Mr. Chin's Testimony by professorozone ..... Oxygen Therapies Support Forum
Date: 3/14/2011 7:34:06 AM ( 14 y ago)
Hits: 9,153
My Worst Nightmare…
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My name is Mr. Chin and this is my story…
One morning while I was cleaning the floor, all of a sudden there was a severe pain in my chest and my shoulders. The pain was so intense that I could hardly walk and breathe. Resting for a while I gained back my strength but had to rest in the house for the rest of the day. In the evening I visited a doctor.
After the doctor examined me and listened to my story he immediately wrote a letter to admit me to the hospital. Since I was unable to walk very well that day, I decided to go to the hospital in the morning.
The next morning I felt, yet again a severe pain in my chest and shoulders, this time the pain was more severe that I could not even move. I was immediately taken in a wheelchair to see a cardiologist in the hospital. The next thing that I can remember I was sent for an ECG Test, an Echocardiography Test and finally a Cardiac Stress Test . My ECG Test was normal, Echocardiography Test indicated that my heart was pumping strong, ejection fraction was recorded at 67%, and however my Stress Test indicated a suggestion of ischemia, a restriction of blood supply to the arteries to my heart. I only scored 80% of max predicted 158 bpm and my Maximum Workload was only 4.6 METs. My Stress Test was terminated at Stage 1; however my recovery blood pressure was measuring at 120/80. My worst nightmare continued that day…
The cardiologist told me that I will have to immediately consider a coronary angiogram and that they must as well insert stents to clear the blockage of the arteries. He said he can help to speed up the administration process and can arrange for a detailed consultation and operation in another hospital three days later. He then prescribed the following medicine. I found out about their effects after browsing through the Internet.
* VASTRAL MR (Release chest pain due to blood supply to heart)
* ZOCOR (Lowering Cholesterol)
*APO-CLOPIDOGREL (Inhibits blood clots)
*SOLBID (Dilates blood, prevent angina but causes severe headache)
*NAC (For emergency heart attack to put underneath the tongue)
The cardiologist had ignored my feedback of my frequent sleeping on the left side that causes pain in my heart and also I had stopped taking B12 supplement for quite some time. It is strange that he also totally ignored my complaint about my swollen fingers. The general conclusion by the cardiologist was that my severe chest pain is due to a mild heart attack that was as a result of a blockage in my main arteries and an angiogram with insertion of stents can help to resolve the problem. One surprise to me is that no blood has been taken from me to estimate my Lipid & Cardiovascular Risks. I do not understand why his recommendation was to overcome the symptom immediately.
After leaving the hospital I went to see another doctor immediately for another opinion and was surprised the advice given was to go for the angiogram and insert stents. My next two days were the most difficult times of my life and worse when I browsed for more information from the Internet that inserting stents might trigger a heart attack.
One personal analogy that I have derived from using stents to clear the blockage of main arteries and take drugs for the rest of my life to prevent the body rejecting the foreign bodies and also prevent residues that might stick to these foreign bodies. It is like “Pushing the rubbish that clings on the wall in your house with a wire mesh and taking precaution for wire mesh being removed and continuously preventing more rubbish that will definitely cling to the wire mesh.“ Instead “I would think rubbish should be cleansed and removed immediately in the house, apply detergent that will remove rubbish that cling on the wall and enabling a smooth wall that will not gather rubbish and at the same time changing the habit of gathering rubbish inside the house.”
The night before going for my angiogram & stents operation I sent a SMS to Peter Jovanovic, the founder of Ozone Hospital Malaysia. His reply showed me a light for an alternative. After talking to Peter and getting the address to the clinic I visited the site of the Ozone Hospital in Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Once there I met with Dr. Ali who gave me a brief introduction on Ozone Therapy while patiently listening to my story and asking questions, I found these to be very relevant and important. Without hesitation I signed up for a package of a series of treatments that I was told include blood cleansing, vitamins/supplements via IV insertion, stimulating growth of Stem Cells using Nuepogen, a granulocyte colony stimulating factors (G-CSF) and many blood tests as well as ECG Test, Echocardiography and Stress Test to be conducted in a Hospital.
