse effects were noted but there was some concern over thyroid function at this level of exposure.
Chlorine dioxide and chlorite work based upon their CT value. C stand for concentration and T stand for time. For example if you want to kill E coli on a counter top you need a concentration of 3 PPM ClO2 and it needs to be in contact with the bacteria for 60 seconds. If you want to kill MRSA on a counter top you need a concentration of 500 PPM ClO2 and it needs to be in contact with the bacteria for 10 minutes.
Chlorine dioxide and sodium chlorite are classified as microbial pesticides. It is difficult to get a high enough concentration and contact duration time to kill larger organisms such as parasites.
Sodium chlorite is made from chlorine dioxide and is a stable form of chlorine dioxide. It has an alkaline pH. When you lower the pH of sodium chlorite by adding an acid it releases its available chlorine dioxide as free chlorine dioxide. The lower you reduce the pH to the more free chlorine dioxide is released.
When you add an acid to sodium chlorite you form chlorous acid (HClO2). Chlorous acid has an oxygen potential of 1.53 volts which is a little lower than hydrogen peroxide at 1.78 volts but it is much higher than chlorine dioxide in water which comes in at 0.95 volts. Chlorite comes in at 0.78 volts.
The high ORP of chlorous acid makes it work well when washing food products. The chlorine dioxide is very volatile and quickly gasses off leaving very little residual on the product.
The bottom line is that you need to know what microbe you are going after and what concentration is needed to kill it. You then need to determine how to get the solution in contact with the microbe for a period of time long enough to kill it. With external use this is reasonably easy to do. Inside the body things get more complex.
The body has a wonderful immune system. When pathogens are detected killer white blood cells are sent to the site of the infection. The white blood cells engulf the pathogen to remove it from the body proper and then generate hypochlorous acid (bleach) to kill the pathogen. Externally you can make hypochlorous acid by bubbling chlorine gas through water, by adding sodium hypochlorite to water, or by adding calcium hypochlorite to water. Internally it is better to let the immune system do the task because it isolates the body from the hypochlorous acid. If you flood the body with hypochlorous acid you then have to deal with the chlorination by products as it comes into contact and chlorinates the various organic material inside the body. After years of using chlorination to disinfect water people are becoming aware that some of the by products of chlorination can cause illness and cancer. There may be a "special" case where you may want to risk this, but usually there is another chemical that will do a better job with fewer side effects.
Autism is tough. Temple Grandin has done a lot of work on helping parents and care providers work with autistic children and adults. You may want to take a look at her work as well. Keri and Andreas have had some success and dietary changes can help a lot. Oxidation therapy may offer some side benefits but by itself it won't reverse autism.
OK, that's a snapshot. Any questions...?
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