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Updated-Hoping for assistance from Unyquity by udoknowjac ..... Natural Healing & Herbal Solutions w/Unyquity

Date:   9/4/2010 7:44:07 PM ( 14 y ago)
Hits:   2,858

I am updating this because I saw a post that listed questions for those seeking help.

Unyquity I can only imagine how many people come and ask for help and how incredibly busy you must be. All I can say is that I would be extremely grateful for any advice or direction you can send me in. I, like many have had health issues for years. Recently they have come to a point of being debilitating and I feel unable to do much most days. I have been on this forum for weeks and only seem to get more confused and overwhelmed. I was lead to your products by Blueciel and have gotten some great info from her as well. I am looking to get your input if I can so I can order from you and begin hopefully on a path to healing.

Here is what might be your longest letter ever on health, I apologize in advance. I am giving you a lot of information on my health over the years, medications I have taken etc. because I am not sure what might help you and I want to make sure you have everything. I am thankful that there are people such as you who have spent time studying and helping others such as myself toward healing. I just want you to know how much I appreciate your help.

Age, Sex, Height/Weight (height/weight proportionate? under/overweight?)

I am single, 42 years old, I weigh about 120 pounds and I am 5”1. I think I am overweight by about 10 pounds

Exercise daily? weekly? never? (how much, what type?)

Right now since my surgeries and then fractured knee incident I am not exercising at all. I want to get back into but just never seem to feel well enough. But I know it is very important. I used to exercise a lot but since June 2009 I have gotten very lazy and then recently I just do not feel well.

Water: --how much water do you drink daily? (what kind of water? tap; filtered -what kind of filter?-; reverse osmosis (RO); distilled; spring/mineral; other)

I always drink lots of water; you will rarely see me without it. I use a Brita Filter. I also frequently urinate, I am not sure if that is from all the water or not. Sometimes I “go” and then 5 minutes later I can go again. This happens a lot.

Other beverages (daily, occasionally):

The only thing I drink daily is water. Occasionally when I am very tired and need to do something I will drink black tea. Perhaps one to two cups a week. Sometimes I drink red caffeine free tea. Very rarely I drink Diet Soda. I used to drink GT’s Kombucha until it went off the market. I really like it.

Diet (in any given week) - please be as specific as possible:

For the most part my diet has usually been pretty healthy. Mainly I have just tried to keep a healthy balance. I do not eat processed foods (except the occasional pretzels or other snacks but it is rare), I rarely except on holidays and events eat White Sugar , no white flour either. I have used Stevia for a few years. I try to eat organic when I can afford it. Since I lost my job I have not been able to do as much organic because of cost but I have tried to keep the chicken organic and some other things. Before my surgery in June I was starting a raw diet. I had done it for about 5 months and was almost 100% raw. I was just starting to get into Super Foods such as Spirulina, Maca and Gogi powder. I was drinking a lot of green smoothies and juicing. I have a Breville juice fountain and also a pretty good blender which I was able to make the smoothies in. I had planned to get a Vitamix but plans changed when I ended up in the hospital. With the surgeries and everything that has gone on I did not go back to raw but have tried to eat healthy. I have not been eating as many salads it is weird but I seem to have lost a taste for them. Since November I have been eating mainly gluten free and about two weeks ago went 100% gluten free. Mainly I would eat chicken, brown rice, GF bread, GF pasta, GF oatmeal, GF cereal, frozen veggies, eggs, sweet potatoes, acorn squash, lots of fruit (mainly apples, grapes, berries in smoothies, and peaches), black beans, lentils, fruit smoothies etc. Last week I started a Candida Diet. I am not sure about this and what is right but I cut out all of the GF bread, GF cereal, GF oatmeal, brown rice, all fruit except today I did but some green apples and have gone lighter on the beans. Some of what I ate this past week is zucchini, yellow squash, eggs (with spinach, onions, peppers and garlic), cucumbers, avocado, chicken, ground turkey, green beans, a little red grapes, one apple, etc.

--what percentage of the above is organic?
Not a very high percent right now because I am unemployed. Mainly my meats are always organic and eggs

--oils & fats (what kind? how much?)

I use Extra-Virgin Olive-Oil . I am interested in finding out about Coconut Oil to eat and use. I stay pretty much away from saturated fat foods

--meat (what kind? how much?)

Chicken, occasionally ground turkey, deli turkey/chicken. Usually have some type of animal protein one time day

--dairy (what kind? how much?)

I am dairy free except for the occasional half and half in my teas. I use almond/hemp/rice milk

--how many/what kind of fruits/veggies daily? (raw, steamed, cooked?)

