All edits/additions are prefaced by "edit/add" and I've done my best to take out the huge spaces and correct formatting issues. Uny
Hi everyone, Greetings Samira!
I really need help since the warm weather is here again. I think you've come to right place! Before I go any further, there's a TON of information that you'll want to read in the post I recently made to marillon here: I'll likely be pasting quite a bit from it here...but be sure to check it out in it's entirety when you have the time.
Here's the most important thing (methinks) - I've read all your posts & information and I'm not the SLIGHTEST bit worried or concerned about whether or not you & your body have the capacity to heal itself! There's just no doubt in my mind your body is totally capable of repairing itself from all the damage it's incurred. The protocol we utilize is based on the works of the 3 greatest healers of this past century (and their mentors)...and they consistently healed the most 'incurable' of diseases! MS, MD, cancer, Parkinson's, even ALS. When we work with the natural body to put it 'back to natural' homeostasis/balance, then the body (that already knows how to heal itself, and the right order to do it) can use it's built in healing schematics to heal itself perfectly...without having to worry about side-effects. We just have to give it the help it needs to get back to natural (when we live in an almost totally unnatural world). Learning to heal ourselves (and experiencing the healing) is one of the most miraculous things we can experience!
The only thing of concern is (that we all face in some way or another), and that's the "job stress - time available - partner support/agreement" situation. More precisely - how much time & energy do you have to devote to healing & restoring (what sounds to be) 30+ years worth of fairly serious compromise while having a "high stress job"? And how supportive is your partner? (because heavens knows, your toddler is NOT supportive! ...but is likely extremely cute & precious as can be!).
It's quite obvious to me that you're serious about 'getting 'er done' and you certainly have great motivation and a very positive attitude. But I don't know if you know what all that means when it comes to truly "natural" healing (which is not the same as alternative or allopathic medicine...where typically not much is done but taking medicine and going to doctors/therapists for them to do something to us). So, I always strive to be completely honest from the 'git go' so you can make decisions that work for you :) In a nutshell, in order to truly heal ourselves (and not just 'band-aid symptoms'), we do all the work...and we all have to work just as hard and be just as diligent at the "undoing" the damage we've incurred, as we did in the "doing" the damage, Yes, in 'most every situation "we" didn't work hard at 'doing the damage' - it was done by doctors, parents, a toxic planet & poisoned food/water supply, and almost totally unnatural lifestyles & priorities (which we --and the society we live in-- has come to believe are actually "normal"). While everything you've posted leads me to believe you likely know/knew 'most all of that already, I sure don't want to sugar-coat anything (even if it is with organic sugar :)...and I ask your forgiveness if I'm saying things you already know. (I certainly don't ever mean to be condescending).
Yes indeedy, the herbs are extremely beneficial and are one of our best tools during the healing process...but as Dr. Schulze/Christopher say, "Herbs are the roof on the house". Basically, the herbs only work as well as the foundation, support beams & walls. Sure, it's POSSIBLE that the 'roof will work' if the foundation is unlevel, the support beams are shaky and walls are wobbly and crooked...but in order to ensure a lasting healing, we must build a very strong foundation. And that's where the time & effort (and change of lifestyle perhaps) will come into play. I'm always happy to offer top-quality herbs and cleansing blends to anyone that wants them - but I never want to imply that 'taking the herbs' are all there is to healing & restoring the body.
Dr. Christopher/Schulze: "There are NO incurable diseases, but there are incurable people (and of course, people whose 'time has come')". Basically, you CAN do can achieve vibrant health AND learn to be in charge of your health and well-being (and that of your loved ones) for the rest of your life! YAY!!!
Likely the singularly most important thing to know and remember, is that EVERY organ and system of the body IS symbiotically dependent upon the other. It is easier on the body (and far more successful, far faster) to ensure that every system is decongested, restored (and at least somewhat 'up n' running') at the same time so all the systems are working together to eliminate the cause of all the symptoms (building that solid foundation!). Hence, many times doing cleanses and protocols 'one organ at a time' can be stressful to the body; likely to delay healing (stressful to US), and may actually work against us!
Think of it like restoring an automobile that's been driven hard & fast for 30 years without much (any!) regular maintenance...and really (REALLY!) cheap fuel - many times 'fuel' that was definitely not even designed for the car! The exhaust is clogged, the fuel lines are filthy, the oil/filter needs changed (desperately), the carburetor needs calibrated and cleaned, sparks & plugs changed & gapped, alternator fixed/adjusted; transmission rebuilt (or at least overhauled); suspension aligned; new tires needed, brake pads replaced., etc. If you cleanse the exhaust & fuel lines (similar to the colon & parasite) before cleansing the oil/filter and carb (liver & parasites), you end up filthy fuel lines and clogged exhaust before you ever get the carb/oil/filter work. But if you do the oil/filter/carb before you cleanse the fuel lines and get the gunk out of the exhaust and deal the points & plugs, the plugs'll be corroded again before you know it. New tires & brake pads before an alignment? A waste of new tires/brake pads. If the alternator is 'shorting or weak' that stresses all the system parts....the electrical flow through the engine is no different than the electrical flow through the body. Change to high-grade fuel before cleansing and restoring the damage from the cheap fuel? :::sigh::: That can end up being a waste of fuel (too rich for the compromised system to handle). The human body is no different. It's always much more effective to 'put it up on blocks' and do a full body cleanse/restore, than it is to do it one at a time. Yep, it's more work, but it's FAR more effective (and you'll get MUCH more life out of the car by doing it that way). Remember: in this toxic/poisoned world, our bodies are like high-performance automobiles CONSTANTLY in overdrive (generally running on VERY low grade fuel with extremely little maintenance). There's no truly safe/healthy protocol (maintenance) we can do, that's as extreme as the totally unnatural conditions we live in. And it's only MDs and "alternative practicioners" that believe we can deal with one system of the body at a time. EVERY system/organ in the body depends upon every other. (Perhaps those analogies weren't "mechanically/technically perfect", but I'm sure you get the idea). In one of Dr. Schulzes interviews he talks about how many people say: "Well I did a colon cleanse; I did several liver flushes already; yeah, I juice fasted a few years ago; yes! I did hot/cold showers; I tried the vegan thing; I took herbs...none of it worked!" And Dr. Schulze replies, "But did you ever do everything TOGETHER?".
But (of course!), we do have to use our common sense and logic when cleansing, detoxifying and restoring our body! As each system/organ is being cleansed and restored, a LOT of 'sludge' is being stirred up (and the build-up of old, condensed toxins can be released into the bloodstream), which would ADD burden to already compromised and overworked body. So we want to do our best to support our body through this (particularly the detoxing). Dr. Gerson had each patient doing several Coffee Enemas daily (commonly abbreviated: CE), which cleanses the liver and enhances peristalsis, but also (for the time the solution is retained) causes the liver to be able to cleanse a VAST amount of toxins & free radicals from the bloodstream. Dr. Schulze had every patient taking IF#2 (IF#1 if needed), the IF#2 contains both bentonite & charcoal which pull toxins to themselves (adsorption) out of the bloodstream, to be safely flushed away (rather than burdening the organs of detoxification). Many choose to add additional bentonite/charcoal to each of their doses of IF#2 for this purpose (which is always a good idea). So that's two of the ways we support the body while doing our 'overhaul. Another is by ensuring that our body is getting PLENTY of high-grade fuel!
No engine can run properly (or at all) without the fuel it's designed to need...and it's virtually impossible to get the quality & amount of 'fuel' our body's are designed to have on even the best of diets. SO, we add Superfood SuperFood by Dr. Schulze(2-6T daily...2-4T for 'daily living' and 4-6T for cleansing & healing).
Also, be sure to check this out, to make SURE you have a quality juicer that's going to provide the quality of juice you need to heal your body.Any juicer is better than no juicer, but a good juicer makes a HUGE difference (and it's the best 'healing tool' you'll ever have!).JuicerInformation
There's 2 new juicers on the market now (the Omega Vrt and the Huron...those aren't mentioned in the link above).
I've seen your posts regarding juice presses. 'No doubt about it, a Norwalk (or similar, less expensive unit) produces THE highest quality juice available. But this process IS very time-consuming (especially if using a masticating juicer and a separate the produce has to be cut into fairly small pieces to go into a juicer, then masticated, then pressed). And for some, that means they can't do it without some help (or they get discouraged/frustrated and end up not drinking enough juice, or even throwing in the towel). So whatever you choose, just make sure it'll fit into your 'healing world' :)
Okay, (if I haven't 'overwhelmed the pants off you' yet, lol), let's get down to what we're talking about here...and that's natural healing and getting the body back to the condition where it can start healing itself (and what you can do to speed that process along, as well as get some relief from symptoms while you're doing it). I'll add 'thinks n' thoughts' as I go along, questions, add reading/learning recommendations, and then give suggestions at the end.
I am very sensitive to warm/hot weather. Any short period of time outside, specially in the sun, and I feel as if I am having a heat stroke. I start to sweat by gallons, I get nauseated and light headed, my skin feels super hot, I get red face,....of course I do not have to be in the sun for this to happen, I can be under a tree or even in a building where there is no air conditioner. When did this start? Sudden or gradual onset? Does the humidity level make a difference? What happens if it's the wintertime and you're in a 'too warm' house or car? The same? How long does it take you to 'return to normal' (once back in a cool environment) after you start feeling overheated? If you've taken your temperature when this happens, does it change significantly? rapid pulse - weak or strong? ever lose consciousness? headache? muscle cramps? actually throw up, or just feel nauseous? What happens if you don't remove yourself to a cooler environment? How many times a day do you urinate? high/low volume? color/odor? Any fear/panic or other emotional issues that would cause you to avoid 'outdoors in the sun/warmth? What do you feel may have caused this or may be 'at issue' here.
This has really limited my life (I cannot go anywhere unless I know I go directly from the car to an air conditioned building) and now that I have a toddler and she wants to spend more time outside, I feel that it is even more urgent for me to know why this is happening to me. I understand completely! Even without a toddler, this is totally 'life-limiting' and certainly not normal.
