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Re: Seriously...what did humaworm do to me? HELP. by comsat2 ..... Ask Humaworm: Parasites

Date:   8/13/2012 4:33:07 PM ( 13 y ago)
Hits:   7,050

You'll fix it, but that might take a while.

First: let me assure you that Humaworm didn't do any damage to you. It's simply not possible. If you're worse off right now, there must be reasons for it.

Please be aware of this: the Humaworm formula is not a fix-it-all. It can be if you happen to fight worms or somesuch. But as most Humaworm users do not know what ails them in the first place, we can only guess and feel our way forwards. You may have parasites that need a repeated "bashing". Or you may suffer from something like candida, which is rarely killed for good with the Humaworm formula. That's why they have a separate cleansing protocol for these buggers.

Only lately I learned that Lyme's disease can have a tendency to appear like your "average" gastro-intestinal ailments usually blamed on parasites like worms or Giardia or similar. To my own desperation, I had to realize that all this is an incredibly complex matter.

Don't give up. Try to track your mind for memories when things really changed for you to the worse in the past, what happenened then, where you have been beforehand, what illness you might have had before everything turned crappy.

And don't freak out about that marijuana thing. Long time ago, I used to smoke it before I even got out of bed. Then at work, after work together with friends and so on. Then I had some cigarette filled with marijuana and rolled in some oil (marijuana? opium? I still don't know), but afterwards, just the smell of that herb made me feel sick immediately, a dizzy, whirling head, a numb brain etc. Still happens when I walk into a cloud of smoke, which is quite frequent here.

I can't explain what happened, but then, it doesn't matter. I'm not the worse off for abstaining from these types of recreational drugs. Give it up for now and give yourself time to heal. And once you've accomplished that, you can try again - or forget about it completely, because it may not matter to you anymore.

My very best wishes to you, and a speedy recovery, should this be possible. Please keep us posted about your cleansing experiences in the future. It is most important, we need to learn from others walking the same road.

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