Before the Candida Diet I would eat an apple or two a day, grapes every day usually and sometimes fruit smoothies. Usually frozen veggies (no Sugar or anything added just veggies). Now on diet I am eating zucchini, and yellow squash (microwave) , frozen green beans, spinach, onions, peppers, cucumbers, green apples, berries

--white sugar? white flour? white salt?
None, I use stevia and celtic Sea Salt

-processed foods?
None right now on Candida Diet but previously I used to eat the occasional gluten free pretzels or snacks. I have not eaten a lot of processed foods in years

-gmo frankenfoods (non-organic: soy/derivatives, corn/derivatives, canola/cottonseed oil, beet sugar)

Not sure about this

Do you use a microwave oven? If so, how often?

Yes probably daily

How "un-wired" are you at home and at work? Cell Phone ? WiFi? Cordless phone (what mHz or gHz? DECT?); other wireless toys & gadgets?

I use a Cell Phone , IPOD and I am on my computer at home daily

Are you exposed to chemicals in the home or workplace frequently? If so, what?


Allergies (food, chemical, drugs, other):

Penicillin. I have done several Gluten Tests and nothing has been conclusive so they suggested I go gluten Free

Food "reactions":

Not sure.

Pharmaceutical drugs (current/past):

I have tried numerous medications in the past. It is hard to remember everything they have tried me on over the years. Here is the best I can recall.

Cuurent-Diflucan 200mg 2x day¬-currently taking on 3rd week

Current-Wellbutrin XL 150mg¬-have taken about 2 months but I am weaning myself off right now

Current- B12 Shots weekly

Nasonex Spray-As needed

Antibiotics -I know when I was in the hospital I was on Antibiotics . Also thru the years I have taken them on and off. I have not taken any in 2010.

Clonzapam (rarely for sleep)
***These below are hard to guess it all depends on my pain and migraine cycle for the month and how bad it is for how much I take

Imitrex as needed perhaps 8 times a month (more during bad headache cycles)

Migranal Spray (as needed for migraine perhaos 1x month at most)

Prednisone Tablets (as needed for migraine perhaps 1 round a month at most). Also did a at home treatment of IV steroids in May of 1010, and in 2009.

Zofran (as needed for nausea¬-perhaps 8 times a month)

Phenergan ((as needed for nausea¬-perhaps 8 times a month)

Naproxen (rarely, at most 1x month). Used to take daily and stopped in June.

Torrodol injections (perhaps 1 x month)

Diludud (as needed in the past about 1x maybe 2 a month)

Percocet (varies at different times. As needed for migrines 1 to 2 times month. During surgery’s was on daily and also when I fractured my knees was on it.
Valium¬¬-as needed varies perhaps 3 or 4 times month

Zanax-as needed perhaps 3 or 4 times month

Past-Armour thyroid and other thyroid meds I cannot remember

Past-cortef, hydrocortisone and low dose prednisone for adrenals

Past-Ritain-very short try about 2 weeks in 2010

Past-Pregnosine Cream and pills. Have tried several throughout the years

Past-morphine IV Pump in hospital

Past other sleeping drugs such as Ambien etc

Over The Counter drugs (current/past):

Benadryl-take for occasional skin rashes and sometimes for sleep. Taking right now because I think I am having an allergic reaction or something to Wellbutrin

Advil/Tylenol¬-rarely use

Pepto Bismol-on occasion

Imodium AD-on occasion

Exlax-on occasion

Miralax-Tried after hospital but did not like

Supplements (please be as specific as possible as include 'name brands' and amounts taken):

I have tried numerous supplements and herbs over the years. It is hard to remember them all but here is the best I can remember. Previous to November most of my supplements were from Orthomolecular. Now I have been taking MD
Prescriptives which I can get from my doctor at a discount.

When I was diagnosed with the yeast my new doctor said to stop the vitamins because they were not being absorbed. So for about two weeks I have only taken Melatonin and the Probiotic. I recently added magnesium back in because the Diflucan was making me constipated, which I still am

MD Prescriptives CoQ10-100mg with vitamin E

Fish Oil-MD Prescriptives RX Omega 3x day¬-each Pill is EPA 500, DHA 250:. Previously used to take Orthomega Fish Oil (formerly Mega Omega Fish Oil) by Ortho Molecular. Also a long time ago did Carlsons Fish Oil. I have also taken other fish oils and flax oils thru the years

Multi-MD Prescriptives Essentials Multi Vitamin

Probiotic-Xymogen ProbioMax DF taking now 1x day. Previously took MD Prescriptives Purebiotic 3x day, Before that BD Lactinix 3 or 4 tabs a day, Previous to Ortho