My first EBOO/RHP Treatment
Blood is drawn from a branula insertion in one arm and travels via a tube where the flow is controlled by a rotating point through a pre-filter before entering into a bigger upwards filter. At the upwards filter blood is mixed with the Ozone generated by the EBOO/RHP unit and excess toxic water, protein, plaque, blood clots and fats will be filtered. The clean and ozonated blood will then travel via another filter before re-enter into the body by another branula insertion on the other arm. Since Ozone being negative charged, it will combine with all other positive charged particles like heavy metals and carry them out. Bacteria, viruses and parasites in the blood will die because of cell ruptures when the Ozone penetrates through their cell membranes. The entire EBOO/RHP process will take one hour and more and during which approximately 3-4 liters of blood will be drawn out, cleansed, filtered, boosted with ozone and re-inserted back into the body. When the blood drawing branula insertion has been removed, the remaining blood in the upwards filter is forced with saline water into the blood entering IV insertion thus ensuring minimum wastage of blood. Minus the volume of saline water from that of waste water in the waste container below the EBOO/RHP unit will show the excess water taken out from the body. My excess water was 400 ml, no wonder my fingers felt swollen all the time and the inflammation was reflected on my blood test. During the EBOO/RHP Treatment I was shocked to see the amount of fats being drawn out from my body but was pleased to see a drastic color change (from dark red to bright red) in my blood coming out and re-entered into my body. At the end of the EBOO/RHP Treatment I was given the following via the blood entering branula insertion. GSH – Glutathione (an antioxidant, preventing damage to important cellular components caused by reactive oxygen species such as free radicals and peroxides. Methylcobal – B12 (This Vitamin helps to lower homocysteine levels, thus preventing hardening & narrowing of arteries). L-Carnitine (It burns internal fats and converts them to energy, thereby enabling the heart to get by with less oxygen.)
The effect of my first EBOO/RHP Treatment
When my blood was continuously drawn out of my body I did not feel any pain except a slight discomfort in my chest and shoulders that was existing before my EBOO/RHP Treatment and the headache that I believed was caused by SOLBID, the blood dilation medicine prescribed by the cardiologist. As cleansed and ozonated blood re-entered into my body my chest and shoulder pain disappeared. My headache went away, I felt very comfortable and after leaving the clinic I was able to walk slowly to the car that my wife has parked very near to the clinic.
I felt fresh and awake the whole day and only felt like going to bed at 10:30 at night. I had a good sleep and woke up around 7:00AM the next morning eager to prepare my journey for the next treatment.
My Blood Analysis Report
My blood analysis report by GNOSIS Laboratory from blood taken before my First EBOO treatment indicates that I was free from infectious diseases, Tumor Markers OK, Diabetics & Pancreatic OK, Thyroid Function OK, Immuno-serology OK, Urine Analysis OK, Microscopic OK. However my SGOT was 44, whereas reference value is below 40 and Urine Alb/Crea. Ratio was 4.6 whereas reference value is less than 3.4. Under the Lipid & Cardiovascular Risks my LDL-Cholesterol (bad) was 2.84 and C - reactive protein, CRP was 26.4. This has indicated that I was suffering acute inflammation. Although my ESR was 27 mm/Hr (very thick indeed), my red cells show normochromic normocytic picture. The platelets are adequate. The white cells reveal no abnormal morphological changes. After explaining my Blood Analysis Report Dr. Ali then planned my subsequent treatment for the next five days.
Blood from an IV insertion is drawn into a blood container bag. After 120 ml of blood has been drawn into the bag, Ozone is injected into it and the blood is thoroughly mixed with the ozone by gently rolling the bag. The ozonated blood is then re-inserted back via the same IV insertion. The same MICROBUBBLE Treatment was repeated for next four days and immediately after the MICROBUBBLE Treatment I was on and off given
(2) KETO
(4) GSH – Gluthathione
(5) Methylcobal – B12
(6) L-Carnitine
My First Live Style Change Education
During my 5 days MICROBUBBLE Treatment Dr. Ali started to have a conversation with me on life style changes. He emphasized the importance of vitamins, antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant, anti-platelets, etc. He also emphasized on physical exercises. He first found out the kind of food and supplements I eat and then advised what additional food and supplement that I should add to my diet. This education process not only made me remember but has made me realized the kind of food and supplement that I have missed in my diet plan. Dr. Ali had advised me to continue with the medicine prescribed by the cardiologist; however I have stopped taking it because I had confirmed SOLBID has contributed to my severe headache. Instead I told Dr. Ali that I have started taking some Chinese Herbal Medicine like Danshen, Hawthorn, Notoginseng, Lingzhi and the black fungus known to the Chinese as “Wood Ear”. To my surprise Dr. Ali understood and believed in Chinese Medicine. He said he will monitor their effect after subsequent blood test and will advise on their dosage. Through Dr.Ali’s advice I have browsed as much information as I could relating to Anti-Inflammatory food, fruits that are rich in antioxidants and vegetables that I should avoid because they will make my blood thick.
