Reasons For Worldwide Pandemic Of Parasite Infections by parazapper ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)
Date: 6/8/2014 10:54:03 AM ( 11 y ago)
Hits: 1,306
Your posts on the topic of parasites are well appreciated. It is only a total shame that lay people such as ourselves are far better informed and better educated than the majority of doctors in the US and worldwide.
The sad state of affairs is that doctors get the bulk of their information from pharmaceutical reps whose only interest is their monthly bonus. All that a doctor would need to do is to watch some of the parasite shows on the Discovery channel, Nat Geo, and a few others. These shows thoroughly illustrate how damaging these parasites can be and how easy it is to detect them.
The big claim from those who do not believe that we have a parasite problem is that these parasites do not exist in the U.S. and other developed countries. This is pure folderol. While the risk may be somewhat reduced, it is definitely present.
Additionally, close to 1 million Americans visit tropical countries each year and bring back parasites with them. The symptoms of these parasites may not appear for years.
Most US doctors are in medicine strictly for building wealth and have little concern for the true health of their patients, If they were truly concerned, they would spend more time learning about nutrition, parasites, supplements, and life extension.
If they were really interested, they would start studying the effects of LVPEF ( low voltage pulsed electric fields ) on microbes and other parasitic or pathogenic organisms.
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