Biotic by Ortho Molecular

Calcium Carbonate: 1000mg Cal and 800mg D. Used to take Rainbow Light Just Once which was calcium and Magnesium

Magnesium Oxidate: 400mg taking now. Used to take Magnesium Glycinate 100 mg by Douglas Laboratories

Ester C-Vitamin C (about 1500/day)

Ortho B Complex by Ortho Molecular take two tablets daily

Melatonin P.R. 3 mg Prolonged-Release Bisected Tablets by

Douglas Laboratories¬-I take 3 or 4 a night

Vitamin D3, 5000 IU by Complementary Prescriptions took 10,000 for one month. Previously took Vitamin D 5000 iu by Ortho Molecular. Not taking a D supplement right now

5-HTP 50mg (5-Hydroxytryptophan) by Pure Encapsulations –tried for one month and did not work

DHEA 25 mg by Ortho Molecular-Tried but never completed a month

Iodoral 12.5 mg by Optimox Corporation- Tried but never completed a month

Vitamin B-2 400 mg by Bio-Tech-tried taking extra for migraines but did not help

Pregnenolone by Ortho Molecular-Tried awhile back did not like

Thyrotain by Ortho Molecular- Tried awhile back did not like

Reacted Multimin by Ortho Molecular- Tried awhile back did not like

Natural Calm-Years ago I used to take in the evenings and tried again about 5 months ago but no longer taking it.

After my surgery’s I started to use ground flax seeds for fiber.

I have also used Hemp Powder in my smoothies and also Whole Foods Whey Protein Powder

Other current therapies, cleanses or protocols:

None right now besides the diflucan and Candida diet

What, if anything, are you are doing or taking now that is yielding positive results?

I think the Diflucan has had some results but it is difficult to say.

What, if anything, have you done in the past that yielded negative results?

Not sure

Recent vaccines:

Flu Vaccine yearly

How many bowel movements daily/weekly? (color, consistency, etc)

Right now b/c of the Diflucan I am constipated. Most often I go once a day in the am. They seem normal movements, not really hard. Sometimes I will go a 2nd time

Do you have a juicer? (if so what kind? centrifugal; single auger; masticating; if you don't know, what's the brand/model?)

I have a Breville juice fountain and also a pretty good blender which I was able to make the green and fruit smoothies in.

Current Health Issues (the more details, the better!):

I went to a new doctor recently and his idea was that I had leaky gut and that was the main issue behind all of my problems. I did a stool test from Metametrix and it came back with +3 out of 4 for yeast/fungi. It said I had no parasites and there were no other major issues. He put me on Diflucan 200mg 2x a day for two weeks. I continued the treatment for another two weeks because I thought it was helping. I am still in the process of taking it. I have taken it for about 3 weeks.

In addition he did say the test showed I had more bad bacteria than good bacteria. He sold me his (of course) expensive probiotic which I have been taking for a month. For as long as I can remember I have taken probiotics, high quality ones which made me surprised that it seemed they have not done anything.

The Metametrix botanicals test came back that the yeast fungi were sensitive to: Garlic, Uva Ursi, Oregano, Cats Claw and Oil of Thyme. It is resistant to: Black-Walnut , Wormwood , Goldenseal, Caprylic Acid, Olive Leaf, and Undecylenic Acid.

The yeast is what led me to this forum.

In June 2009 I had emergency surgery on my colon. I had to have a piece of my colon removed and I had a colostomy bag for 5 months. In November they reversed the surgery. Unknown to me, I had Diverticulosis and I had a very bad attack which punctured my colon. Previous to this I did not really have any stomach issues. Some nausea on and off and bloating but nothing else.

My 1st hospital stay with the surgery was about 9 days in June of 2009. About 2 weeks after I was released I got sick and ended up back in the hospital for about 5 days. I was throwing up and unable to keep food down. Then in Nov 2009 I had the reversal surgery and was in the hospital for about 7 days. During these hospital stays I was on a morphine pump, Antibiotics , and other things. I took Percocet after the surgeries as well for the pain. There was also the anesthesia from the surgery.

In November before my 2nd surgery I had a Colonoscopy which came up clear except for Diverticulosis.

I have had many health issues in my life and before November I struggled but was able to maintain life most of the time. After my surgery in November everything changed. As one of my doctors said I am basically flatlined, depleted everywhere. All of the previous medical issues are still there but in addition there has been extreme fatigue and Depression which seem to be debilitating to me. I got laid off in Feb which turned out to be a hidden blessing. I have been able to spend these months recuperating and trying to figure out a way to get better.