My 2nd Blood Test has brought good news
Three days after treatment by Dr. Ali my blood was sent to GNOSIS Laboratory to check for my C - reactive protein (CRP) and this time my CRP resulted at 6.1, a big drop from original value of 26.4. Although inflammation still read >5, I was very happy and began to show the desire of having a better healthy life. I will now have to change my life style. I was so happy that I started a new habit of pressing my little fingers at all the times. Just cannot express the pleasure that I get in doing that. They were becoming so soft. I was also pleased to tell Dr. Ali that I could manage to walk 100 meters and was able to wash the floor using a water jet. Dr. Ali emphasized that I should exercise but not to challenge my heart. After the five day MICROBUBBLE Treatment I was given my 2nd EBOO/RHP Treatment with GSH, B12 and L-Carnitine. Before the treatment blood was taken for a Creatanine Kinase (CK) test. I was given 4 days rest without any treatment and was told that I will be on another 5 days treatment on Stem Cells Cultivation when I returned from my holidays.
My Blood Test on Creatanine Kinase (CK)
Experts suggest that anyone who is not sure whether or not they have had a heart attack (which is hard to imagine!) or whether muscles in their bodies have been damaged as a result of any sort of activity, should make it a point to go for a creatanine kinase test. My blood test result shows my CK was 120.9 and the reference value for male is <160. My CK is not too low that indicates my heart is OK (probably not inflamed) and muscles in my body were not likely damaged and I do not likely have neuromuscular diseases.
Briefing on Stem Cells Cultivation
Stem cells have the remarkable potential to develop into many different cell types in the body during early life and growth. In addition, in many tissues they serve as a sort of internal repair system, dividing essentially without limit to replenish other cells as long as the person or animal is still alive. When a stem cell divides, each new cell has the potential either to remain a stem cell or become another type of cell with a more specialized function, such as a muscle cell, a red blood cell, or a brain cell. Recent study shows Stem Cells play a role in tissue repair and angiogenesis. New network of blood vessels are being grown as a result of injected stem cells. Stem cells decrease when we age and the only way to restore to a younger age is to add more stem cells to the body. For the next five days I was put on an injection of Neupogen. Neupogen injection contains the active ingredient filgrastim, which is a type of medicine called a recombinant human granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF). G-CSF is a substance produced naturally by the body that stimulates the bone marrow to produce stem cells. Filgrastim is a man-made version of G-CSF. Before taking the injection I was warned to inform them immediately should I experiencing bone pain, nausea, nose bleeding, vomiting or high blood pressure. I did not experience any of these except a slight shoulder pain that was tolerable. My Blood pressure was strange because it dropped to around 110/60. While having the extra cultivated stem cells to do the necessary repair to my body I started to gain more strength to perform more work at home. Each visit for my treatment I was very happy to tell Dr. Ali that I can walk further and further without stopping. My blood was taken for a White Blood Cell Count after the first day of the Neupogen injection. The value increased to 14.1, whereas the reference value is between 4.0 and 11.0.
My Lipids, CK and CRP Blood Test
My blood was taken for CRP & another Lipids & Cardiovascular Risks that include CK test. My CRP has dropped from its previous value of 6.1 to 5.7 and inflammation was measured >5.0. My CK was 128 and that is OK as compare my previous value of 129. My HDL-Cholesterol (Good) has been lowered to 0.91 as compared to previous 1.09 and my LDL-Cholesterol (Bad) has been lowered to 0.78 as compared to previous 2.84, my Total Cholesterol has been lowered to 1.97 as compared to previous 4.68. While monitoring my Cholesterol levels and inflammatory level I was advised to include in my diet with vegetables and fruits, less meat and minimum carbohydrates. I also supplemented with CQ10, Vitamin E, Omega 3 Fish oil, my Chinese medicines and Dr.Ali’s medicinal herbs.