All the symptoms you mention do sound like a "heat stroke", except with a heat stroke there is no sweating and generally requires 'sun' and strong exertion. My first thought is endocrine (thyroid/adrenal stress) and/or dehydration & electrolyte imbalance (kidneys possibly), but something like this can be a combination of many issues. Here's what Merck says about 'heat illness':
Clinical effects of heat illnesses are exacerbated by the following:
Inability to tolerate increased cardiovascular demands (eg, due to aging, heart failure, chronic kidney disease, respiratory disorders, or liver failure)
The elderly and the very young and people with cardiovascular disorders or electrolyte depletion (eg, due to diuretic use) are at highest risk.
As usual, they leave out many possibilities :::sigh, modern medicine::: Have you ruled out hyperthyroidism?
Here are the typical symptoms of hyperthyroidism:
Heat intolerance
Increased bowel movements
Light or absent menstrual periods
Fast heart rate
Trembling hands
Weight loss
Muscle weakness
Warm moist skin
Hair loss
Staring gaze
I do NOT like 'symptom lists' like this, because someone could have virtually every sign/symptom on the list and not have hypothyroidism, but since 'heat intolerance' is one of the symptoms (and you certainly have that), I'd be amiss not to bring it to light as a possibility. And many of these symptoms would be included in a list for adrenal stress/fatigue.
Of course, when thinking 'thyroid', we'd be amiss without thinking about the entire endocrine system...mercury & fluoride are horrible disrupters of the entire system (and we already know mercury is an issue...and fluoride is --at some level-- for most all of us). So with all that early dental work, did you have lots of fluoride treatments, too?
Your body obviously seems to have an inability to cool itself - the root cause (whatever it may be) is certainly something your body understands and knows how to heal. And like most issues of this 'depth', we're likely dealing with something that involves more than just one organ or system. Until get started with your 'full body' healing program, I suggest:
---eliminating everything that can be dehydrating (all caffeine/stimulant beverages & foods) - read through these so you can learn enough to motivate you to 'break up with coffee' like a bad boyfriend!
-- drink ample pure water (distilled or RO filtered) Dr. Christopher suggests a gallon daily for adults. Why not spring/mineral water? Because they contain "hard minerals" and only a very small percentage of them can be utilized...but a very LARGE percentage of them remain in the body, contributing to all KINDS of problems (from here, which is information you'll want to understand/learn Rock-based Calcium (and other rock-based minerals)), such as: they end up in the joints of the bones, the spine, the bones themselves, the arteries, the lungs, eyes, kidneys (or anywhere else the body chooses to put them), causing states of dis-ease such as arthritis, bone spurs, spinal stenosis (and many other spinal issues), cataracts, brittle arteries, kidney stones, liver/gallbladder stones, emphysema (and other conditions that are caused when the tissues become ‘non-elastic’ and coated/saturated with ground-up rocks or 'colloidal' rock-based minerals
-- ingest plenty of 'potassium broth' (recipe here: ) for ample plant-based electrolytes & minerals. Making up a huge batch, refrigerating what you can use in 2-3 days and freezing the rest is easiest for me; do your best on the ingredients. I realize it's tough for you to get 'organic' locally. Here's a FANTASTIC source that will ship UPS anywhere in the US (they indicate they will not ship produce UPS, but if you put a note in checkout that you will be responsible for the condition of the produce, they will ship it).
(find the produce category under "specials" - you have to create an account to see pricing). Once you get into the 50/100 pound range (not hard at all when juicing), the shipping will only be around $1 per pound. The prices are SO inexpensive, even with shipping, this makes the price cheaper than what many of us will pay locally (except somewhere like a farmers market). Example: 20 pounds of organic Fuji apples - $19.60
Non organic potatoes are particularly toxic (very heavy, fluoridated pesticides typical). So this is what I suggest doing for non-organic produce:
-- making sure you have at least 16 oz of celery juice daily (maybe more). Here's what Dr. Christopher has to say about celery juice:
During summertime, for instance, drinking celery juice not only quenches the thirst, but also suppliesthe natural organic salts in proper quantities so that the heat is not noticed (this should be used insteaof the inorganic salt tablets). While others are in misery and sweltering with the heat, you are enjoying life. You have, in this simple procedure, properly thinned down a sluggish and heavy blood stream so that it flows rapidly and with ease through the body to carry off the poisons and wastes. And this is the reason why a heavy meat and starch eater will suffer apoplexy and strokes long before the heat even bothers the vegetarian or fruitarian.
One of our favorite juice combo's is celery & apple with a splash of oj or pj...we call it 'Waldorf' because I swear it tastes just like an apple salad. YUM!
I have had many problems in my life which I attribute all to my “stupid” doctors. Don't EVEN get me started! :)
I have had some issues since I was a child, first starting with blood infection which it went on for years. It was so bad that they had to pull out my baby teeth because puss was leaking from them. The doctors recommended penicillin shots every other day for I think 5 to 6 years (I still have the scars in my buttocks)
Yep, not only stupid, but insane (insanity = doing the same thing over & over & over, and expecting different results). You'd think that after a few months, someone with 10-12 years of education in health would say, "Uhhh, duh, this isn't working". :::sigh::: It's just another "proof" of medical education being indoctrination & conditioning, rather than true 'education'. I once sat in a psychiatrist office and listened to him tell my mother: "These benzodiazepines are only addictive if you take more than prescribed". Really Mr MD? So addictive substances are only addictive if you take certain amounts of them? What amount of heroin do you prescribe so that it's not addictive?And you think your knowledge is superior to mine? (Okay, for the most part, an MD does know more about anatomy/biology/physiology than a layman, but actual healing? I think not. Besides we can look up & learn the biological data anytime/where).
See, ya got me started - 'sorry for the rant. Onward. parents finally after taking me to every specialist out there, they found a doctor who did not believe in antibiotics and the source of this infection was my tonsils. But since I had no white blood cells, he could not do the surgery. He put me in a special diet of juices, bottles of liquid vitamins….for 6 months until my immune system was up and running again. Then he removed my tonsils. I remember, after my tonsils were removed, after one year I grew like 6 inches. Anyway, all that penicillin shots ultimately destroyed my immune system and gave me lots of problems later in life like hair loss which started when I was a teenager (I wear a wig now), skin infections for 8 years.....ending up with rheumatoid fever and early onset of arthritis....Now, if someone on the other side of the street sneezes, I catch a full blown cold. I'm so sorry you experienced all this...and that a doctor believed your tonsils (part of your immune system) could be responsible for infection and felt the need to cut them out. It seems very possible to me that just stopping the antibiotics could have resulted in your growth spurt. Certainly the antibiotics weaken your immune system (especially when taken for that long/strong), but they can be responsible for a whole lot more than that (wiping out the microbiota in the intestines is one major issue among many, and we're starting to find actual evidence that these lil' intestinal critters play a major role in immunity, too). The good news is your immune system isn't completely destroyed (or you'd have to live in a plastic bubble), and that our bodies have the built-in schematics and ability to heal themselves from FAR worse than what you've had done to you. Our job is to totally stop doing or taking anything that makes us sick (and throws those healing schematics off-balance) and start doing what our body needs to help heal. You can definitely do it! :)
Oh, I also want to mention, 4 years ago I went into a 6 months raw diet, took bowel cleanse,….and then suddenly I was pregnant at 36. I really think that cleansing helped me to get pregnant. I agree with you! Your diet was awesome...and we have this: The first thing we always do for any 'female issues' is complete & thorough colon cleansing! Why? The colon wraps directly around the uterus and ovaries, and if it's swollen & engorged (which everyone's is, that hasn't cleansed), then the uterus & ovaries are "squished" (and tumors & cysts of various types are very likely to form where there's a lack of blood/oxygen circulation). This past post of mine explains it better (and tells what I went through with my 'female issues':+ Female issue & colon --Re: unyquity, juicing) Of course, we all need FAR more than just a 1-2 week cleanse to restore decades worth of damage and remove the build-up (especially that in the folds & diverticuli). But as you can see from my story, even 10 days worth of cleansing made a WORLD of difference. (The rule of thumb for "cleansing" is one major cleanse, and maintenance cleanses 3-4x yearly...or whenever it's obviously needed)
I also had the most wonderful pregnancy. Ok, I did throw up for 2 months but the rest was one of the best times of my life. I felt so alive, so happy, my skin was glowing and I was only craving foods like plums, cherries and blueberries. I was eating one pound of each every day. FANTASTIC!! (well not the throwing up part, of course, but listening to your 'doctor within' and eating so many good foods, while having a wonderful pregnancy)
Then I had my baby, the doctors removed my gallbladder one week after the C-section and my life has been upside down again. I suddenly gained 40 pounds after I had my baby, which the doctor attributed to a side effect of not having gallbladder (the idiots forgot to mention this before I had the surgery) The idiots also forgot to mention that you could have easily flushed out those gallstones and healed yourself rather than having an organ carved out. (grrrrrr). And that if your gallbladder has been 'chock-full' of 'stones' for years, that the bile from the liver couldn't possibly have been flowing freely...and that amounts to all KINDS of digestive issues (not to mention clogging up the liver) and now I am all stressed, depressed, do not eat well, I only sleep 3 to 4 hours a night….I know I am not doing anything to help myself and that is my fault but I really want to change that. I just need some guidelines and a starting point. Don't beat yourself up - it's hard to 'start' doing something when everything is this 'upside down' and you're not sure what to do, how to do it, or if it will even be effective (and worth the effort). There are solutions & remedies for 'stressed, depressed, bad eating & poor sleeping'...and many of them will provide relief much more quickly than you'd surmise.
Oh, I am also overweight - size 18 "This too shall pass" :) As you start to cleanse & heal your body (and utilize the correct diet), the pounds will start dropping...gallbladder or not. (how's that for a nice "side effect"? :)
(but this thing with the heat was happening to me even when I was a size10) That's good to know (that it's not just a result of 'overweight'). But I knew it couldn't be just an issue of weight, because I've been as/more overweight than you, and although heavy people find heat more difficult to tolerate (especially with exertion), it's nothing as 'reactive' as you're experiencing.
...Yes, I am ready and I will do whatever it takes because I have a daughter now and I have to make sure I am here for her and more importantly I set a good example. No more excuses for me.