Here is a list of ongoing medical issues that I have been diagnosed with or struggle with:

Migraines/Pain: When I was about 15/16 I started to have migraines and have continued thru the years. I have seen numerous doctors, done MRIs, Cat Scans, etc etc. On a normal month I may get 5 to 8 migraines. In the past I have had some that last for months. Or when I get my cycle they can last from 5 days to two weeks. Right now my protocol with them is first Imitrex, I can take this for a few days but if it goes on too long then I have to move to another product. Sometimes Torradol Injections,Migranel Spray, or Valium. If the migraine cycle continues then I have to move onto the narcotics. I use Percocet or Diluidid. If the cycle continues past that then often the only way to stop it is with a short course of steroids. I also get nerve blocks in my head and trigger point injections in my back. I did a round in May 2010 but that was the 1st time in years. In the recent years my migraines have increased during my cycle. These are usually the ones that last anywhere from days to weeks. When things have gotten really bad I have had home IV treatments consisting of Steriods and other IV drugs. I did this in May 2010 to try and stop a horrible migraine cycle I was having and had previously done it twice before, once in the hospital. I tried topamax for a few years for the migraines but went off it when I was trying to get “clean” and stop all the daily meds.

In addition to migraines I get tension headaches and have chronic pain throughout my body. The pain is mainly on my shoulders, neck and upper back. When I can afford it I go for a massage which does help. I used to take Naproxen daily but recently stopped this and only take it when needed. I also take valium as needed for the muscle pain.

I take Phenergan and Zofran for the nausea with the headaches. Sometimes I just get nauseous for no reason and have to take it. I have tried to lessen it since I found out it causes constipation.

Fatigue: I have struggled for years with fatigue. When I was working full time I could often fall asleep at 7 or 8pm. Just too tired to stay awake. Now I am seem to have extreme fatigue all the time. If I have to do alot I usually have to have caffeine to make it thru. I have done salvia tests, blood tests, etc. My cortisol levels are low and I have been told that I have adrenal issues. Since Dec 2009 they have tried me on cortef, hydrocortisone and low dose prednisone. I stopped this when my face got puffy like a chickmunk and I got horrible acne! I have tried other various things thru the years but nothing has helped.

Depression: I believe that for years I have struggled with depression. It became very bad after my surgery in November. I think part of this is a physical response to the surgeries and how my body is reacting. I have not wanted to take any daily medication for it and fought it recently when I felt I had to try something. I tried 5-HTP and it did not seem to work for me so about 2 months ago I started the anti-depressant, Wellbutrin. I do not think it is doing much so I have decided to try and start weaning myself off.

Thyroid issues-On and off for about 8 years I have taken thyroid medications. I have never really seen any difference in how I felt. Some doctors I see say I have a problem and others thru the years say I do not. I have taken Armour, compounds, just T3/4 etc thru the years. After Nov my doctor put me on armour and then took me off of it. I had another doctor prescribe a compound medication for me but I have not started it.

Stomach: Blueciel mentioned something in a post to me about her stomach which I thought I should mention since it applied to me too. I have never been able to get my stomach flat. Years ago when I was working out hardcore 6 days a week I still had a belly. Since my surgery in Nov it has gotten worse. To the point one of my nieces pats my belly like I am pregnant! I am not sure if it is the fact they cut thru my muscles (my incision goes from my belly button straight down. And there is a 2nd shorter one next to it.) or other issues. I usually poop about 1x or 2x a day. Not often am I constipated unless I have taken certain medicines. I sometimes feel bloated as well. There have been no additional bowel problems since my surgery in November.

Sleep: I have always struggled one way or another with sleep. Most often it is waking up thru the night. I also do not really ever feel like I have gotten a restful sleep. I do not think I sleep deeply at all. I wake up with most sounds. I tried sleeping pills over the years but nothing really worked and my preference is to go natural if I can. Recently I have been taking Melatonin and that seems to help along with a loud fan to block out noise. I also take Magnesium to help with sleep and bowel movements. Sometimes when it is bad I have taken Xanax or Clonazepam.

Bones: About May 2010 I started to exercise very hard, trying to get back in shape. I was on the treadmill once or twice a day and begin running in short spurts. I ended up with stress fractures in both of my knees which are still in the process of healing. The doctor said I worked out too hard too fast. I had a Bone Density test done and it said I have Osteopenia. For as long as I can remember I have taken Calium Supplements and Vitamin D.

Hormonal: Some doctors say I had low progesterone and other times they say I don’t. Blood work has varied at different times. I have tried progesterone cream many times thru the years but it always had a bad effect on me. I have not tried again in about 4/5 years. My issues with my cycle have also gotten worse as I have gotten older. My migraines are the worst during this time; I also get bad cramps as well.

