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Candida piss-off, not die-off: too true! by nordskoven ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum

Date:   4/6/2012 10:35:02 AM ( 13 y ago)
Hits:   8,217

You are pissing off the Candida, not killing it! Wow! Take some caprylic acid or the stronger undecylenic acid and silver colloid and KILL THE YEAST! You are breeding SuperCandida, not killing it off. Take protein digesting proteolytic enzyme supplements to digest the protein coat, the cause of die-off allergic reactions. EnzyMedica has great Candida-oriented enzymes. Please stop punking the Candida and KILL THE YEAST! SEE: Silver Colloid forum for more info on easy ways to make it--some may offer it free for your condition.

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