I will answer all the questions you might have. For now, here are the answers
1. Any medical problems throughout your life, no matter how insignificant it might seem will provide a puzzle piece. List any and all operations you've had.
Blood infection:
Infection in my blood when I was a child and constant sore throats. "Blood infection" is such a 'vague' mostly boils down to the immune & lymphatic system not functioning/flowing adequately - no matter what the particular pathogen might have been.
Here's something most people don't know. Pasteur's theory (that "germs" cause disease) is wrong, and he admitted it was wrong before he died. It's NOT exposure to pathogens that makes us sick, it's the condition of our body (our complete 'terrain') that determines whether or not pathogens can proliferate to the point of causing symptoms.
Bottom line: Germs" do not cause disease any more than mosquitoes cause a pond to be stagnant. It's because the pond is stagnant, that mosquitoes proliferate.
If our terrain is stagnant and full of decaying organic matter (and rock-based mineral/sludge): our blood is sluggish/thick (likely lacking oxygen); the heart is weak/stressed and cannot pump the sluggish blood/oxygen throughout our organs & brain; our intestinal tract is full of putrefying debris (through which everything that is assimilated must soak through, constantly burdening our liver/kidneys); the liver is sluggish (due to overwork and 'lack of flow' that causes congestion); the kidneys are hardened and overworked; we're not giving our body the fuel/nutrition it requires to run (and when we do, only a percentage is assimilated); etc., etc., all adds up to a situation where every "germ" that lands on or in us has the perfect environment to multiply to the point of creating symptoms & disease. It really is all about FLOW! Flow of oxygen; flow of hydrated & nutrient rich oxygenated blood; flow of electricity; flow of digestive fluids/system; flow of lymphatic fluids/system; flow of immune cells/system; flow of neurotransmitters (and transmissions); flow of hormones; flow of energy/chi; and thorough & complete flow & removal of every dead cell, poison & waste product ingested or created daily.
No flow, no life. Inadequate flow, inadequate life (disease).From our very first vaccine full of metals & live viruses (and Lord only KNOWS what else), the microbiota in our intestines are killed and our immune system thrown into hyperdrive; the killing & unbalancing of the microbiota (that clean our terrain and break down food so it can be assimilated, amongst other essential functions) is enough in itself to set us up for a lifetime of disease. And when you add in 'all the rest' of a lifetime of fluoridated/chlorinated water, poisoned air & food and the myriad of pharmaceuticals, otcs and other chemicals we've ingested...well, it proves the miraculous ability of our bodies to heal & survive (any other machine would have been in the junk-graveyard in a few years!)
I was always getting sick like cold and flu but for example I never got the chicken pox. Of course, your immune system never had the chance to develop. Hmmm, 'wonder why you never got chicken pox. That's odd.
At 8 years of age I had my tonsils removed.
Polyps removed when I was 18.
C-section in 2007.
Gallbladder removed in 2007.
Well, carving out and slicing into the body never good (and always avoidable), but you've had fewer than you might have. So that's good :)
Bone pains:
I started having bone pains and the doctors contribute them to me growing so fast. That'd be true with such a major growth spurt 'back then', but if you're still having bone pain, then that's something that we'll address (actually, it's all part of the program, and what I'll be suggesting for 'other issues' will naturally take care of that. In fact, "health" is the antidote for ALL disease issues. This is one you'll likely want to bookmark to share with others:How "Cure" Happens - :: Articles & Essays - Dr. Kenneth R. Sutter
Possible rheumatoid fever:
The doctors have told me that I have had rheumatoid fever because of my years of sore throats but they do not think my heart has been damaged. I still want to make my heart strong so I want to order the Hawthorne and Cayenne.And plenty of raw garlic, too :)
I do not know if this is important or not but for 18 years, until I had my polyps removed, I was never able to breathe through my nose. So I got used to breath through my mouth, my tongue would get so dry and would bleed….they removed the polyps once when I had my tonsils removed but the doctors told me they would grow back, and they did, so they had to wait until I was 18. Yes, it's important, and is likely one of the reasons for the myriad of lung issues. our nasal/sinus passages are designed to ensure the temperature of the air we breath into our lungs is correct, and they filter out all manner of debris that compromise our lungs. When it comes to getting the "nutrition" we need...we can last 50+ days with no food; 3-5/7 days with no water, and only a few minutes without oxygen. Our lungs assimilate the oxygen AND expel the carbon dioxide (a poison to us). If they're full of debris, not only does this not happen adequately, we have another situation where the terrain is ripe for constant infections. Now I have one of the most sensitive noses. :) I can smell everything and I can even distinguish the smell of yeast infection when my husband has it or all the ingredients in a food. My nose is just as sensitive - it's not always a blessing, that's for sure.
I have very brittle teeth. They chip really easy. This is far more easily remedied than most would think...YAY!
Terrible Vaginal yeast and bacterial infections
I have had them always until I took MMS twice and they just went away. It was truly a miracle. I'm always thrilled to hear when someone resolves an issue without taking pharmaceuticals! However, in natural healing we don't utilize ANY substance that is not in it's natural form (the most unnatural we get is juices & tinctures). The reason for this is that EVERY substance without it's natural co-factors (no matter how 'natural' we've been conditioned to believe it is), causes the body to have to expend extra energy to process it and bring the body back to it's normal balance (that the isolated substance imbalances).
Here's some information on that to start your learning & reading:
Yes, even something as "innocent" as Vitamin C can cause our body to be thrown off balance enough that it's natural healing schematics are compromised:Unknown Dangers of Vitamin C
What this all boils down to is addressing the CAUSE of the disease...the cause of disease is not a lack of pharmaceuticals, chemicals or otcs, nor a lack of any 'unnatural-natural' substances that are isolated away from their naturally occurring co-factors. All these (in some way or another) cause stress & imbalance. What we're doing is bringing the body back to it's natural balance so it can use it's natural schematics to heal itself (because only our bodies know what is truly wrong, and the proper order for repairing itself).
Yeast infection under the breasts:
I had them too but since I am taking Xylitol, they have gone away. Yes, Xylitol is known to combat yeast overgrowths...but it's not natural (nor is any processed "white" sugar). Sure, currently it's "all the rage" and everyone says it's harmless (just like they did antibiotics, white sugar/flour, tobacco, vaccines, etc., etc). I'm truly glad it's given you some relief - but the overgrowth wasn't caused by 'lack of Xylitol', and addressing the cause is the only true & lasting cure.
Since I can remember, my underarms, the back of my knees and back of my ears were always swollen. I never thought anything about them, I thought that is how I was made until I started reading about the lymph nodes here in curezone. They are definitely swollen. Even without your lymph glands being swollen I would have assumed major 'lymphatic issues'. There's several great herbs for this along with protocols to correct the overall lack-of-flow. Our lymphatic system doesn't have it's own 'pump' (like our blood has the heart), so it' up to us to ensure it's flowing properly. You're going to LOVE this "must read" article on castor oil & the lymph system (and other wonderful information)!:
Skin darkening:
Under my right arm, I developed this skin thickening and darkening. It did not itch but it was there and it scared me since it looked the type you get if you have diabetes. I did urine therapy for one week and not only the skin went to normal but my plantar fasciitis also got 95% better. SUPER! Urine therapy is a natural, ancient (and many times extremely effective) healing modality. From what I've researched, I've always been intrigued. I wish I had the time to learn more "in depth" so I could understand it fully. If you had such fantastic results, do you mind me asking (for my own learning), why you stopped?
Skin infection:
At 13 my legs started itching so bad that they would bleed. I went to mane specialists and they said I have something similar to asthma of skin so there was nothing they could do. It was so bad that I could never wear shorts or skirts. My legs were always bloody. It was not until I was in college that they found out what it was. There was a native Indian doctor in student’s health center. She took a culture from my legs and we found out I had step infection all this time. She gave me antibiotics to apply to my skin and the problem was one for good. God bless her. Wow, are certainly the "poster child" for 'stupid doctors'! I think one of the things that irritates me MOST is that they don't follow their OWN rules & codes. Why in the WORLD wouldn't the first/second doctor have done some type of a culture? I do not agree with their "rules & codes" at all; but sheesh, if they believe in them, they should USE them!
I have had many many bronchitis and pneumonias. I cannot even count them. Even right now, when I have a cold, no matter how much garlic, super tonic, …I take it still goes to my lungs, although I do not get a full blown bronchitis anymore. Well then, you can do a bit of lung healing while you're working on everything and learn how to prevent getting the cold in the first place. I don't know what happened to me early on, but all colds always go to my lungs, too. (I was definitely a 'bronchitis kid'). Up until a few months ago, I'd only had 2 colds in over 10 years, but one 'got me' (actually, it only 1/2 got me), but it went directly to my lungs...even after all this time. Once you get your lymphatic system back on line and your immune system bolstered (yeast overgrowths are a double whammy on the immune front - a weak immune system encourages it, and yeast weakens it further :(
The 'mouth breathing' and repeated bronchitis/pneumonia (for which they're always 'drying us up' and preventing our lungs from expelling the mucous/infection) is likely the reason everything 'goes to your lungs'. Getting all that gunk softened and out of you, will not only make your lungs less likely to be infected, but the extra oxygen you'll be getting will seriously enhance your healing!
Joint pain:
My joints always hurt. Not too much now but since I was a child I have had joint pain. Sometimes it would get so bad that they have to give me pain medication. They said I also have early onset of arthritis in my spine due to all the antibiotics.
"They" may be right about the cause - but they're never right about the body's ability to restore itself from damage. You can utilize White Willow Bark to help combat the pain (it's high in salicylic acid - the same thing that is synthesized for aspirin...only WWB is much healthier AND more effective). And you can apply Deep Tissue Repair Oil to help heal and remove pain; BF&C (Bone Flesh & Cartilage) and/or Solomon's Seal (a 'wonder herb' for joints & bones)...and castor oil packs are very beneficial for healing. But more on all that at the end.
Stomach pains:
From 1998 until 2006, I would get such bad stomach pains that at least once a month my husband had to drive me to the emergency room. But they could never found anything. So they label it IBS. The nausea was the worst. It was so bad that I could not go anywhere. I was afraid to go anywhere away from home just in case I got sick. This lead to extreme anxiety attacks. Three times they rushed me to the hospital thinking I was having a major heart attack but later they realized it was an anxiety attack. I understand completely, the pain & nausea from gallbladder attacks is horrible...anxiety is horrible, too.
