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Re: Good info about grains and more by #48222 ..... Ask Barefoot Herbalist

Date:   2/8/2006 2:40:34 PM ( 19 y ago)
Hits:   2,521

I was not looking to debate (there was nothing to debate, or at least that was my perception of our discussion) nor did I mean to offend you. Debate only exists when each participant is looking to alter the other's beliefs. I am looking to do no such thing. My beliefs are my own, yours are your own; hence we are individuals. My chimp-gorilla comments were directed at those who fall back on the "what would the gorilla do" notion, not specifically at yourself.

I shan't resort to childish snips in retort; all I shall say is I did not mean to offend you, nor am I looking to make myself appear as "right" while you (and others) are "wrong." I shan't bother posting my "master list of fruits" either, as your rhetorical question was clearly spiteful, as was much of your post.

I shall retire humbly, harbouring my simple beliefs,

Good eve'

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