MMS nightmare experience -- beware by Studen9+2 ..... Miracle Mineral Solution MMS Forum
Date: 5/22/2011 9:22:05 PM ( 14 y ago)
Hits: 5,036
First, my health background. I am male, 27, with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for 7 years, along with seasonal allergies and intermittent adrenal problems. I was hoping Miracle-Mineral-Supplement would at least help with the CFS, as I suspect a pathogen. I took only a bare minimum of supplements, and started no new ones, during my (short) time on Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , ruling out anything else.
The short story: Miracle-Mineral-Supplement gave me startling chest pains, and has left me bed-ridden and miserable for much of the last week.
The long story: I started the MMS 13 days ago, a Monday, at two drops, with an activator of citric acid . I felt only the mildest nausea at two drops, so I moved up one drop at a time, to seven, over the next three days, with similar results.
At seven drops, I had still only mild nausea, along with a productive bout of diarrhea -- until that night. Out of nowhere, my heart began hammering, and felt as if it was straining to beat, with a moderate chest pain that scared the hell out of me. I really thought I was having a heart attack, that's how scared I was. This first bout lasted only several minutes, but it was enough to keep me from taking any more.
Unfortunately, the chest pains/heart problems continued. They came off and on for the next two days, bringing with them pounding headaches and a surge of CFS/adrenal problems. These little "heart attacks" eventually tapered into fits of heavy heartbeats, thankfully; they are still unpleasant, but not terrifying like before. However, the headaches and such have remained, and linger throughout the day. I've been in and out of bed for the last ten days, barely able to work, unable to exercise or sometimes just do chores, exhausted at the drop of a hat. I am currently experiencing one of the worst depressions I have ever known, could be suicidal if I gave in to the ugliness and negativity I feel, my thoughts blunted and idiotic as if I'm coming down from a drug. My heart still beats heavily from time to time throughout the day, and when these spells come, I get remarkably anxious.
I at first thought the MMS had just aggravated my adrenals, somehow, as I would liken these affects to a stress-driven adrenal crash, but I've since determined that that is not the case. The intense heartbeating, the headaches, the negativity/anxiety/depression, the outright lack of well-being -- these are not typical of my adrenal crashes, in intensity, sensation, or length. When my adrenals take a hit, I get down and tired, but nothing like this, and never this long (usually a day or two at the most). I feel poisoned, is what it feels like. It seems to slowly -- so slowly -- be abating, but at this rate, it will take weeks, if not months, to get back to where I was (which wasn't too great in the first place).
Let me say that I am not making this post in an effort to start a debate, or out of malice against MMS or Jim Humble or anyone else who promotes the stuff. I'm making this post, my first, so anyone considering MMS will know that it's not as safe as it's made out to be. Has Mr. Humble cured 75,000 Africans of malaria? Maybe. Have a couple hundred thousand people used MMS, as his website claims? For all I know, yes, and maybe they all had sterling results. However, I did not, and have suffered a horrible experience in which I almost called the ER, followed by a week of hell. Worse, I never saw anything on Mr. Humble's website -- or in any of the extensive research I did before putting the stuff in my body -- that suggested I may have these results, as atypical as they may be. From what Mr. Humble and others have said, MMS is as well-tolerated as aspirin, and that is simply not true.
For what it's worth, I had no idea that anything like this could possibly happen with MMS, even after the hours of research I mentioned (including two of Mr. Humble's books, and more blogs and websites than I'd like to think about). Since my experience, I've tried to find anyone who's had similar experience, but have only come up with a woman who had "heart palpitations" and went to the ER, a report of a man's wife dying that looked very questionable, and a man who had heart trouble after MMS cleaned out his arteries. So, apparently I'm not entirely alone here (though I don't think my problem was either palpitations or my arteries unclogging).
Was my experience some fluke? Maybe. A coincidence? Unlikely, but not impossible. Will MMS leave you sick and frightened like me? From what I've read, probably not. Could it? Yes, and I would like anyone considering MMS to know that, since I did not and am now reaping the consequences.
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