It was not until I got pregnant and I had my baby that they realized what it was. 5 days after my C-section, I got up in the middle of the night with horrible pains. I was shaking from pain. So my husband rushed me to the ER. Over there they put me on pain medication, the same kind they give to cancer patients since my blood pressure was off the roof due to the pain. They did an ultra sound and they found out I had gallstones. They immediately sent me to a specialist and he recommended removing my gallbladder considering my history with stomach pain. So 10 days after my c-section I had my gallbladder removed. Since then I have not had one of those episodes but I am really mad at the doctor and myself for not trying to find a way to get all those stones out without the surgery. :(
It's NOT your fault (or any of our fault) that the truths about natural healing have been suppressed, and that all of society has been conditioned to believe it's all dangerous and harmful (and that we're too uneducated to be our own physician). But now that you're learning how to heal your body...well, 'healing well IS the best revenge' :::grin:::
Acid reflux/possible ulcer:
It is not official but I think I have had h.plyori infection in my stomach for years. I know both my dad and my sister had them. I would get very sick to my stomach and the acid would just come up to my mouth. Now it is not as bad but it is not 100% cured. Cayenne powder will be h.pylori (if that's what it is) Wiley InterScience :: JOURNALS :: HelicobacterIn vitro activity of capsaicin against Helicobacter pylori
Acid Reflux is caused (NOT by too much stomach acid) but by acid moving upward into ones esophagus where it can be felt. At it's most fundamental, nothing in our "main tube" (alimentary canal) should ever move UPwards, and upward movement is general caused by the major amount of gas given off by putrefying debris....which at it's start, starts with too LITTLE stomach acid (and bile and digestive enzymes) to ensure the food is properly broken down and assimilated. I had horrendous reflux before my first colon cleanse, but it was alleviated 100%. Apple Cider Vinegar is a fantastic remedy (as is cayenne), and this is something you'll be wanting to take everyday anyway. (YAY! It's wonderful how there are so many things that have major amounts of multi-purposes. Cayenne is but one (garlic is another) sure to check your inbox for 'cayenne files')
I know my Mom said that when I was very young, she once made me this soup of cabbage and garlic…and she saw a long worm coming out. So considering I lived in Iran all my childhood and we used to travel to Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece…eating outside…I might have some parasites. Although I have never seen any so far.Yep, a full 30 day parasite cleanse is a "must do" for everyone...actually, no matter where they live/d (but of course, some countries are worse than others). After the first 30 days you'll have a much better idea of the 'complete picture' and how you need to proceed.
The color is pink, but it is puffy….so my teeth leave indentations. Hmmm, pink/red tongue is also a symptom of hyperthyroid; I'm not sure about the indentations. But weight loss is a 'major' with hyperthyroid, and that would happen whether you had a gallbladder or not. I think it's best (especially at the beginning) to not "assume" you need herbs that increase OR decrease thyroid hormones, but rather - let's work on the whole body and utilize herbs that are adaptogenics and/or 'stabilizers & soothers'. Dr. Christopher has a great glandular formula, that's totally "soothing" to all glands (it doesn't 'ramp them up' or 'slow them down', just soothes & calms)...and I'll bet that along with the other 'full body' protocols, this will be very beneficial (this formula also helps sooth adrenals and lymph glands, too!).
When I was 14, a dentist in Spain told my mom that to prevent further cavities, he had to drill my teeth. So I had most of my teeth filled with amalgams. About 8 years ago, my dentist here, before I knew better, he said he needed to replace all my fillings so he drilled them all out and put these white color fillings in. I know he was not one of the certified dentists, he just drilled them out, so I am sure I got tons of mercury now. With that AND your playing with it (I used to break thermometers and play with the mercury), there's no doubt you likely have an overload...but there's also no doubt you can remove it safely & effectively. Bentonite clay and activated charcoal are our friends here, as they will draw the mercury to themselves (yes, they will draw it from the tissues into the digestive tract, or out of the tissue into itself via a poultice or bentonite bath)...and that way it can be flushed or rinsed away (and not be a danger to your liver & kidneys). This is MUCH safer than any type of chelation that just dumps the mercury into your bloodstream...and you'll be taking the IF#2 which has bentonite (and charcoal) every day anyway. We'll just "up" the amount of bentonite & charcoal in the 5 daily doses of IF#2, and you'll be well on your way to safely removing it.
Hair loss:
My hair just started falling out when I was 19. I now have to wear a wig. Of course the wig does not help at all with my problem with the heat. But I have no choice, I have to wear it because of my job.
I want to mention that my sister also took the same type of penicillin shots because her left lung was completely full of puss for years. She has also had hair loss issues although hers started when she was 14. But her hair is much better, it is not as bald as mine. She does not need to wear a wig.
I'm not sure at this point what might be the actual cause, but Dr. Christopher does have a protocol for regrowing hair (and there's a wonder story/testimony of a woman that did it buried somewhere in my archives). It involves nightly oil massages to the scalp and an herbal tea rinse in the morning (as well as drinking the tea), so it's pretty time consuming. I don't suggest you start it until you get your healing well underway (because we want to make sure we've at least partially eliminated the cause)...but there's truly a VERY good possibility that you can restore your hair and have a major "wig burning" in the not-too-distant future!
It took a bit of searching, but I found the story (from Dr. Christopher); here it is:
Some people laugh about the loss of hair, although for a woman it can be devastating. Dr. Christopher used to say that the only thing to stop falling hair is the floor--unless you use the right herbs.
He was giving a crash course in herbs to a group of very wealthy women who were going to Europe on a tour. They wanted to know what they could learn about herbs before they left. They were having three lectures a day, four hours per lecture--really a crash course. One of the ladies, an attorney's wife, asked what could be done for the loss of hair. One of the other ladies said, "Let's not waste time on that--your husband has a good head of hair. There is nothing to worry about."
"Yes, there is something to worry about," the lady responded. "I want to know if a bald-headed person can get his hair back."
"Look," said a third lady, "we are trying to cram this course, and let's get through with it as fast as possible."
None of them thought this lady had any real concern, because she had a beautiful head of hair.
The attorney's wife was crying then, and she jerked off her wig and threw it on the woman's lap, saying that if she liked it so well she could keep it. She was as bald as a cue ball. A hairdresser had used something on her hair, which made it all fall out. So the ladies apologized and wanted to talk about hair loss after all.
Dr. Christopher explained the three-oil massage, which is as follows: The first two days, the patient should be massaged with castor oil, using a clockwise circular motion. This castor oil cleanses and flushes the skin and removes toxins. The second two days, the area is massaged with olive oil, which feeds and rebuilds muscles and flesh. The next two days, wheat germ oil is used for massage, which heals, being high in vitamin E. On the seventh day the patient rests. Immediately after the massage, the patient takes a sunbath, starting with only two minutes a day and increasing two minutes each day, up to a half hour. Use direct sunlight, though not in the heat of the day, and in cloudy weather use a sunlamp.
The group took off for Europe as planned, and months later Dr. Christopher visited this attorney and his wife on legal matters. The wife's hair was a bit shorter this time, and she said, "Doctor, look at my hair." He thought she had another wig on. "Reach over and pull my hair," she said. Dr. Christopher looked at her husband, who nodded. So he reached over and gave the hair a pull; she said, "Ouch!" She was so delighted that she had a healthy head of hair again, and Dr. Christopher had seen this happen many times, including a case where a man was completely bald, followed the program, and got a full head of hair again--curly this time instead of straight as before!
(this is likely the more complete/effective protocol - I've seen this several times in Dr. Christopher's writings.. I currently have the 3 herbs used below 'in stock', just haven't mixed them, packaged them or tried it...I don't offer herbal blends I haven't tried on myself...but whenever/if-ever you want it, just let me know) In the meantime, I'll mix it up and we'll give it a try :)
9. Hair conditioner formula and procedure.
Each day, as an aid to restimulating the hair growth, for two days massage scalp deeply with warm castor oil, apply hot wet toweling over head thirty minutes or more.
Leave oil on all night. Next morning wash hair with Packer's tar soap or a good bio-degradable soap and rinse. Repeat second wash, rinse with tea made of sagebrush, chaparral and yarrow. Do not rinse again but leave tea in hair and scalp (massage in well). The next two nights use same procedure but use olive oil, and the next two nights use wheat germ oil. Rest one night and repeat six days a week as needed. Use shoulder stands. Drink one or two tablespoons of wheat germ oil morning and night, and also drink 1/4 cup of this tea made with distilled water, two times a day.
Knee injury:
When I was 19, I was in a train accident, it was minor but my knee has been bothering me since.
Neck injury:
When I was 26, I had an accident and I herniated 3 discs in m neck. It was really bad and if it was not because I did not have insurance, the neurosurgeon and the orthopedic surgeon would have fused my discs together. I got better with TCM. Once in awhile it bothers me but that is all.
Carpal tunnel
I have had carpal tunnel now for around 5 to 6 years. I sleep with braces. If I do not, my arms go to sleep and the pain is unbearable. Before, even during the day my arms would go sleep, but with MSM and B-6 they got better. I am not taking them anymore, again stupid me.
You might need some good chiropractic work to totally heal the neck issue, but what I'll be recommending will be very beneficial for that, your joints and the carpal tunnel.
Food poisoning
I am super sensitive to bad food. I start to throw up and it goes for hours.
Because of my panic attacks and the problems I have had with my stopach, I am terrified of nausea and vomiting. I can take any type of pain, and I mean any, but nausea/stomach pain. Guess what else Cayenne is good for?...panic & anxiety!
When you say "bad food" do you mean various foods you're sensitive or reactive to? Or foods that are "bad"? (as in "old" or have pathogens like e coli or salmonella that cause true 'food poisoning'). And there's a wonderful herbal blend (Liver Detox/Digestive tea) that is VERY tasty (a rich, 'herbal spice tea'), a great replacement for coffee, and wonderfully soothing and "anti-nausea" (especially if you add a bit of extra ginger root).
