Re: Thank you for your help by Eric11 ..... Candida & Dysbiosis Forum
Date: 1/17/2011 6:27:03 PM ( 14 y ago)
Hits: 8,580
It sounds like you are likely suffering from mercury. Unfortunately, the usual tests are notoriously unreliable when detecting this kind of thing (by reputation at least).
I suggest you try a proper chelating. I suggest what is called the Cutler Protocol. I wrote a lengthy description of it elsewhere on this forum. I could paste it here if you like.
There are other ways to chelate. I tried using the cilantro and chlorella method as well. It is cheaper, but it's effectiveness is questioned by many people, and it has many side effects. I used it for 6 months when I first started chelating, and I definitely felt better, but I think Cutler is more effective.
Basically, on the cilantro/chlorella protocol you take chlorella about a half hour before you take cilantro with meals (so you take cilantro while you're eating and chlorella a half hour before you start eating). I just took the supermarket spice and put some in water. At the same time you can be taking a good multivitamin to give you body selenium, vitamin C and E and other things it needs to chelate. Don't bother with glutathione supplement. I've heard it's worthless because it can't survive the trip through your digestive system. I would instead eat foods which encourage the production of glutathione in your system. Do the protocol a few days on and a few days off.
Drink a lot of water while you do it. Saunas are very helpful too (otherwise find some way to make yourself sweat and then shower off afterwards).
Make absolutely certain you have no more silver fillings since chelating while you still have them in can make you very sick. If at any time your heart starts beating irregularly, take an immediate break from chelating.
You could try one of the chelating methods and see how you react. If it's working, you will feel a bit worse after you start chelating (not unlike treating yeast). I felt what I call "phantom mosquito bites" whenever I sweat.
Definitely find out more about heavy metal trouble and make your own judgement. I have a strong suspicion this will help you, but it's up to you, of course.
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