Stem Cells count (CD34)
My stem cells count at the end of the culture process did not elevate much probably because they were used up to do a lot of repair to my body damage. My subsequent liver function test has indicated an elevated Bilirubin Direct and Total counts, whereas my HDL-Cholesterol (Good) has dropped to 0.78 and my LDL-Cholesterol (Bad) has dropped to 0.52. My Total Cholesterol has been lowered to 1.87 as compared to previous 1.97. I was given my 3rd EBOO/RHP Treatment with GSH, B12 and L-Carnitine and was told that I will be on for another 5 day MICROBUBBLE Treatment and Liver Cleansing.
Echocardiography Test in a Hospital
Before the next MICROBUBBLE Treatment I was send to a Hospital for another Echocardiography Test and the result showed; Normal left ventricular systolic function. No regional wall abnormality. Borderline left ventricular hypertrophy. Mitral Valve normal for age. Aortic valve Tricuspid thickened. Trivial tricuspid regurgitation. Pulmonary artery – normal size, mild pulmonary regurgitation. Dilated left atrium, no pericardial effusion/clots. Early Diastolic Dysfunction. I was told generally I am OK and I would think the only way for me to see any improvement is to repeat the same test after a few months.
My MICROBUBBLE Treatment for flushing my liver
The next 5 days MICRBUBBLE Treatment for flushing my liver includes the normal MICROBUBBLE Treatment with GSH, B12 & L-Carnitine. I was given high dose of Vitamin C (25 g & 50 g) on and off as well. My blood was taken for a PT-INR test and I was given two days rest before another EBOO/RHP Treatment.
My PT-INR Test
The Prothrombin time (PT) evaluates the ability of blood to clot properly; it can be used to help diagnose bleeding. The International Normalized Ratio (INR) is used to monitor the effectiveness of blood thinning medicine and diet taken. My PT level is normal but INR level was 1.09 and the reference value is 2.1 to 4.8. There are a few things worth mentioning about the INR. First, an individual whose blood clots normally and who is not on anticoagulation should have an INR of approximately 1. The higher your INR is, the longer it takes your blood to clot. In other words, as the INR increases above a given level, the risk of bleeding and bleeding-related events increases. On the other hand, as the INR decreases below a given level, the risk of clotting events increases. At this stage I had already finished Dr.Ali’s herbal medicine and Dr. Ali thinks that the Danshen that I have taken was too low a dosage. Subsequently I had increased it to 1000 mg day and night.
Nitric Oxide prevent and reversing cardiovascular diseases & Strokes
Dr. Louis Ignarro the 1988 Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine who has spent 30 years in medical research has discovered that Nitric Oxide benefits the heart. It benefits and reversing cardiovascular diseases and strokes. Nitric Oxide being a gas that last only second is produced in the inner lining of the blood vessels. Nitric Oxide cannot be directly supplemented; it is generated by two main amino acids (L-Arginine & L-Citrulline) that come from our diet. However if the body cannot absorb it from our diet then they will need to be supplemented. Dr. Ignarro highlighted that exercise is the main requirement for the body to create more Nitric Oxide and not to forget taking antioxidants and vitamins like Vitamin C and Vitamin E. With these you will maximize your body ability to create more Nitric Oxide. Nitric Oxide not only benefit cardiovascular disease, it help to keep the blood vessels healthy by increasing blood flow so that more oxygen and nutrients are supplied to all other organs of your body. Nitric Oxide interferes with the clotting process, preventing unnecessary clotting in the arteries. Nitric Oxide also serves as a blood vasodilator. Nitric Oxide also helps to reduce blood pressure when the body senses the pressure is high. Nitric Oxide helps to maintain a good Lipid profile. L-Citrulline is an Amino Acid that will convert into L-Arginine by our body. The foods that are rich in L-Citrulline are, Watermelon - is the richest dietary source of the amino acid L-Citrulline. Due to the extremely high concentration of L-Citrulline in watermelon, the consumption of this fruit has been proven to have many beneficial medical effects. Research shows Watermelon extract successfully improved arterial function and lowered blood pressure in all of the subjects who were included in the study. It is also beneficial in relaxing blood vessels. Garlic - Garlic is another food source that can greatly increase your daily dietary intake of L-Citrulline. Consumption of garlic may lower blood cholesterol and thinner blood. It is beneficial in reducing the incidence of coronary artery disease and blood clot formation. Onion - Onions are also an excellent dietary source of L-Citrulline. They help to reduce blood pressure due to the presence of the antioxidant quercetin in onions. I have made a habit change in ordering Watermelon juice instead without ice and Sugar whenever I think of drinking coffee. I have also created a recipe for salad sauce that uses garlic, onion, ginger, lemon juice, apple cider and honey and frequently use the sauce for making a drink to quench my thirst.