Sensitivity to heat:
As I mentioned previously, I cannot take any temperatures above 78.
2. List any pharmaceutical medications you've taken. List any OTC (over the counter) medications you've taken. List everything you are currently taking.
Penicillin shots for 5-6 years when I was a child.
I am sure some other antibiotics here and there but I do not know what kind. The last time I took an antibiotic was 6 years and I said no more. I have not taken one since then. I am refusing to give it to my daughter too.
When I had bronchitis, about 5years ago, the doctor said that I have formed scar tissues in my lung for having had so many pneumonia and bronchitis and the only way to prevent this to get worst was for me to take steroids. So he gave me for like 10 days. It was the worst thing I have ever taken. It made balloon within 2 days and I got very sick but of course I had to finish all the pills. I told the Dr. never again to give me anything with steroids.
Pain medications like vicodin, and stronger stuff with prescription:
After my neck injury, the doctors prescribed me 80 vicodin every week, shocking now that I think about it. I was to take as many as I seem was necessary for my pain. After taking it for three days, I never took another vicodin. It was totally useless and I was afraid I was going to get arrested for EWI. It was when I was in college and I had to drive.
Muscle relaxants:
I have taken muscle relaxants here and there when I was in high school and college for back pain and also for my neck. I do not remember the name but I think it was “soma” or something like that.
Prescription Ibuprofen:
The neurosurgeon and orthopedic surgeon gave me prescription ibuprofen and I had to take 10,000 units a day because my neck was swollen from my herniated disc that breathing was difficult. I took it for I think a week but later I read that it might damage my kidneys so I stopped.
It was after my neck injury and all the medications the doctors prescribed that I decided enough is enough and I looked into alternative medicines. I was walking bending over and I was gray from pain when I stopped at a Chinese store and bought some herbal pills that I needed to take with hot tea. The first time I took them, I felt so much better. I decided to look into alternative medicine, or in my opinion, the only true medicine. I found an acupuncturist in Santa Cruz and after three months going there 3 times a week, I was finally able to move my neck. That's fantastic!!!
Boy, I remember one day after leaving her office, I stopped to get coffee. I forgot my neck and back was all blue and black from her trying to bring oxygen to the area. I was getting a cup of coffee when a policeman came to and whispered if I needed help. Of course I looked at him like what was he talking about until I realized he had seen my bruised neck and back and thought I was a victim of domestic abuse. I immediately explained to him that I was fine and that I was coming back from my acupuncturist but from the look on his face I know he did not buy anything I said. :) LOL! I'm sure he didn't "buy it"! That's quite a story. There's been a change in the law now somehow (it's to protect battered spouses), where if the police feel there's reason to prosecute, even if the victim swears the spouse is innocent (and refused to press charges), the police can arrest & prosecute. 'Good thing something like that didn't happen!
The doctors have told me that without fusing my discs, there was no hope. HA! I showed them good. Good for you!! I felt the same way when I was off the anti-depressants that all the psychiatrists told me I'd have to stay on forever, because my depression was 'hereditary'. Ruuuhight...not!
I still remember the first time I was able to turn my neck to the right and it popped. It felt so good. I thought you might want to know that I have done Traditional Chinese medicine for my neck injury.TCM, Ayurveda, Natural...with a quality practitioner, one can generally heal very effectively. Mixing 'styles' is usually very ineffective...and there's some aspects of the Eastern schools that conflict a bit here & there (and some that the Western is missing, particularly the acupuncture/pressure and 'energy work'). I'm glad to hear you had such great results!
Ibuprofen - since I was 12, I have had very painful periods. Every month I took Ibuprofen for pain. Now, I only take it if I am bending over with pain.
Some cough syrups - here and there for colds. Nothing since I was 36. (36 was when I got pregnant and since then – I am 40 now - I have not taken any.
Some cold and flu OTC medication – again nothing since 4 years ago.
Aspirin – I still take some if I have a bad headache but it really never
You likely won't believe the 'lack of pain' you experience after your first 30 days of colon work - it's truly amazing.
3. Did you have all the childhood vaccines? Any flu vaccines as an adult?
I was born in Iran and yes I did have all the vaccines. I have had smallpox too since every time we traveled from Iran to Europe, we had to show we had the vaccine for smallpox.
I had the flu vaccine once in 1999 I think. After I took it, I got so sick that I decided never to take it again.
I also had the pneumonia vaccine since I was getting pneumonia so often.
When I was working in a lab, I had to take some booster shots but I do not remember what they were. Sorry. No need to apologize - most everyone has had 'em all, and then some more :( In case you're not aware of the truth of it, not only are they 'health destroying', they have been proven MANY times (by many researchers) to be totally ineffective. If you want to learn more, here's two excellent sources of info:
4. How many bowel movements do you have a day? What color/consistency are they?
For the past two or three weeks, I am having 2 or 3 BMs. Before it was mostly once. I think since I am taking Xylitol with my coffee in the morning, I am having more BMs and now that I am taking cayenne tea, I also go more frequently.
They are light brown, sometimes softer than other but never runny. I do not know, it is hard for me to describe. I know they do not float.
Yes, another benefit of cayenne is that it increases peristalsis (the squeezing muscular action of the intestines). Coffee increases bowel activity due to the creation of the toxin 'caffeine-hydrochloride' (when mixed with stomach acid), that causes the liver to create extra bile in detoxification. Bile is our natural 'laxative' and also increases peristaltic action. Xylitol also increases bowel activity, but even though it's currently "all the rage", it's not any healthier than any other "processed white substance"(and may ultimately prove to be worse)...and it's certainly not natural to our bodies :(
So it's likely safe to assume when everything is 'natural' you're having one bm a day or less. It's normal/healthy for us to be having one bm about 20-30 minutes after every meal (3-5 daily...because most people have one upon waking, and some before going to sleep). This is something we've been TOTALLY bamboozled regarding...and it's essential for us all to become UNbamboozled!
It comes back to this (used to be basic third-grade science): No life form (no matter how big or how small) can sustain life without its needed nutrients & the ability to assimilate them, and the ability to neutralize & eliminate waste.
If the colon and intestinal tract are compromised in any way, we're not assimilating nutrition adequately, nor are we expelling waste adequately. And as long as everything (particularly the water, of which 95% is absorbed in the lower colon) is seeping through layers of extremely acidic/toxic filth, we're poisoning ourselves and stressing our organs of detoxification 24 hours a day. It doesn't get much more health-destroying than that. ("Grandma" was right - the key to life IS a healthy colon).
Here's two more links for reading/learning (the last is pretty long, but very important, too):
While reading, remember: constipation = less than 3, healthy bms daily...OR...constipation can look like IBS and other issues that cause too much bowel activity (or poorly formed, skinny, or loose stools). That's because when our colons are impacted, the 'tube' becomes narrow and constricted, so what comes out may be very liquid, overfrequent, and/or very thin). Or of course, it can cause the "irritable" in Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Dr. Schulze: "It's not what we take, it's what we ASSIMILATE!"
5. What is your diet like? Percentage raw, cooked, organic, junk?
Terrible. I blame myself here. I know I have to eat better and I give everyone advice about that and I do not do it myself. I keep saying that because I work so much I do not have time but it is all bull. I make kefir for my daughter and my dogs, but I am too I do not know, lazy, to take it myself. I juice for my daughter, but not for myself.
Here where we live there is not much choice of organic produce. There are some apple and carrot but that is it. My Mom during the summer cultivates lots of cucumber, basil, mints, tomatoes….and we eat them a lot but now nothing is organic. Hmmm, I would have thought (from what you've said and your 'high stress job') that you likely lived in a metro area large enough to have a Whole Foods. Either way, there's that great mail-order source above.
I would say a large salad (with organic ACV and Virgin olive oil and some lemon) a day. Two or three fruits a day. That's GOOD!
Cheese, bread, coffee, until a few weeks ago artificial sweetener in my coffee– now only Xylitol. Some type of meat a day. Rarely vegetables although I love raw vegetables. Ruh-roh Rastro, that's all not so good (but fantastic to be off of the artificial sweetener!). When not juice-fasting, here's the basic diet you want to be following for healing:
I know it may seems extreme, but this is the rule (for healing): if it ever had a face on it, or came from something that had a face on it, don't eat it.
The reasons are multitudinous, but it boils down to just a couple: meat & dairy have absolutely no fiber (hence, they are what Dr. Christopher calls "mucus forming" and once broken down, they slime-up our intestinal walls leaving all kinds of decaying organic matter that is the perfect food for yeast and parasites. Also, it takes 4-6 hours to break down and assimilate meat & dairy...that process takes 60-65% of the energy of our bodies. That energy could be used for healing & restoration.
Once you've seen the Save Your Life videos (and read the manual) - and seen the Natural Healing Crusade videos (both Dr. Schulze), you'll understand it MUCH better. The thing that got us 'over the hump' was hearing Dr. Christopher talk about it on his (10 CDs) "Herbal Class Lectures".
No sodas, rarely sweets, I do not have a sweet tooth unless is the first week before my period strats. Then I have to have something sweet. I most certainly understand that 'female sweet craving' thing. It's super you're not going to have to 'fight the sugar addiction' - it can be a real toughie.
So raw is may be 30%. The rest not good. Maybe "not good", but I know of a LOT worse!
6. What kind of water do you drink (distilled, RO, spring, tap) and how much a day do you drink?
Spring water for drinking. Tap water for cooking and tea/coffee.Reverse Osmosis (RO) filtered or distilled only. Yeppers, there's all KINDS of debates and evidence on all sides of the 'water front'...but nothing is as reliable as empirical evidence. RO or distilled water is what Schulze, Gerson & Christopher used for all of their 'incurable' and terminally ill patients. Sorry, but no true teas of any kind (black or green) they're laden with fluoride: Fluoride Green/Black Tea...
No mouth :)
I drink may be 50 oz of water a day which I know it is not enough. When I work, I am so stressed and busy that I completely forget. 'Time to get a stainless water cup and tie it to your wrist :)
So when I come home I realize how thirsty I am and drink lots of water. Did ya know?: Dr. Batmanghelidj (The Water Cure) insists that when thirst is felt, that is the body's last, desperate cry for water, not the first indication. Thirst & hunger sensations are strange critters. We can be extremely dehydrated and drink a dehydrating beverage and our 'thirst sensation' goes away (even though we're more dehydrated)...and 'hunger sensations' are almost always "patterns & conditioning".
