Re: My 8 month battle; Help needed! by saywhatagain ..... Acne Forum
Date: 3/17/2014 8:43:40 AM ( 11 y ago)
Hits: 7,859
Hey, sorry about your problems with acne. I had Acne really bad for most of my adult life and I have found ways to completely clear it up using diet alone. I believe most forms of Acne are basically due to blood toxicity. All cases of Acne are not the same, so I don't know if these will work for you or not.
I have found the following foods to be extremely beneficial in clearing up acne: most fruits, but especially pomegranates, apples, pears, plums, prunes, raisons, adding lemon to foods (or drinking lemon water, similar effects to drinking apple cider vinegar), oranges that are sweet may also be good eaten whole (not orange juice) but wouldn't overdo it on these, but basically most fruits will be helpful. Green leafy vegetables that have a bitter taste, like most lettuces, arugula, dandelion greens, kale also generally most vegetables except onions, garlic, and tomatoes. Adding fresh cilantro to your foods is helpful too. Eating less meat is helpful for me. Quinoa is the best grain, and generally getting tons of fiber is very good. Drinking coconut water can also be helpful.
As for all those tons of supplements and things that you are thinking about taking, I have been experimenting with supplements for 7 years and have tried most of the ones on your list and have found them to be mostly useless. Not that they can't have some beneficial effects but I think that we don't really understand their effects completely so don't use them in a proper manner. Miracle-Mineral-Supplement is used for short periods of time to clear up severe bacterial infections or microscopic parasites like malaria, aside from this it should not be used by anyone, and it absolutely DOES kill beneficial bacteria not just the bad ones. I would be very careful about supplementing with Iodine or even taking natural supplements that contain large amount of iodine, myself and many others have had very bad experiences with these.
The most difficult thing for me, with trying to cure acne and really most health problems has been trying to figure out if any given food or supplement is helping me or hurting me. It can be very difficult to figure out since many times, you can have just as bad reactions to something that is curing you as something that is poisoning you. I have made many mistakes and many, many times have used the things that were poisoning me and explaining it away as my body detoxifying itself. I have also made the mistake of avoiding the foods and herbs that are beneficial to me because initially they cause symptoms of discomfort that actually IS the body detoxifying itself. It takes a lot of trial and error to find out what works and what doesn't. Oil pulling is great; I would use sunflower seed oil to help with acne.
I got away from my diet and regimen for a while because I was following bad advice from someone and my acne came back. Now I am back on my diet and my acne is pretty much gone again (and more importantly other more severe health problems are going away). I don't even use anything on my face, except sometimes a little coconut oil and then wash it off with Dr. Bronner's soap. Otherwise, I just scrub my face with a loofa or something. I know scrubbing your face can probably actually cause breakouts if you have bacteria on your face so this may not work for you for now, but my cure has to do more with eliminating the underlying causes and cleansing the blood on the deepest level. Now I just scrub my face to keep it clean and only use soap 2-3 times per week. Well, best of luck to you!
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