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Re: Tired and depressed, might be milk thistle or ashwagandha? by LoricaLady ..... Adrenal Fatigue Forum

Date:   3/16/2011 10:18:36 AM ( 14 y ago)
Hits:   14,613

You say you are low on cortisol. Are you taking hydrocortisone then?

There are mixed "reviews" on ashwagandha. Some say it helps the adrenals. Some like Dr. Lam, here on Ask Dr. Lam at CZ, say it is not a good idea to take it.

I cannot diagnose your problems, wish I could. These things I do believe I know though.

Probably everyone has parasites and liver stones as well as candida.

If you have hypoadrenalism, you may also have hypothyroidism.

These topics are addressed in the link below.

See the cayenne pepper challenge test to see if you have Tapeworms (sometimes one sees seseme seed looking things instead of “white rice”), for example. Hulda Clark says everyone she ever lab tested had Tapeworms & everyone had other kinds of parasites as well.
What helped me in case any of it can help you:

Another approach to tapeworms, also ascaris:

Also, many people are not aware that they are gluten sensitive, maybe even have celiac. A gluten sensitivity test can help. Even if one shows up just at Level 1 in sensitivity, that means the intestinal villi have been damaged & nutrients are not getting through as they should.


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