I know I am dehydrated most of the time because a few weeks ago I got a very bad back pain and I know it was not anything to do with working. In curezone I read that it might be due to dehydration. I started drinking water even though I was not thirsty. After 10 hours the pain was suddenly gone. GREAT!! The female body is around 50-55% water, and our bones are about 22% water. Once again: It comes back to this (used to be basic third-grade science): No life form (no matter how big or how small) can sustain life without its needed nutrients & the ability to assimilate them, and the ability to neutralize & eliminate waste.
One more 'water thought' for you: in your mind, picture a healthy liver (engorged with healthy blood that's highly oxygenated and free flowing like water...not like syrup/molasses as most of ours are). Picture how juicy & plump and 'alive' it is, filled with myriads of tiny veins & arteries and 'biliary tubing', and how the bile is flowing freely throughout the liver.
Functions of the liver:
The liver regulates most chemical levels in the blood and excretes a product called bile, which helps carry away waste products from the liver. All the blood leaving the stomach and intestines passes through the liver. The liver processes this blood and breaks down the nutrients and drugs into forms that are easier to use for the rest of the body. More than 500 vital functions have been identified with the liver. Some of the more well-known functions include the following:
production of bile, which helps carry away waste and break down fats in the small intestine during digestion
production of certain proteins for blood plasma
production of cholesterol and special proteins to help carry fats through the body
conversion of excess glucose into glycogen for storage (glycogen can later be converted back to glucose for energy)
regulation of blood levels of amino acids, which form the building blocks of proteins
processing of hemoglobin for use of its iron content (the liver stores iron)
conversion of poisonous ammonia to urea (urea is an end product of protein metabolism and is excreted in the urine)
clearing the blood of drugs and other poisonous substances
regulating blood clotting
resisting infections by producing immune factors and removing bacteria from the bloodstream
Now imagine your liver is 50% dehydrated - shrunken and shriveled, the heart fighting to pump the sludgy blood throughout the stiffened flesh; all the veins, arteries & biliary tubing hardened and non-elastic; the thickened bile oozing slowly through the tubing (coating & narrowing the biliary network and creating lil' stones), all the while it's desperately trying to perform all the functions above to keep you alive.
If I remember to drink I try to drink a gallon a day. :::grin::: I bet that'll help you remember, eh? Now imagine after decades (?) of that, just how much it needs to be flushed and decongested (and how making sure it's fully hydrated before you do that will make ALL the difference in the success of your flushes...and those of every organ/system in your body).
7. You said you've done a bowel cleanse. What kind and for how long? Any other cleansing like liver flushing, coffee enemas, kidney cleansing?
I never done the liver flushing, CE, kidney cleansing….the bowel cleanse, I do not remember the name, it was a program you would take these powders and also take some pills for parasites. I will try to find the name. There's really no need to remember/find the name of the bowel cleanse. We all need to do a thorough cleanse of the bowel (at least 30 days, but there are many people that cleanse for 60 days+ and are still seeing all kinds of old debris), and do quarterly maintenance cleansing. The liver & kidneys are just as important, of course.
Again, thank you so much. I know most of what is wrong with me is because of the things I do or better said the things I do not do. I want to get better because now I am a Mom and I have to be here for many years to come.You're welcome so much! And again, my MOST sincere of apologies for this horrible delay in response time (someday I'll do my best to explain to everybody what my schedule is like these days). Anyway - YES! Now that you're a mommy it's even MORE important to learn how AND to heal yourself. You certainly don't want your precious lil' one to experience even one day of disease or pain (let alone years of it) from allopathic medicine! Being in charge of our own health and bodies IS freedom...and that's something that we not all only deserve, it's our right! And walking this healing pathway will ensure that your child will have that freedom. I applaud your decision, I know you can do it...and I know you'll find tons of support & information here! :)
Just this morning I remembered that when I was a kid, I had this vial of mercury. I loved the way it looked and felt. I used to place some droplets on the palm of my hand and play with them.
How terrible now that I think of it. I must have poisoned myself for years. I am surprised I have a brain left. Of course my parents did not know I should not play with mercury. Sheesh, my dad was a science teacher, and I don't think HE knew either. If only the 'health playing field' hadn't been SO slanted against the truth by the PTB (Powers/Posers That Be), then our parents & grandparents would have known differently. If you're not aware of how this all happened (healing truth being controlled & demented by the PTB), there's a fantastic overview in this past post of mine (and other GOOD bowel information) - "The non-supplement HEALING" & other thoughts
**BTW, I apologize for all the spelling and grammar errors in my previous post. This time I will make sure I type everything in word document then copy and paste here. No need to apologize - "typos happen" (and I'm likely the worst offender here). My fingers simply cannot keep up with my brain (or vice versa sometimes, lol).
I 100% agree with you. Until now I have only tried to fix one thing at a time but now I know I have to make a major lifestyle change. You CAN do it!!
Once you go through it just a few times, you can whiz through the tapping sequence like lightning (the tutorial video is SO slow!)...and you won't BELIEVE how effective and beneficial it is - like they say, "for everything"! It's basically a blend of accupressure and kinesiology, where you say a "set up phrase" (specifically identifying the issue - like: even though my job is stressful; or even though I'm stuck in this stressful job --or whatever is true for you-- then closing the set up phrase with something like "I deeply & completely accept/love myself"). For example I would say right now: "Even though I'm so stressed & frustrated that I'm SO behind on posts & emails, I completely and totally love myself". And then you start tapping on the accupressure points while saying a lil' reminder to yourself on each point. The set-up phrase is setting up the "target" and the tapping is like "arrows" we shoot at the target to blow away the emotional or physical issue/blockage with which we're dealing. Be sure to check out the homepage and see the quality and experience of professionals that are using this (and how little children can use it). It really is amazing!
But now that I have finally decided to take charge of my health, I already feel empowered. And that you IS empowering! I will wait for sugestions as what is the best way to start and more importantly where I should start. Juice fasting, liver cleansing, ....I know you cannot do everythin at the same time. All suggestions below. And never forget, as long as you're safe & logical, you can do as much at one time as you can "fit it". For years Dr. Schulze specialized in patients he referred to as 'the walking dead' (because they had terminal diseases, and were still walking weeks/months after they doctors said they should be dead). These were seriously compromised people...and in the first month he had them juice-fasting, colon/liver/kidney cleansing, plus a huge arrays of healing protocols. If he couldn't help them get these systems back 'online' quickly, there was no hope. As long as we're being safe (making sure we eliminate and/or adsorb all toxins) and giving our bodies the high-grade fuel it needs - it just makes sense that it's MORE stressful for the body to have clogged/congested organs that can't do their job, than it is stressful to put them back into working order. You do the research and learning and then have a good long talk with your doctor within and decide what will work best for you.
It's my job to share what I know and suggest what I feel is the most effective/complete way it can be done. It's your job to decide what to do with that information. I don't EVER want anyone to not read/learn & research or feel pressured in any way to do anything I suggest!
I have a question. I understand when one uses the bentonite externally, has to make sure to rinse it off outside or clean with a towel and rinse the towel outside so it does not go into the septic tank, but how about when you take it internally?
I know here I cannot just go outside and relieve myself in my yard. The neighbors would call the cops on me. I am sure my dogs would have an issue with that too. :)LOL - yep, 'tis likely your neighbors wouldn't be too pleased. Your dogs might love you even more though :::silly grin:::
But seriously, if I take bentonite or as a matter of fact DE internally, what can I do so it does not clog the septic tank. I've never heard of anyone having any troubles with their septic tank from using bentonite internally. My guess is that once it's mixed with all the digestive juices, acids & enzymes, it doesn't come out the same 'bentonite clay' as it was going in. (Btw, each teaspoon of the IF#2 is composed of 17 "herbal ingredient parts" -measured by volume. In each teaspoon of the regular IF#2 only 2 of the 17 parts are bentonite, and 1 is activated charcoal. In the IF#2 Ultra 4 parts of 17 are bentonite and 2 parts are charcoal)
Suggestions (first 30 days) - (items underlined are things available in our Storefront...or most can be found at Dr. Schulzes website (or Health Freedom Resources)
---30 days of juice-fasting (or as much as possible). If not juice-fasting, then stick to Dr. Christopher's Mucusless diet (always vegan and as much raw/organic as possible) - being sure to include at least 16oz of celery juice daily (it doesn't have to be 'straight', it can be mixed in'). The goal is a gallon of juice daily, plus as much Potassium Broth as you'd like.
--Superfood - 4-6 Tablespoons daily (mixed into juice, or made into a smoothie). If juice-fasting vegan - Superfood Original (if eating meat/dairy, then Superfood Special Blend). One 14 oz baggie is enough for 2T daily for a month. For a smoothie it's recommended to use one cup of water, one cup of juice, one piece of fruit, the Superfood dose of your choice and a handful of ice. But you can make whatever kind of smoothie you'd like.
--Colon/Bowel cleansing & healing. IF#1 (if needed, to ensure 3bms daily), and I suggest for you (due to the mercury issues, and likely fluoride too) the IF#2 Ultra (which has more bentonite and activated charcoal to help adsorb/pull the mercury & fluoride --and a zillion other toxins-- out of your tissues (and adsorb toxins as they're being released by the cleansing of your intestinal tract). Here's instructions for use:
It's always easiest to get the 3 bms a day going before you start a juice-fast.
Once you get "into the swing of it", you'll feel better and cleanse faster if you add 1 teaspoon of Activated Charcoal to each doses of IF#2. 1/2 pound should be plenty for the month. Reading:
--ACV Bomb 3x daily (before meals or before a juice and IF#2). ACV Bomb (is a name I made up) for 1 T raw organic apple cider vinegar; 1 T organic blackstrap molasses (or raw local honey - which must be local...and doesn't have as much minerals as the bsm); and 1 dose of cayenne powder (for the cayenne powder, you start at 1/8 teaspoon per dose, and work up as you the goal being 1 teaspoon per dose). If you premix the acv and the bsm into a jar, it will be MUCH faster & easier (because it takes forever to 'melt' the bsm into the acv). Once you have the jar, you can just leave it on the counter, and put 2T of the mix into a glass, the dose of a cayenne powder, and a splash or two of water (if you desire).
