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Re: ROPEWORM Parasite, GARDASIL Vaccine, BACK ACNE?! Need your thoughts... anyone! by search4truth ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   3/1/2014 10:03:44 AM ( 10 y ago)
Hits:   13,779

Hi Deesmiles!

Great questions and great catch in terms of getting out that large Rope. Our youngest son had basically the same symptoms early years on. He also had the same acne, until we he cut way back on wheat; it was mentioned at the Andreas Kalcker conference the possible connection with gmo's and grain, which you may already be familiar with.

-- Wow, very interesting to know your son had the same symptoms and Acne as I did. The thing is, I haven't eaten wheat/gluten in who knows HOW long! Maybe ONCE 6 months ago at an organic NYC restaurant that imports its organic whole wheat from Italy. I also don't eat any GMOs, whatsoever, & have a website dedicated to educating the public about GMOs and FDA corruption.

Personally I feel there is a connection between the gmo's introduced in the 90's...because our son who was on formula (first ingredient corn syrup solids????)

-- I completely agree.. my ropeworm gas bubble symptoms started when I was a baby... I was on Genetically-Modified-Organisms soy formula. I have a post on my website about formula and most people were SHOCKED and had no idea..

had most of the symptoms that have been expressed in relationship to the Rope Worm/living fungus.

--Where can I find the full list of Ropeworm symptoms?

I do feel many children are born with this "living fungus/parasite" already getting started.
---- I agree as well, I think I got it from my mother who was eating the GMOs in the 90s, I was born in 1993..

Someone also mentioned at some time that the gel stage creates a bad reaction to immunizations?? Forget where that was mentioned, perhaps the CD Autism site.

--- that makes so much sense. I wrote up a timeline of when my symptoms started. I feel that I was born with the mucus/gel first stage, and once I was vaccinated it began to develop into the bubble stage. The year after being vaccinated I had EXTREME NON STOP 24/7 embarrasing, painful, humiliating gas.

Personally I would just focus on getting this stuff out while your working on whatever your Dr. thinks is important.

-- I see a chinese medicine doctor who practices NAET, she is fixing my immune system and food allergies first (my body is rejecting everything, even my own hormones and vitamin B) and she says after she strengthens my immune system she is going to have me on another parasite cleanse. I'm doing this one on my own...

Of course your immune system is out of whack, it's doing it's job trying to get rid of this stuff for you, but it's attacking all the wrong things because it can't. I've been there and I feel for you. You may want to try the 4 day alternating diet to give your immune system a rest; only eat whatever your sensitive to one day then take 3 days off so your immune system doesn't create antibodies to it.
--- will refrain from doing anything to the diet, as my chinese doctor wants me eating only cooked, warming, easy to digest foods, my body has far too much "cold" aka my organs arent warming up and working. but I am so curious about the 4 day alternating diet and will be researching it, thank you

Also since Ropes have a fungus element I found that most foods and vitamins that I had a reaction to most likely had trace amounts of mold (this fungus seems to not like mold)
--- WOW WOW WOW WOW!!!! I studied abroad last summer and we were in a house with SEVERE MOLD IN IT!! Our tea cups if left over night would develop blue MOLD SPORES! NO one in the house had as severe a reaction as I did... I was sick 24/7 HORRIBLE, blowing BLOOD and GREEN out of my nose!!!!

therefore I froze my vitamins for a couple of days or took a wee bit of Vit C powder ( Hulda Clark ) with whatever foods I thought may have trace amounts of mold to kill mold spores which stopped the reaction.
--- EXCELLENT SUGGESTION, what brand vitamin C powder??
WAIT!!!! wow wow wow wow okay sorry for all this excitement, I am just so happy.. a year after Gardasil I was diagnosed with IBS... and I had these "stomach spasm" episodes!!! so they put me on meds that DIDNT WORK.. but it was like, god forbid I ate something my body didn't like, I had DEBILITATING spasms!! THE WORST OF ALL WAS, DRUMROLL, PEANUT BUTTER!!!!!! AFLATOXIN MOLD! This makes SO MUCH SENSE, thank you, thank you..

OK then.
Sending healing thoughts and strength your way

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