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Re: Tomorrow is unknown, keep the faith by Bluerabbit ..... Parasites: RX Drugs Against Parasites

Date:   5/30/2011 12:39:32 PM ( 14 y ago)
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Since I'm doing so much right now and having such good success, I'm not sure what exactly is working the wonders. I will order another batch of pine needle oil because I do sense crawling in my head, right under my scalp. I hope they aren't in my brain, I don't have any headaches or anything of that nature. I take 2 caps per day. Their instructions suggest taking more but they are expensive.

I'm having great success with the following:

1. an herbal combination (cloves, Black-Walnut hulls, etc.), three times per day.
2. the pine needle oil (2 caps per day)
3. Bowel related herbs ( parasites paralize the colon, so when you are killing them you will notice immediate constipation - this needs to be dealt with of course, keep things moving). I take laxitives and cascara, other bowel herbs. I take lots of pain meds because of a bad disk in my back, so these drugs cause major constipation which is what I believed caused my major parasite problem.
4. I do ACV and coffee enimas daily
5. I do a lymphatic detox herb and also a kidney/bladder detox herb from
6. I just started taking GodsHerbs Formula G and M for parasites because I have found it's good to mix things up.
7. I take Olive leaf on and off which helps with my candida problem (I have passed major cotton ball-looking things and found out that this was candida - a new problem I didn't even know I had).
8. I undergo magnetic zapper treatments at my chiropractic's office. It's a machine that helps with a variety of ailments. It really helps with the sinus parasites. I need to be more consistent with my visits to see if I can completely get rid of them.

I have noticed lots of eggs lately, which are white or black specks. This is because I'm killing parasites like crazy and they release their eggs when you kill them. These need to be flushed out. I'm going to do a juice fast to see if that helps (plus lots of water).

I have been rejected by several doctors. I have been taking pictures of the dead worms and I have a few samples in baggies. So, if their issue is that my tests come back negative, I will have something to come back with. I'm going to "rate" the doctors that have rejected me. You can rate these doctors by reviewing them on the various health sites. There's no excuse for the doctor being able to identify worms in a glass jar but then say that I don't have them because the lab tech couldn't find any eggs.

I will get someone to treat me, one way or the other. I want every possible help that's out there, be it herbs or meds or therapy/treatment. I don't have convictions against meds or herbs, I just want to get well so I will try whatever. I got the ivermectin and abendz from my local farm store. They did cure a severe pin worm infection when the herbs didn't, but the herbs do a much better job killing everything else, for me. Everyone is different.

Please forgive the typos.

Be well!

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