--Parasite Cleansing 30 days (definitely best done while juice fasting and using the IF#1 & IF#2). If you decide to use the Unyworm parasite herbs (liquid and dry/ground herbs), here's the instructions:
Here are the instructions for utilizing Unyworm effectively:
You will be taking the IF#2 five times daily. You will be wanting to take (maximum strength) 1 teaspoon of the ground/dry herbs 3x daily. So in 3 of the 5 doses of IF#2 (the deep colon cleanser), you would add up to 1 teaspoon of the ground/dry herbs. That's how you use the dry/ground herbs. This will ensure the parasite herbs are getting as deep into the lining of the colon as possible.
For the Unyworm liquid, in order it to be MOST effective, it needs to have your own Cayenne powder and fresh/raw garlic and raw/organic apple cider vinegar added (ACV = apple cider vinegar). We call this the "Apple Cider Vinegar Bomb". You'll be doing this 3x daily. To make the "ACV Bomb":
1 tablespoon of raw organic ACV; 1 tablespoon of organic blackstrap molasses (or raw local honey); one dose of cayenne top-grade therapeutic cayenne powder (the goal is one teaspoon, but you'll start at 1/8 teaspoon per dose and work up from there); 1-2 cloves of raw garlic (minced), and one teaspoon of Unyworm liquid. Do this three times daily (on an empty stomach before meals is most effective). By the way, Dr. Christopher's standard/healthy daily diet includes all of the above without the parasite herbs - so this is something we ALL should be doing daily anyway (ACV, cayenne, garlic, blackstrap/honey).
Yes, there ARE easier "parasite programs", but it's HIGHLY doubtable that any could ever be as effective as this!
Edit/Add: Regarding parasite doesn't take much searching on CZ to realize that 100s/1000s of people spend months/years doing various protocols and still end up (even close) to wiping them out. This is mostly because they don't get the parasite herbs into the main feeding, breeding and hiding places...and that's DEEP within the layers of junk and diverticuli in the lower colon. And without ensuring several bowel movements daily, any new eggs aren't flushed away (so they have plenty of time to embed into the mucoid plaque and start developing). Then there's the issue with liquids/tinctures...yes, they do get into the bloodstream immediately, BUT what about the critters that are buried in the inside of the colon in the mucoid plaque? The blood that runs through the actual tissue of the colon that has the parasite herbs in it will kill the parasites it comes into contact with...but that doesn't affect the ones it doesn't touch (our blood vessels don't run through the mucoid plaque). And since encapsulated herbs are totally dependent upon the efficacy of our digestive tract to break down the capsules so the herbs can be 'loosed' and then be free to be processed & assimilated (and since most everyone with parasites already has a compromised intestinal tract) - we see why SO many people end up doing parasite cleanses for years. end edit.
--Cayenne - should be a minimum of 100,000 H.U. (Heat Units). The Cayenne powder (ours is around 250,000 H.U.) is essential (4oz should last a month at the low doses), because the powder directly affects parasites and increases peristalsis (the tincture absorbs through the stomach and never reaches the intestinal tract, so you get all the other benefits of cayenne for circulation/etc, but not so much (or none) of the intestinal benefits. However, the Cayenne Tincture (#1 for newbies) is much easier 'for learning' (and it doesn't burn on the way out)...and after you read the Cayenne files in your inbox, you'll likely always want to have cayenne tincture in your purse, car, desk, garage, etc., in case of emergencies (if you decide you want the tincture, be sure to ask for some lil' 1/2 bottles (if you want them so you can split up the big bottle). Here's the "Pepper Primer" for dosage instructions:
--Kidney & Liver Cleanses - Optimally you want to do two 5 Day Liver & Kidney Cleanses the first month. (alternate between liver & kidney --start with whichever you'd like-- they're designed so they can be done while working full-time). Please don't forget your kidneys! Everyone focuses so much on cleansing and restoring the liver (and that's very important), but if the liver is compromised...then the kidneys have been doing a LOT of extra work, and they need some attention, too. Since you're having issues with your lymphs, you definitely want to get the Liver Cleanse that has the Blood D-tox tincture included, here's how it works: offer them as enough for a "5 day cleanse" or a "10 day cleanse" (the "10 day" is just 2 "5 day" cleanses packaged together). Here's the complete information on the full Kidney Cleanse: suggest two 5 days cleanses here, especially since you've never done a Kidney Cleanse. And here's the info on the 5 Day Liver cleanse (which I suggest you do, and then do a full flush on Day 6):
Notes about the 5-day Liver Cleanse instructions:
--In the morning liver-cleanse drink, you'll see that you add 1T of oil and 1 clove of garlic each day. There are some people (me included) that simply cannot ingest more that 2-3 cloves of garlic at any one time. It will NOT "ruin the cleanse" if you can only take 1-2 cloves of garlic each 'drink'...and you can add (and I highly recommend adding) extra ginger root.
--You can make the Liver Tea using the same instructions as the Kidney tea (but you do NOT have to macerate the herbs)
--You do not "have" to do the 3-day juice fast in the middle of the 5 day cleanse, but it's beneficial.
--Dr. Schulze suggests adding the Liver/GB tincture to the Liver Tea...and this is NOT the most effective way to use the tincture. Anything 'bitter' triggers the liver to produce/release bile, and the Liver/GB tincture is VERY bitter. So rather than mixing it with the yummy spice tea (and ruining the taste of the tea, and diluting the bitter tincture), it's far more effective to mix the tincture dose with a 'gulp's worth' of water and have it separately. Here more info about that tincture:
--Because of this 'bitter prinicple', getting an extra 2oz bottle of the Liver/GB tincture is highly recommended. That way, 5x a day (after taking the IF#2 is a good time), you can put 5 single drops of the liver tincture directly on your tongue to stimulate bile flow. This is very beneficial to the cleansing process and outcome of the next flush.
--The Liver/Detox/Digestive tea is based on an ancient Indian digestive remedy. It doesn't have a strong effect on the liver proper, but helps IMMENSELY with all the "urpy-burpy-ness" we all experience when cleansing the liver. It's also a very welcome substitute for coffee :) You do not have to follow "dosage recommendations" (you may have as much or as little as you prefer)
So, on these five-day cleanses, all you have to do is have a "flush drink" in the morning before going to work, then a Superfood, then you can just warm & pour the tea-- that you made the night before-- in a thermos (and the tincture bottle in your purse), and have the tea & tinctures at your desk.
You want to start doing even more to "prep your liver" for the full liver flush on Day 6 - you can start prepping your liver for liver flushing ANYtime, but adding anything (from the link below) "for the liver" during the 5-day liver cleanse is VERY beneficial. You want to be sure you're having 3 bms daily before doing a full liver flush (because what you'll be flushing out of your liver is very toxic) and it will reabsorb into the bloodstream very quickly. The best, most effective/healthy and complete way to ensure all debris is removed from the intestines the day after a liver flush is by doing 2 coffee enemas instead of one. More reading assignments! :)
And yeppers, I was a bit "out of sorts" when I wrote this (about something or other), but this is important stuff (and has links where to buy a good stethescope and pictures of the kind of colander you need for doing full liver flushes): Being your own doctor - liver flushing/CE's READ ME PLEASE
Daily Coffee Enemas (it will likely be most 'efficient' for you to brew the solution the night before, and take your enema as part of your 'wake up routine'). Here's the best organic coffee ('designed' especially for detoxification enemas) and they've got GREAT enema buckets for only $6.00 (you'll need approximately 2.5 pounds of coffee for 30 enemas) S.A. Wilson's Enema coffee for coffee enemas
Castor Oil packs - you can do these while you sleep - YAY!!! The benefits of castor oil packs are truly inexplicable. The best way I can sum up the action of castor oil is that it "decongests" (from the tiniest cell to the largest organ)...and it HEALS. Of course, you want to do these on your liver during the 5 day liver cleanse, but I especially think you also want to do them on your neck/thyroid and over your adrenals (which are right atop your kidneys). You'll want organic or cold-pressed Castor Oil (hexane free) and a 100% natural fiber cloth - you can get all that here: Castor Oil TherapyCastor Oil Pack Tips
Tip: after applying the oil soaked cloth, we need to put something waterproof over it, and then secure it securely for sleeping. The absolute easiest (and most effective) "waterproof anything" is blue "chux" pads (this is the best price/quality/size I've found AND free shipping too :): Chux Puppy Pads - Puppy Training Pads - Puppy Wee Pads - MedNet Direct
...waterproof on one side and absorbent on the other (normally used for incontinence or housebreaking puppies). These are also perfect for putting under your backside when doing coffee enemas!
For securing the oiled cloth and chux pad, the absolute easiest and most secure/comfortable way is to us a cheapo 'wrap around back support' with a velcro closure. For your liver - just open the back support on the bed, lay your back on it, position the oil cloth on your liver, cover it with a folded 'chux' pad (water/oil-proof side against the oiled cloth), and bring the ends of the back support around you and press the velcro closure closed. Wallah - no mess, no drips, no discomfort...and the next morning you can put the cloth in a large plastic bag and put it anywhere (you can re-use the oiled cloth dozens of times - just add more oil - because castor oil stays fresh forever!) And for hard to reach places - they make all kinds of different (very inexpensive) neck, arm, shoulder, knee, wrist supports...and you'll DEFINITELY want to be wrapping a castor oil cloth under your wrist braces every night for that carpal tunnel. You might see a MAJOR reduction in just a few nights!
I think it was Dr. Schulze that had a man that soaked an entire sleeping bag in it, so he could do 'full body' castor oil packs at night! That is something (no kidding!) I would REALLY like to do. Castor oil is true "goodness"!
