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Bright Red Worms in Face by TheOnslaught ..... Ask CureZone Community

Date:   12/1/2013 10:21:24 AM ( 12 y ago)
Hits:   3,945

Hi. I contracted pinworm about 4 months ago. I ignored it for a while (couple of weeks to a month) because worms are my greatest fear and I'm already an obsessive person so I thought I was imagining the squirming sensation. One night I was watching Alien 3 (only including this story because it's kind of relevant) with my boyfriend and we got to the scene where Ripley is testing for a parasite inside of her and I felt an intense wriggling so I ran upstairs and pulled a huge mama pinworm out of my anus. My boyfriend saw it too.

After that I went to a doctor was prescribed albenza, took it, like a fool I thought it was over. Still felt the wriggling sensation but less so, so I did nothing for weeks assuming it would just get better. It did not. I obtained more albenza and after I took it the second time I noticed the worms were spreading. I started reading CureZone Forums and found the Hulda Clark Cleanse. Now I take i dropper of walnut tincture, 4 Wormwood capsules (approx 780mg) 3 clove capsules (1500mg) 3 or 4 garlic capsules, probiotics, Fire Cider (apple cider vinegar + a lot of chili peppers), and arginine daily. I also slather a mixture of hemorrhoid cream and eucalyptus oil on my anus and vagina pretty much constantly.

After I started taking the herbs there was a lot of scattering. I now have them in my nose, ears, eyes, under or in my scalp, and they come out of the pores on my face. I itch constantly. The ones that come out of my face do not look like pinworms they are very small, threadlike and are either bright red, black, or dark blue. I have also found the same worms around my anus and vagina when I wipe. Even after just taking a shower and washing thoroughly. Before you say they are just fabric fibers (like my boyfriend, doctor, family, everyone) I do not wear anything bright red and every time I have an itch on my face I take a q-tip dipped in eucalyptus water and rub it on the place that itched and one of these bright red (or blue, or black) threads is on the q-tip. It happens every time! I know they are worms. I use the eucalyptus water on my face, in my nose and ears, very close to my eyes. I also have noxema pads that I use on my face, I am going to get the noxema cream soon to use on face and anus.
Other next steps I plan to take please let me know if these have worked for you:
coconut oil on face
Diamataceous (spelling?) Earth every morning
Iodine on face
One other question that is mystifying me: my boyfriend and I live in very close proximity. he is a very affectionate guy and has not stopped being affectionate even after I told him (and showed him) what is going on. He even kisses me on my face all the time even though I told him it's covered in worms. Despite all this he does not have any kind of worm, at least he has no symptoms at all. Could he be carrying them and not know it? Could I be insane even though I see these worms all the time? I clean obsessively, but still he should have worms by now! I am so confused.
Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I am very worried that these worms will end my life. I know they are not fatal, but I am a very fragile person and the concept of what is going on inside of me is my worst fear come to life. That in combination with the constant, maddening itching and wriggling sensation... I have come very close to suicide recently, every morning I wake up and I haven't realized yet what is happening to me and how disgusting and repulsive it makes me feel, and then I remember in a flash and I just want to die.

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