Memory: Well I just do not seem to have much of one
anymore. My sort term is bad

I also read on a questionnaire ”sensitivity to fragrances and/or other chemicals” is a symptom of Candida, well I do have a sensitivity.

I have numerous blood tests as well as the Stool test info if that will help you at all. I had a heavy metals blood test done recently that came back negative. I also recently had a blood level nutrition profile done by Spectracell and it all came back that nothing was low.

If you've consulted any type of practitioner, what did they determine or suggest? Do you agree?

Everyone has different opinions which you can see from my medical notes. I have been told I have diverticulosis, migraines, tension headache, Occipital Neuralgia, Osteopenia, Fractured Knees (which are healing) Thyroid Issues, Adrenal issues, Hormonal issues, Depression, ADD/ADHD, CFS, Fibromyalgia, Leaky Gut, Autoimmune disorder, etc

Have you ever done any "cleansing"? (colon, liver, kidney, etc); if so, when and what type/product & results?

Nothing except for the Bowel Cleanse (drink thing) I had to do before my colonoscopy and 2nd surgery. I have fasted before but it has been a few years

What other types of allopathic, alternative or natural therapies or protocols have you tried (if any)? results?

Massage Therapy worked great for my pain/migraines but it is too expensive to do consistently so now I do it only when I am very bad. There might be others but I cannot remember

Past issues, drugs, surgeries that you think may be contributing to current issues?

I think surgeries listed above in 2009 can be contributing to the worsening of my issues and debilitation that seems to be occurring now.

Any major changes in diet, supplements, drugs, stress-levels, location, lifestyle recently? results?

I changed to the Candidia Diet about a week ago and as listed about also went 100% Gluten Free. I have not seen any results yet. As far as other major changes it would be the surgeries listed above.

Are you aware of the difference between "alternative medicine" and truly natural healing?

Not 100% sure

What do YOU think & discern is wrong (and why?)

It may seem from reading all of this, all the medicines/narcotics I have taken that I like to medicate. The truth actually is that I do not. Since my surgery’s things have gotten more difficult physically so I will admit I have turned to the medication more easily than in the past. I would always prefer to find a natural way to heal my body and I have tried several things over the years. That is what led me to eating raw. I have seen ND doctors, along with a long list of other doctors. I cannot even begin to think of all the money I have spent over the years trying one thing or another, going to this doctor or ND, trying anything I could find to feel better.

After reading up on the forum for weeks I think that yeast and other things might be the solution to some of my health problems. You asked “why” and I guess because my symptoms seem to match up to so many listed. The medical issues I have could be so many other things as well but I think thru the years I have explored all of those with no true results, just more maintaining at times. I have explored so much out there to try and get better but this is one area I have not explored. I do think most if not all of my health issues have an underlying cause. The problem is thru the years the doctors have been treating the symptoms but have never been able to find the underlying cause. I have been reading so much on the forum but just seem to get more and more confused. I have also read a few books. I have been unable to come up with a plan of action. That is what I am looking for. While I am not working this is the perfect time to do any of this and I am ready to try it out but I just need some help with a plan.

After reading some of your info here are a few questions I have. They may not been relevant depending on your thoughts of a plan for me.

1.After reading some of your info it talks about doing a juice fast while cleansing. I think (and I could be wrong) that something on Dr. Schultze info said to get the bowel working first and then do the juice fast?

2.If you do a juice fast while doing a Bowel Cleanse would I do green smoothies with my blender since my juicer separates the pulp?

3.Would there be any concerns with my past colon surgery and Diverticulosis with doing a cleanse? My colon is totally healed according to the surgeon.

4.I think awhile back I tried Psyllium and it made me bloated. I do not think I used it for long. Just wondering if you take any type of senne tea or anything while doing the cleanse if you become constipated?

5.I am totally confused about fruit and whether or not I should be eating it right now. Some things say not at all, others say green apples okay, others say stop whatever you have been eating a lot for three weeks and then reintroduce. Also if you do a juice fast would you not use fruit with it?

6.I am a little afraid of enemas. I had enough dealing with my poop while I had an colostomy bag…. But, if it would help me I would certainly be willing to try but would need a lot of info on the best way to do it.

7.What are your thoughts on Candida Diet and such? Again I read so much conflicting info about feeding the yeast etc.
Sorry for the incredibly long book about my health issues but I wanted to be as detailed as possible. Weird to think so many people might be reading it but perhaps it can help others

As I said, I would be incredibly grateful if you could help me come up with a plan. I understand if you are not able to, just thought it was worth trying.

With gratitude,


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