Consistency isn't just the name of the game...Re: Keep getting hit with blackout/passing out by unyquity ..... Natural Healing & Herbal Solutions w/Unyquity
Date: 12/21/2012 1:34:12 AM ( 13 y ago)
Hits: 2,455
URL: IS the game! And it's the ONLY game that works.
If I were reporting what you've been reporting, I would follow a schedule something like this:
--1-2 CE's daily
--1 daily " Liver Flush drink" (light version, 2 T olive oil, 1-2 garlic cloves 1-2" of ginger root, juice). I'd likely drink it right before going to bed, 6 days a week
--7th day = Liver Flush (I'd probably alternate weekly between a full Liver Flush and a "mini flush", using only 1/4 cup of oil & 1/4 cup of citrus)
--1 Tablespoon ground Milk Thistle seed in daily Superfood drink (I do that everyday anyway)
--Gold Coin Grass
--Unybomb 3x daily (plus any 'antiparasite' type snacks...raw pumpkin seeds, pineapple, etc)
--Castor oil pack or activated charcoal poultice on liver (minimum 4-6 hours out of every 24 hours, every day but 'flush day')
--IF#2 3-5X daily if I felt I needed it to 'sop up toxic bile' and/or cleanse plaque & build-up from colon
--weekly colonics (if I could afford it & there was a therapist near me)
--hot/cold reps on front/back of liver every time I showered
--one squirt of Liver/GB tincture directly on my tongue whenever I thought of it (5-8x daily)
--Liver/detox/digestion tea whenever I needed it
--I'd eat, juice or juice-fast as I determined I needed daily, emphasis on fermented foods full of natural probiotics...staying low/no on meat, eggs & dairy (except kefir)
--Lots of liver/gallbladder "stretches" (here's a good one: //
What I wouldn't do:
--take any form of unnatural/isolated substances (that would stress my body/liver) unless my life/sanity somehow depended upon them
--knowingly expose myself to wifi, smart meter or cellphone radiation (totally screws up *every* aspect of the body, from the cellular level all the way to gross motor skills)
--worry & stress about it (even at my age), or let it take over my mind/brain/spirit
--go on any 'specifically limiting remedy diet'
I hope you're remembering that you'll likely be having various 'benzo symptoms' for a long time. Benzo healing is not "linear" - rather it's "pocketed"...good pockets & bad pockets, with the good pockets increasing and the bad pockets diminishing over time.
CE's do not cause liver congestion). When the 'biliary channels' are impacted & congested (think fuel/oil lines that have narrowed due to 20 years worth of build up), the CE's trigger the flow of bile...and that bile can dislodge gunk from the tubing that impedes bile flow TEMPORARILY. The *cause* of congestion is never the remedy.
parasite herbs only cause congestion by killing parasites, and the dead/rotting carcasses cause congestion. The remedy is getting rid of the dead bodies.
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