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Re: Guidance please-- belching 24/7 by unyquity ..... Natural Healing & Herbal Solutions w/Unyquity

Date:   4/1/2011 2:56:25 PM ( 14 y ago)
Hits:   3,181

Firstly, let me get this quick-thought out of the way (mostly for the benefit of other folks reading). I have a very healthy/cleansed digestive tract (no known candida or parasites). However I am overdue for a maintenance colon cleanse, and I'm way overdue for a good bit o' liver work...the daily CE's are a lifesaver there (no stale bile or lack of bile, etc., to cause digestive issues). So, I'm totally 'off my game' having only 2 bms naturally daily. So I occasionally take an IF#1. No gas, no burping, no cramping or 'backfiring'...just an extra bm the next day (with maybe a wee bit o' fart upon release). This is the case for many, many people.

First, the "typical" reasons:

I'm not surprised at what you're reporting (but am surprised it's so harsh and long-lasting). "Gas" is very common for those with seriously compromised digestive tracts & livers when they start IF#1, and I can guarantee you it's very unlikely to *all* be due to a 'pinches worth' of dried garlic powder. (I just measured the contents of an IF#1 capsule; it's a scant 1/4 teaspoon, and there's 8 ingredients, so the dried garlic powder amounts to a scant 1/32th). The blend of herbs in IF#1 causes some small level of liver activity, die-off, and the intestines are being stimulated to squeeze. That peristaltic action dislodges and stirs up all kinds of putrefying/putrefied, decaying organic matter...likely mixed with some very stale bile. And that always causes gas, burping, flatulence, bloating and all other kinds of typical 'backfiring'...the stale bile (or clean bile running through a 'stale liver') will do this even in the presence of a relatively cleansed colon/digestive tract. Scroll down in this post to *RE: sparrows & their demise* //

A high level of gas (typically flatulence) is common in those that have had an extremely compromised liver for any significant amount of time once they get to the point they've regained some good 'flow' (typically after a few flushes that get the liver 'opened up' but not completely 'cleaned out)...and that's the case, no matter what the condition of the intestinal tract (Miss H had done 2-3 solid months of IF#1/IF#2 and a couple-three Liver Flushes before 'the sparrows swarmed & dive bombed' lol). I've experienced the same, as have many others.

Of course, hypoglycemia is EXTREMELY common in a compromised liver; you have extreme hypoglycemia. Check out this Google search on: liver, hypoglycemia:

Candida ALWAYS compromises the liver (due to the constant production of alcohol), but even those without candida (that have reached the age of 12 on this poisoned planet) have some level of liver compromise. The adrenal glands do not "control" the liver, so although the presence of AF may indeed impact hypoglycemia negatively, the adrenals are not the entire picture. You know I had two 'extreme bouts' with AF, yet I experienced no symptoms of hypoglycemia because my liver was cleansed & functioning adequately (and I was doing a daily CE). I said all that to say, "so we know you have a very congested & compromised liver".

I know that you're a "softer & gentler" kind of person when it comes to trying new things (either because your sick body has conditioned you to be that way, or because that's your natural way); I realize (at least in part) that's because you're very compromised and highly 'reactive'...and I really do respect that completely. But I also know that the more compromised and more reactive we are, the more aggressive we need to be. :::sigh:::

Dr. Schulze (paraphrase) "The one thing good you can say about allopaths is that they know they have to be aggressive in the face of serious compromise. The go in with knives, blades, saws, chemo, radiation and drugs...and typical alternative medicine goes in with aroma-therapy candles, ridiculously low-doses of tinctures and herbs and meditation cushions while they continue eating all kinds of things that make them worse...and then become concerned over every little fart and backfire, quit, and say 'it didn't work'". I'm not accusing you of anything, Beth, I'm just sayin' & sharin'. What I know for sure is that if we put our heads together, we WILL find a way to be safely & appropriately aggressive...your body needs & deserves it. And many times without assisting, cleansing and supporting all systems at the same time, there's just no way to get all the systems working well enough for the body's natural healing schematics to function. Is this this case for you? Dunno yet...

I'm honestly not sure exactly how to advise you on this, Beth. I'm not in your body; I don't know exactly what you're experiencing currently, and I don't know how many of your 'other concerns' are based on past reactions that may/may not occur again, and how many may be 'actual' currently. That's because so many of things you've mentioned that you're sure you 'cannot do' without severe reactions seem to be based on what you did/tried weeks/months/years ago, without the benefit and support of a 'full program' and healing protocol that is natural to your body. And I'd guess (I could be wrong of course) that when you tried those things and experienced intolerable reactions, that your body was not in it's natural state because it was being forced into an unnatural state by various supplements (it certainly wasn't in the state it's in 'today'). And of course (definitely without being accusatory) there's been quite a bit of things like this scattered throughout your posts: >>>My original concern was that I would have difficulty...<<< , which can easily end up being a frustrating self-fulfilling prophecy. The only pieces of the puzzle I have are what I've read in your posting history, and although I've never seen you 'hold back' from posting what you experience, we both know that "posts on the internet" are a long way from 'the whole picture'. So I think the best (maybe only?) thing I can do is tell you what I would do. But first, these:

-- The more compromised someone is when they start a natural healing protocol, the more aggressively they need to support the process in order to prevent and lessen various symptoms. Little problems = little help/assistance; big problems = big help/assistance.

