Re: Anyone have Art of Detox experience? by feellight ..... Bowel Cleanse Support Forum
Date: 9/23/2013 4:12:10 AM ( 12 y ago)
Hits: 2,360
My experience with Art of Detox has be great, and has resulted in quite a few break throughs over the last twenty four months. A few insights…..I have been dealing with quite a lot of health issues for the last few years. Ranging from prostate problems to Acne in severity that I would not wish to my worst enemy. Not even talking about being lethargic and low in energy. I started off with using raw food as a means of helping my own body to heal. After some months on green smoothies I could see a remarkable improvement, and ongoingly my health has been improving. Then we usually do get a little bit lazy again, as we feel good, and the spiral went downward again, for me of course as well. Although I left out all kinds of junk food entirely out of my diet, I did encounter a re-emergance of Acne whenever I was not following a strict diet.(waste being pushed out of the skin which is an elimination organ) Also fungal problems and prostate problems rose to the surface again.
> Fed up with it I decided to take a few steps. I chanced upon the Art of Detox approach, and met the owner whom I consider a specialist when it comes to detoxing. He pointed to the PWE as a means to address some of my issues. (PWE - parasite worm elemination) He also spoke highly of the Lower Bowel Balance formulae to help me in eradicating excess waste within the GI tract, possible retention and possible parasite interactions in weakening the immune system. So I sourced the products from their website, where I also found interesting ways to detox my liver and do a liver flush, which I also did.
> My initial experience with the PWE was quite impressive. I developed inflamation processes in my body, and could clearly see that the herbs must be stirring something up. I had mucus forming in my throat and my nose was quite clogged up again. Unlike in-experienced people I realized that the problem was neither the herbs nor the inflamation, but that which it was combating in getting eradicated - the worms and parasites. It took me some time and I found Turmeric or Kurcuma to be very helpful as it has super powers when it comes to fighting inflamation naturally. After about 3 months on a dose of roughly 2-3 tablespoons a day with turmeric I gave it one more attempt by trying the PWE from the Art of Detox website that I had bought earlier. The results were good, I could clearly see that something living inside, that was not invited in the first place, did not like it, but unlike before were the "side effects" threw me off, they were very minor this time around.
> I decided to take it a step further and go on a healing fast. Upon browsing "Art of Detox" site again, and was impressed in finding the Russian research on intestinal parasites (rope worms) and procedures of luring them out of the system. AOD had success with such worms using herbal formulas (mainly PWE) and when combining these with the Russian methods better results happened. As I also work with meditations and spiritual techniques it clear to me that this was the guidance that I have been asking for so long.
> Id often asked my self "Why on earth do I have these reactions of Acne and fungus. I want an answer - NOW!" As it turns their flyer helped me make the breakthrough I needed. After going on a fast and starting off with fresh squeezed water melon juice, roughly 1 capsule of the PWE and 4 capsules of the Intestinal Bulldozer with 2 capsules of chilli and 1 capsule of a combiantion of 1 drop oregano oil, 1 drop eucalyptus oil and 2 drops rosemary oil….. the first worm come out only 2 days later. I was shocked to see it. It gave me a big sense of motivation to continue however. I started to take cloves of garlic that I crushed (roughly 2-5 cloves) with some organic oil (olive, hemp or flax) at night, around 10pm to help to irritate the intestinal parasites.
> I raised the dosage of PWE to 2 in the next week and 4 in the second week, combined with 4-8 capsules of the LBB and roughly 3 capsules of chilli and 2 capsules of a mixture of oregano, rosemary and eucalyptus oil. I started doing regular enemas during the whole procedure, to help the body in the elimination process. According to the flyer I received on the Art of Detox website I did the enemas first with 2 liters of water with a pinch of alkaline salt and then about half a liter of eucalyptus leave tea that I had prepared earlier. This I have done over the course of more then 2 weeks and kept on getting stool out, despite not eating anything at all. I did a cleansing enema in the evening hours followed by the eucalyptus tea that I kept inside as long as it was barable to me. Usually that would be about half an hour and then I needed to empty my bowel (No idea how the russians managed to keep it inside for up to two hours). In the morning I did a cleansing enema just with water and a pinch of alkaline salt. The results were baffeling to say the least. I got roughly 3 worms out that I made pictures off - see attachments - and many of which I did not, as I did not want to dig in you know what. The morning enema especially helped to get a lot of stool out (despite not eating now for more than 5 days…thank you LBB) and especially the worms seemed to come out with the morning enemas. I managed to stay on this fast for about 22 days before commencing food intake. I only drank fresh juices in the first week and garlic for about 10 days. In between I drank lots of fresh purified water and the herbs I ordered on Art Of Detox to assist the bowel movement and cleansing, and to get the parasites and worms out with the PWE - parasite worm elemination capsules. The chillie capsules I do not recommend to take together with the PWE however as that created cramps in my stomach that were quite uncomfortable. I would therefore start in the morning on week two with 2 capsules of LBB, and a capsule of chillie. Roughly half an hour later I would take the PWE capsule and do this process all together 3 times a day. Morning, afternoon, evening plus the capsules of the etheric oils mentioned and the enemeas before bed time and in the morning after waking up.
> I felt more energized afterwards than I have ever before. Different symptoms that I used to have disappeared. My joints used to crack, that is gone. My back pain has become much less, and although I tried to eat some foods that have given me reactions before, they dont do the same now. I highly suspect that intestinal worms do cause more havock than many people can even think off. Continuing now on a mostly raw vegetarian diet, to help the body to rebuild itself now, and create an environment in which parasites cannot thrive.
> from my side I can only recommend the products and unique approach I have tested on artofdetox and am appreciative for the feedback and insights I have received from the Webmaster to questions and procedures, especially when I felt stuck, or wanted some feedback if reactions that I had were common or normal.
I hope this was helpful in giving you some feedback on their website and approach to detox.
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