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Re: I want to try a cleanse, but I'm terrified of parasites by sd2345 ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   3/18/2012 5:04:04 AM ( 13 y ago)
Hits:   1,676

You should be more fearful of having them and not treating them. It's possible that you don't have them though. Are you having any symptoms at all? Given your exposure and appetite for sushi, regardless of symptoms, a general parasite cleanse is a good idea anyway.

I'm jealous of you young people who are aware of this problem at a young age, and can take care of it now, rather than dragging through 10-20 years of your life not understanding what could be wrong.

I suggest you start with a general parasite and bowel cleanse, stay on it for 30-60 days regardless of what you find, and go from there. Given your contact with animals in a shelter, it would be a good idea to cleanse bi-annually after that while your exposure is high.

To start with, you could just try basic herbals, Wormwood , blackwalnut hull, and clove. An easy and gentle cleanse would be something like Dr. Natura colonix, which has a bowel cleanser also. The herbals in this program are not very strong though, but that seems like what you are looking for. Or something like humaworm, which is very weak and probably not a cure, but will get you started.

You will not have live worms exit you, they come out dead and trust me, you will not feel them exit, your bathroom trips will feel normal. Good luck!

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