-- There are other reasons for burping/belching that it's possible could be triggered/exacerbated by the IF#1 in some way or another.

-- food reactions . I once helped a gal (28) that was down to around 12-15 foods she could eat (extremely underweight/anorexic). She had multiple symptoms of compromise, extreme allergies, and was highly reactive to almost everything. If she at anything that wasn't those 12-15, she had horrific "split body" reactions (amongst others). One side of her body would go numb/cold (almost paralyzed), in the other side she could feel her heart pounding everywhere (like in her cheek, her forearm, calf, you name it), with spasms. It was totally debilitating...she was definitely 'wasting' and her digestive tract continued to worsen (and she kept 'losing foods she could eat). She'd tapped out her insurance and spent $20-$30K on "NDs"...and had a good dose of AF mixed in the works. She could eat chicken, turkey, eggs, olive oil, cucumbers, lemons, asparagus, celery, cucumbers, spinach and dark green leafies. NO Superfoods, no IF's, no herbs, absolutely nothing. She did what she could do aggressively - dumped all the supplements (except iodine, we were both into Iodine at that time, but she dumped it midway through the 1st week) juice-fasted (yes, on only those veggies, she drank like a gallon and a half daily), CE's, daily olive oil flush-ettes, hot/cold showers...within a week she was able to start adding juices from foods she couldn't eat without reactions (and able to add the IFs/Superfood), and after two weeks she was binging (it was crazy). Giving her GI a break from the stress of high-protein/meat diet she'd been prescribed (that she swore was the only thing keeping her alive), giving her body back that 60% of energy sucked away by the digestive process, plowing herself with ultra high-grade nutrition, and oil & CE's to get her liver flowing and help with the detoxification/elimination...and she was over the hump in a week and in the winner's circle in 2 weeks (and off to a vacation overseas 2 weeks later). I was blown away...and I've never forgotten how fast a body can heal when given it what it needs...a break from digestion, easily assimilated nutrition/juice/broth, colon, liver, detox assistance.

--low stomach acid can cause burping/belching (acv would be a great help there)
--swallowing air when eating/drinking burping/belching (common with mouth breathers)
--nerve overstimulation (there's a variety of 'calming herbs' that may be very beneficial if this is the case)
--stomach not emptying as it should (lobelia stimulates the vagus nerve, which is responsible for the stomach releasing it's contents)

>>> I just can't wrap my head around the idea that that much gas is somehow gonna help my digestion. It seems like every time I've eaten anything that gave me this much gas it proved to worsen my digestion. What say you? <<<

"Gas" is a naturally occurring phenomena when we start killing off candida, parasites and breaking up decades worth of putrefying organic debris that's pasted to the walls of our intestines. Gas is a symptom that you're succeeding at killing, decongesting, cleansing and removing many of the things that cause bad digestion & liver compromise. Getting it all stirred up and stopping before the job is done likely does worsen the situation. Yes, some foods are gas-producing (garlic, due to the sulfur, is one of them). But when the digestive tract is functioning as is should 'gas producing foods' do not produce painful or immense amounts of gas, and they are not an issue at all.

From mouth to anus is one long, convoluted tube...if anything goes UPWARD in the tubing (more than a typical burp), it typically means there's something blocking, narrowing, clogging or crimping the tubing, and there's a severe lack of 'downward flow' (which can be complicated & enhanced by lack of bile flow, lack of stomach acid, lack of digestive enzymes, etc). Gas is caused either by putrefying matter being stirred up (or even just sitting there and degrading), recently ingested substances starting to putrefy and ferment and not moving 'downward & outward' as fast as they should, or dead/dying carcasses giving off gas & toxins. And of course, for those already IN that condition, then gas-producing foods increase the symptoms.

If you discern that what you're experiencing is due to a scant 1/32th of a teaspoon of dried garlic powder, then by all means, mix up a batch of IF#1 without the garlic and see what happens. My guess is the gas will be nearly the same...but I could be totally wrong, and it might be just the thing that would make you feel more comfortable and able to get 'er done!

>>> I think that lowering my triphalla was the wrong move. Maybe it would have been better to just let my stool be a little loose. They were kinda explosive and hurt a little though, so I thought it was time to back off. Oh well. <<<

Until people adjust to the cayenne in the IF#1, most people have a bit of discomfort when having a bm - it'll pass when you acclimate to the cayenne. Optimally, you should continue lowering the triphala and increasing the IF#1 until you're solely on IF#1. There will definitely be major changes happening in the transition.