My Fourth EBOO/RHP Treatment
My 4th EBOO/RHP Treatment was done on the 24th day after my heart attack. Again I was given GSH, B12 and L-Carnitine and it was surprise to me that my blood pressure measured 100/60 so low that it is impossible to believe. I did not have any dizziness and felt absolutely OK. After the EBOO/RHP Treatment I was given an ECG Test and test had shown my heart is OK. I feel fresh at this moment and I have lost 4 kg. I was also proud to tell Dr. Ali that I am able to walk 2 km nonstop. One strange experience resting at home is that sometimes I felt a slight vibrational movement all over my body including my heart. These movements become less and less each day. The next day my blood was taken for Lipoprotein (a) Test in Gribbles Pathology and I was given a 50 g of Vitamin C. This test is used to measure the blood level of small dense lipoproteins, which are a direct link to the formation of arterial plaques (atherosclerosis), and is a strong indicator for coronary heart disease. My reading was 0.58 and reference value is <0.11. At that moment I was advised to take 1000 mg of Niacinamide (Vitamin B3) every day.
My Fifth EBOO/RHP Treatment
My fifth EBOO/RHP Treatment was done on 28th day after my heart attack and I was given GSH, B12 and L-Carnitine and my blood pressure read 110/58. At the end of my EBOO Treatment I was given an injection of Atraxia in my stomach. I was told that I will have to take two more injections of Atraxia, one the next day and the last a week later. I had a two day rest after the second injection and was given my last MICROBUBBLE. Another one day rest before I was taken to the Hospital to do a Cardiac Stress Test.
My blood was taken for a Lipid and CRP Test in a Hospital where my Cardiac Stress Test was carried out.
My Total Cholesterol was 4.1 mmol/L (Reference value is < 5.2), Triglycerides were 1.51 mmol/L (Reference value is <1.71) , HDL Cholesterol is 1,24 mmol/L (Reference value is >1.03), LDL Cholesterol is 2.2 mmol/L (Reference value is <2.6) and my C-Reactive Protein (CRP) was Negative (Reference value is <5.0 mg/L). I was targeted for Stage 2 on the Stress Test, 158 bpm. I completed 5 minutes (Stage 2 Bruce protocol). Target heart rate achieved. I had done the Maximum workload of 7 METs compare to my previous 4.0 METs one month ago. No chest pain, ST Depression end stage 1 onwards normalized within 3 minutes recovery, resting BP 120/80.
My second chance for a longer life
As I was leaving the Hospital I was very pleased that I have improved my aerobic activity level and at least the data done on the Stress Test has indicated that I have no symptoms on the activities of daily living. Obviously a better improvement will depend how I am going to take care of my health. I returned to Dr.Ali’s clinic and was given my last Atraxia injection that ended my Ozone Therapy Treatment for my heart problem. I am very happy to say that the Ozone Therapy at the Ozone Hospital Malaysia has given me a second chance for a longer life. Without hesitating I have signed up on a maintenance package that includes more EBOO/RHP & more MICROBUBBLE Treatment for the next 6 months. I was given two weeks rest before my next maintenance package starts. During these two weeks my aerobic activity level has increased and for more than a week I was walking and running continuously non-stop for 4 km in the morning as well as in the evening. I look younger and have lost 6 kg. I have stopped my NORVARC medication for more than a month and my bp is at 118/78. Even if I do not do any more Cardiac Stress Test and inserting Stents in my arteries I will still be able to have a second chance for a longer life.
Mr. Chin March 14th, 2011
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