--BAREFOOTIN'!! -- Daily our bodies are PLOWED with very toxic frequencies of various kinds. Our bodies are basically electrical machines, and the build-up of these frequencies can be extremely harmful. The earth is a natural 'ground', and when we put our barefeet (or socked feet) on the earth, the earth WILL pull out these toxic frequencies (which play havoc with our bodies, sleep rhythms/patterns, emotional state and stress). 15 minutes daily (at the minimum) absolutely NO exception.Barefooting
Now then, let's get down to the 'therapeutic herbs' (the easy stuff!)
--ECHINACEA! To bolster, modulate and help restore your immune system, candida yeast, reduce inflammation and a LOT of other wonderful benefits (the last link contains tons). I suggest 8 droppersful of Echinacea Tincture 3x daily (see table at the end to calculate how much you'll need). I know that may seem like quite a bit, but it's really only a couple of teaspoons 3x daily....and it will be VERY beneficial in a lot of ways.
Besides being 'the bomb' for the immune system, it also has many other benefits: Echinacea - Thread (be sure to scan through that thread for AWESOME information about what all Echinacea is good for...including the blurb below - candida yeast!
Yeast Infect ions and Echinacea:
Yeast infections are caused by an fungus called Candida albicans. This particular organism has been the subject of intense interest, research and controversy over the last several years. Standard medical therapies for yeast infections usually involve the use of antibiotics and antifungal drugs which can, in themselves, compromise the immune system. In laboratory tests using control groups, subjects who received echinacea we re compared to those who took standard antifungal treatments. In these cases, better results we re obtained with the echinacea.25 It is the polysaccharides contained in echinacea which seem to enhance the resistance of the immune system against the Candida fungus. This finding again stresses that echinacea may have important therapeutic applications for anyone who is in a weakened state and susceptible to opportunistic infections.26 Echinacea in both external and internal forms can be used to treat yeast infections. It has been suggested that anyone who has recurring yeast infections should consider adding echinacea extract to their repertoire of health supplements.
I could go on & on & on (with dozens of more links) - let me know if you wanna know more :::grin:::
For carpal tunnel, restoring joints (and bones) and for everything that "creaks & pops" (and hurts) when it shouldn't!
BF&C Tincture (and fomentations made with the BF&C Tea - a fomentation is a cloth soaked in a strong herbal tea and applied with heat). 4-8 droppersful of the tincture several times daily - plus 4 baggies of the Tea (that would be a pound) if you're going to do the fomentations. Or if you'd rather not take the time to do fomentations, we also have BF&C oil in the Storefront that you can massage in (best used on "top" of the Deep Tissue Repair Oil)
Solomon's Seal Tincture - this is the closest thing to a 'miracle herb' for joints, bones & muscles. Both my hubby and Willowley (and her hubby) can testify to it's benefits. I don't believe in "magic bullet" herbs or cures (and his site/info makes it seems like that), but it's the best info I've found:Solomon's Seal: Symptoms, Benefits
I suggest 2-4 droppersful several times daily (be sure and ask Willowley how much her and her husband are taking - I don't remember what dosage they've been using, but it's not the "just a few drops" that website indicates.
White Willow Bark Tincture - Especially designed by nature for bone and joint pain (good for most kinds of pain, but especially good for bones & joints). In a nutshell, it's what they made aspirin out of originally (now they synthesize the salicylic acid). This does not harm the stomach like aspirin and the blood thinning effect (if it's there at all) is extremely slight. Take 2-4 droppersful whenever you need it. Being natural, this takes longer to "kick in" than aspirin, but the relief lasts longer (especially if you 'stay on top of it' and don't let it wear off.
--Lungs - I think you'll agree you likely need to get a lifetime of dried up mucous & infection out of your lungs...and Dr. Christopher's Lung & Bronchial Tincture will "get 'er done". 4 droppersful 3x daily is a good start. You should feel it start to loosen things up in 3-5 days, and then you can adjust your dosage up or down as you and your 'doctor within' decide is right. Lung & Bronchial and Glandular Formulas Info.
--Glands - thyroid gland, adrenal glands, lymphatic glands. I think your glands can all use some serious (but gentle) support. Dr. Christopher's Glandular Support Tincture (and Glandular Tea for fomentations) is fantastic. Again (like the BF&C) 4-8 droppersful of the tincture several times a day and 4 baggies of the Tea for making strong fomentations (my 'healers intuition' discerned from the very first reading of your post that your thyroid would benefit greatly from doing these fomentations.
Also, there's just no doubt you likely need iodine (we all do, because fluoride pushes it out). The natural answer is Dr. Christopher's Kelp Combination. Normally I suggest a teaspoon 3x daily. But although I'm quite sure you (we all) need it, I'd suggest doing some of the Glandular Formula and fomentations (and castor oil packs)...and get into the cleansing and juicing before you take that much (or any at all, actually). It can stimulate the thyroid, and I'm not sure your thyroid wants to be stimulated as much as it would just like some TLC for a couple-three weeks.
Edit/Add: Oops, I forgot to add the Adrenal Support TinctureThis blend of herbs is designed to support the adrenal glands with adatogenic herbs. These herbs neither 'ramp up' or 'ramp down' the body/adrenals, but rather work with the body/adrenals to 'adapt' (below is from Dr. Christopher):
Adrenals Formula: As this formula corrects any imbalance in the adrenal gland is also compensates for any stress placed on the heart. [HHH p.196]
Relaxation, meditation, recreation, or some form of stress reducing activity will certainly help the cause of exhausted adrenals. We should wish to eliminate hate, anger, fear, and other negative emotions as they take their toll on the physical body. Listening to relaxing music has proven to be wonderful in easing hostile attitudes
Mullein and lobelia: the perfect glandular foods.
Siberian Ginseng (not a true ginseng; it's now known as Eleuthero): Successfully used in the Soviet Union to ease stress in everyday situations and tend endurance to athletes under great strain during training
Gotu Kola: Known to stimulate the brain and relieve fatigue when given in small amounts. Wonderful for the functioning of the pituitary in disorders of the adrenal system when used in conjunction with other herbs.
Hawthorn Berries: A celebrated cardiac tonic for many centuries. Under conditions of stress, the heart often "works overtime." Hawthorn berries can help in treatment of high or low blood pressure, tachycardia, and arrhythmia. It is also anti-spasmodic, sedative, and soothing to nerves, especially in nervous insomnia.
Cayenne: Nature's finest stimulant; source of calcium and vitamin A. Aids in circulation of blood which brings oxygen and other nutriments to cells in need of repair.
Ginger: A stimulant and a 'lead sheep' herb, bringing the other herbs in the formula into the abdominal area. Ginger differs from cayenne as a stimulant, in that the cayenne stimulates the heart, arteries, veins and then the capillaries. Ginger starts its stimulating effect in the capillary, flushing out the "constipated" capillary, driving these wastes into the veins for disposal.
Dr. Christopher's Adrenals Formula: (Adrenal Formula) In our monthly seminars with doctors, we are asked repeatedly - "What can be done for malfunctioning adrenal glands?" A larger and larger number of their patients are suffering from this problem.
Because of so many requests for an aid to the adrenals, we formulated a group of herbs consisting of mullein and lobelia, Siberian Ginseng, Gota Kola, Hawthorn berries, cayenne and ginger. ... I wish it noted that two of the important herbs recommended are mullein and lobelia. They are a natural pair to use in repair and rejuvenation of the glandular system. Also, the balance of each additional herb added.
This formula for the adrenal glands has done much good, but it is, as we have explained frequently before, working on the effect. In addition to this, we must go to the cause--watch the diet, the liquid intake, remembering to use deep breathing exercises, and above all, keep a positive and good mental outlook on life
End Edit
You've likely already discerned you'll need a heating pad for the castor oil packs, but it would be a great 'time savings' and benefit if you could do something like a castor oil pack on your liver or adrenals and a fomentation on your thyroid while you sleep. Willowley found what looks to be a FANTASTIC hot water bottle here:
--Teeth & gums - both Dr. Christopher's Tooth Powder and Dr. Schulzes Tooth Liquid/Oil are two things I will never be without! One of each will last 'forever' (and be great for your lil' girl, too. If you add some stevia to the Tooth powder, it's wonderful tasting (cloves & peppermint)...and she'll have a blast scrubbing her teeth with "mud" (even though mommy won't have a blast cleaning it up, lol).
Also, check out the Oil Pulling Forum - learn to do it (easy to add to your morning routine) - besides being great for the gums and oral health, it's awesome for the lymphatic glands (and pulling old infection out of the gums and lymphatics). YAY!
Edit/Add Hot/Cold Showers and Hot/Cold Contrast Therapy! One Hot/Cold shower daily (optimally: 7 "hot/cold reps" 1 rep =2 minutes on hot, 2 minutes on cold). Ramp the water temp to as hot as you can stand it, then totally cut the hot water (lol, YES, not only does this cause immense physical 'flow', it also causes phenomenal amounts of emotional flow!...which is EXTREMELY healing, particularly for issues of pent-up stress!). LET IT OUT!! We used to let it out when we were children, eh? If our feelings where hurt, we screamed & cried; if we were expected to do more than we could possibly do(and punished for not doing it), we 'let out' the frustration LOUDLY and completely; when we felt joy, we 'squealed & screamed it out'...but then :::insert scary organ music here:::: "they" taught us the 'right way' to be grown ups :( One has to wonder...just how stressed & compromised does holding in all that stress & emotion make us? One thing is for sure, it's certainly not "healthy flow"! And you will restore some of that by doing hot/cold showers!! (particularly if you 'let it out' when that cold water hits!)
When we have any area needing healed, we almost always have a 'lack of flow' (or some type of congestions). Hot/cold contrast therapy is THE best way to break up congestions and drive our nutrient/oxygen rich blood (along with the healing herbs) to the area that needs healing! Any type of hot/cold "packs" will work - reps of 1-2 minutes each for 15 minutes is a great starting place (adjust 'as necessary'). This is something that is particularly effective for joints. Be sure to check out this thread on hot/cold and carpal tunnel...with a great 'exercise' that's very healing: edit.
Whew! All done me. Have your eyes crossed yet? :) I promise, if you have questions, I will do my best to make sure I get them answered tomorrow...and again, I apologize for the huge delay. I know this must all be overwhelming (to say the least), but once you get past the learning curve and start healing & restoring, it's the most wonderful pathway you'll ever travel!