Re: CLEANSE IDEAS for PARASITES needed STAT! by China49 ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)
Date: 9/18/2011 1:00:45 PM ( 14 y ago)
Hits: 2,434
Hi Options4me....back to the gall bladder problem!
I had my gall bladder out two years ago after a yr or two of nausea, vomiting, inflammed stomach, pains in shoulder, pains in middle of back etc. I agreed to have it out without hesitation because the scan showed up half a dozen stones.
BIG mistake.....the sickness etc did not go away...
They went on to find gastric ulcers...and I hobbled thru another couple of years with IBS etc.
I have had more relief and a great improvement in all aspects of my health thru parasite cleansing and liver flushing, and now regret that i had my gall bladder removed. The problem is the liver still makes stones even without the gall bladder! the gall bladder just acts as a trap for them!
my understanding is that you have your gall bladder removed if it is diseased and if the stones are too big to pass.
perhaps it is diseased........but please be aware that having the gall bladder removed might not cure the problem!
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