Re: Fast on the outside, slow on the inside. by phoenixceliac ..... Nutritional Balancing for Adrenal Fatigue
Date: 2/18/2014 5:25:18 PM ( 11 y ago)
Hits: 1,741
I perfectly understand those desperate feelings!! We each need to remind ourselves that our bodies are healing and will continue to do so on their schedules, not ours. It is definitely a marathon, not a sprint.
I used to put too much stock in my retest I'm quite stoic. My attitude is that I'm doing this until I'm well. I know of no other way to get at the root problems and do seriously know that God led me to this. Looking back, I was copper toxic since youth, but I was fortunate that it didn't begin to reveal itself until I was an adult. Even then it was subtle for a long time.
If you have parasites, yes, they will reveal themselves. In my case, there is a definite connection between them and copper. On the days that I'm dumping lots of copper with all the myriad symptoms of that, often I'm dumping more parasites than normal. I always see them after my a.m. enemas, but those days I have them come out other times as well.
Lastly, good for you about doing the enemas again. For me they have truly been a godsend. Dr. Wilson talks about his site how some patients feel they have saved their lives. That comes close to what I feel.
Healing will come, and we can all rejoice with each other over our victories! Take care!
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