What I would do?

I would stop taking all supplements that are unnatural to my body, stopping as many of them as possible as quickly as possible while supporting/switching to natural herbs & foods. You can not know how your natural body is reacting when it's forced into an unnatural condition by unnatural substances, and you're just not going to heal your seriously compromised natural body while ingestion unnatural chemicals. As you've seen, hypoglycemia can and is induced by Vitamin C/ascorbic acid. It would be MUCH easier and you'd have less symptoms if you could juice-heavily and/or juice fast. Doing everything you can to knock-back the hypoglycemia at it's root is integral (some suggestions below).

I would NOT stop the Isocort, as that has further compromised already compromised adrenal glands, and I don't think you should consider cutting or eliminating that until you've devised and utilized a solid 'full program' and at least firmly started repairing your digestive tract, liver & kidneys. Your adrenals NEED the support of all the organs/systems in your body before you start cutting the Isocort. Some might even suggest upping the Isocort, but I think that would be a backward move...supporting the adrenals with adaptogens is a much better and more positive play.

I would do my best to create the strongest healing environment in my body possible, doing my best to ensure easily assimilated nutrition (fuel) that my body could have as I asked it to expend extra energy in healing & cleansing. If I were having hypoglycemic reactions as you have in the past (but we don't really know about 'today' - or do we?), I would switch to 'liquid nutrition' *as much as possible* via whatever diluted juices I could tolerate along with veggie-mineral broths, kefirs and ample water/herb teas...along with mega nutritional yeast & bee pollen & superfood (nutritional yeast and bee pollen in strong amounts will provide MORE protein that you need, and the combination will provide ample nutrition. The excess protein should help bandaid the hypoglycemia once you're off the ascorbic acid and starting to cleanse & support your liver).

Meat & unfermented dairy are the biggest offenders/stressers to your body, because they putrefy rapidly, give off immense amounts of gas (and acids), suck your body dry of enormous amounts of energy and degrade into the very same mucous that negatively impacts the intestinal tract and provides the perfect feeding & breeding grounds for candida & parasites...the same mucous you're trying to get rid of. (Please don't 'go postal' on me about the meat/dairy - I still haven't time to get you all the data that shows why it's SO compromising to the body when in healing's not about the nutrition, it's about the compromising and anti-healing effects. I promise you'll understand more when you can review the factoids :)

I would make the switch to the IF#1 (with or without garlic powder) and start the IF#2 as soon as I could. Along with the high-protein nutritional yeast & pollen to knock-back and 'healthily bandaid' the hypoglycemia, the liver must be strongly supported. Liver: I would use some sort of bitters 5x daily (easy to do after each dose of IF#2). I would add as much 'liver therapy' as possible...castor oil packs, activated charcoal poultices, foot reflexology, coffee enemas, etc. And I'd especially add 1-3 Tablespoons of ground Milk Thistle seed powder daily. Lots of olive oil :)

I know, I know, I (think) I 'feel you' all the way in Iowa. It's "too much"...but I just don't know how (and will not ever recommend) coddling a severely compromised body - it always makes it worse. When the systems/organs of the body are SO compromised that no matter what you do, the one with the worst symptoms won't heal (AF in your case), leaving them compromised and just eating and supplementing to 'stop the reactions' is a FAR WORSE compromise than decongesting and unclogging could ever be (especially when the 'bandaids' increase the compromise). I'm not saying you should juice-fast if it's going to cause you pass out...but I am saying you need to get off the supplements and onto natural herbs/foods - and do your best to 'test the waters' and 'push the limits'. I doubt anything I could suggest could cause a reaction like the burping/belching your having. Let's knock that out and then get you 'multi-tasking' (which is much easier on your body).

By the way, just like the gal I helped that couldn't take the IFs for starters, if you can tolerate the IF#2 and get those bowel movements happening with a couple of CE's, that should work fine. Because unlike triphala or other laxatives, CE's actually trigger peristalsis and strengthen the that's always an option to consider (and one that your libber would lub you for choosing). You need to be doing one Coffee-Enema daily anyway (and they've been known to relieve gas many a time).

Okay, I'm outta here (must get some Zzzzz's). You can do this, Beth...I'm just sure of it (in fact, I've known it since I saw your first post on the AF forum). You ARE going to heal yourself and have your life 100% back in your control (and somehow I'm gonna get me an original fruit/veggie or spiral work of art outta the deal...I just haven't figgered out how quite yet :::grin:::) I know the last few days have been tough on you...if you can't get relief from the castor oil packs, herb teas, charcoal or CE's, then if you need to back-off for now, then back off.

Have a powerful and wonderful day!


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