What could be wrong with me? by Tonynotips ..... Hypothyroid & Wilson’s Disease
Date: 1/22/2012 6:26:03 PM ( 13 y ago)
Hits: 1,328
URL: https://www.curezone.org/forums/fm.asp?i=1902809
These symptoms started about 5 years ago directly after a camping trip and after about 1 year and a half they sort of went away (or I got used to them more). However, the past year they seem to have returned with a vengeance and are really affecting me. I have literally no motivation to do anything, and on my days off (even with enough sleep) I am sluggish, tired, and unmotivated.
My biggest symptoms include:
- Severely constipated (chronic)
- Dry hair, scalp/face, and diffuse hair loss on scalp, and eyebrow hair loss
- Bad gas right after eating
- Undigested food in stool (sometimes vegetables, sometimes what looks like white seeds)
- Lack of motivation, brain fog, mental fatigue etc...
- Bloated after eating
- CONSTANT hunger (prefer Sugar & carbs), especially at night, but I always need to snack even in between meals.
- Powerfully hard heartbeat that keeps me up at night at times, I can feel the
entire bed vibrate from it
- Decreased motor skills, from coordination to talking
- Acid Reflux / Acidic feeling stomach
- Loss of libido (has only come on in the past few weeks)
- Very bad breath, and incredibly dry mouth especially in the morning
- Muscles twitch all over from head to toe, randomly throughout the day
- Recently, oral thrush (I don't think Candida started these symptoms, back when they started I had never taken anti-biotics in my life that I can remember and ate reasonably well. Nobody in my family has been unhealthy besides me).
Some general things about me:
- Don't have any weight issues, always have been very skinny and still am. I try to put on weight (I work out A LOT) but fail to do so, regardless of eating a ton.
- I have 3-4 Amalgam fillings, 1 of which is from a broken molar and has been broken for a couple years (but after my symptoms first showed)
My symptoms first began after a camping trip, where after I was constipated immediately upon returning home and couldn't normalize my BM's with laxatives. I was convinced I had contracted lyme somehow and was tested vigorously for it, but apparently I was wrong. Since my symptoms first hit me years ago I have seen many doctors. I have had blood tests, a colonoscopy, and x-rays/ultrasounds. My thyroid levels have apparently been normal when tested, although I am not sure which test they used.
If any of this sounds familiar, please let me know about your experiences with
this. Thank you!
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