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TMAU NOT Liver Congestion Probably!! by Desperadonyc5 ..... Body Odor Forum

Date:   1/26/2011 7:43:51 AM ( 14 y ago)
Hits:   9,592

I think a lot of people are so desperate for a diagnosis for Body Odor that TMAU is embraced as the cause. I know because I was one of them. I was tested for TMAU and waited almost 6 months to find out that my results were negative. Since that time, I have come to believe that a lot of us have liver congestion caused by environmental toxins like heavy metals, chemicals like chlorine, pcbs, etc and/or Antibiotic overuse that can cause candidiasis. I think that the liver is full of toxic sludge, mucus, pus etc., that can cause offensive Body Odor . If we use the TMAU diet (choline-free), we make matters worse because the liver needs cruciferous foods to heal and herbs to cleanse the liver.

I am currently detoxing from mercury and lead. As part of the cleanse which also includes frequent dosing with DMSA and ALA, I am drinking a few drops of food grade hydrogen peroxide in filtered water as well as using it also for enemas. I have also included coffee enemas. Since adding this to my regime, I have seen so much mucus discharged in my stool and parasites after the coffee enemas that it is unbelievable. In addition, I take Green Vibrance (full of prebiotics, probiotics, antioxidants, milk thistle, and greens, etc.) on an empty stomach along with Vit C (buffered ascorbic acid) and milk thistle every morning. I am making great strides in decreasing the odor using this regime whereas the choline-free diet made me smell worse. Check out Sandra Cabot, the liver doctor, to learn more about how to best care for the liver.

I think we need to look at cost-effective Liver Cleanses like lemon, olive oil, cayenne pepper in warm water in the morning including nourishing herbs to heal the liver and also add Colon Cleanses like cascara sagrada and Black-Walnut and cloves for parasites in order to eliminate Body Odor . Eliminating sugar, white flour and processed foods is another must. Drinking lots of filtered water versus bottled water to decrease the pcbs for the plastic bottles is important factor to keep in mind as we detox.

Lastly, if you are dealing with anger issues, the liver is the seat of anger and a sign that your liver is congested or imbalanced. As you detox the liver, the anger will subside.

Best wishes to all.


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