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General Criticisms on Parasite Cleansing by Hidden Username ..... Parasites Support Forum (Alt Med)

Date:   12/21/2009 12:21:25 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits:   3,989

The following are general opinions on parasite cleansing and my critique of them. Keep in mind my critiques are also opinions [not facts] and this is all open to discussion:

1. You should be super clean to avoid reinfection.
I have been looking at posts and people always talk about how you should hyper-vigilant about protecting yourself from getting reinfected. i.e. They should open doorknobs with a piece of cloth and laundry their clothes twice over and keep the carpets extra clean. I want to share a little story with you:

I could give you the long-winded version, but I will cut to the chase as I am merely demonstrating a point: When I was a kid my house had roaches. It was completely infested with them. My parents tried all of the anti-roach sprays and we tried gas bombs that we bought at wal-mart. And we tried roach hotels. But our house still had roaches after all of this. We had them for many years and gave up trying to get rid of them.

When I was 13 we got the internet at my house and I went online and looked up how to get rid of a roach infestation. 90% of the websites talked about cleanliness. They said all kinds of stuff like: make sure you wash your dishes and don't leave old food lying around and laundry regularly. If you keep your house clean the roaches will go away eventually.

We kept our house VERY clean. And guess what? the roaches didn't go away. There were so many of them crawling around everywhere.

Finally I stumbled across a website that said use Boric Acid and it will kill roaches. I bought two bottles of Boric Acid for $10. The roaches were gone within 5 days. We spent hundreds of dollars on roach bombs and roach motels and sprays but they didn't work. But the ten dollar boric acid killed them FOREVER. We don't even leave that clean anymore. I can leave a pizza out for a week and no bug will approach it. Because our house is protected by the boric acid and it is bug-free. [end of story]

Obviously, I am not talking about just roaches here. I think that parasites are the same way. Once you figure out what kills them, they will die. It is a waste of time to go to extreme measures to prevent reinfection because they have a billion ways to infect you. Even cooked meet can have live eggs in it. Even the air can infect you. Everything can infect you with parasites.

I personally believe that it is a waste of energy and peace-of-mind to obsess over cleanliness because the parasites are gonna get you either way.

I will try to simplify what I am trying to say: There are so many ways to become infected with parasites that spending all of your energy trying to prevent reinfection would be much better spent trying to make your body uninhabitable [via drugs/herbs] in the first place.

Clearly you should not go out of your way to live dirty but you also shouldn't go out of your way to prevent reinfection. Common sense applies but don't go obsessive compulsive as many do.

Now for certain parasites like pinworms or lice (external parasite) perhaps an exception to the rules can be made of course.

I really feel it is a blame-the-victim approach. Those websites were in-deliberately blaming the reader for having roaches [i.e. if they lived cleaner they wouldn't have roaches.] This is not the case. THESE THINGS ARE DESIGNED TO BREED AND PERPETUATE. It is NOT YOUR FAULT that you got infected. The variables are countless: perhaps you have bad genetics and just happen to be a good host for a certain kind of parasite, perhaps you inhaled an egg in the right conditions, etc. etc. Pound for pound, your energy and peace-of-mind is MUCH better spent focusing on making your body uninhabitable than trying to prevent reinfection.

2. What did you eat recently?
This is similar to #1 on cleanliness. I always hear a newcomer say they have a certain parasite and I always hear someone ask something like "Did you eat sushi?" or "Think about your eating history for the past year did you eat anything unusual?"

I think at the core level people are vulnerable psychologically to associating things in their mind to a single attribute. This is probably why creating "scapegoats" in political psyops are so effective: people like to associate events to a certain thing in their mind, even if it is illogical.

And it IS illogical, I believe, because there are so many ways to get parasites. While sushi and pork are no doubt great carriers of parasites, there are so many ways to become infected that it is comical to look back on your eating history.

Perhaps avoiding sushi in the future wouldn't be a bad idea, but the best bang for your buck effort-wise is focusing on making your body uninhabitable.

Just think about Boric Acid. After I found out what killed roaches there was 0 effort involved. I couldn't get roaches in my house again if I tried.

3. Did you travel recently?
Exactly the same as the above two. Parasites exist everywhere, not just the tropics. Our pets get parasites and in many respects they have stronger immune systems than us. Just because a country is "westernized" doesn't make you immune to parasites. In fact it is debatable that westernized countries are even MORE susceptible to parasite infestations due to ease of travel and large compact multi-cultural populations.

Common sense applies of course. I am not asking you to jump into a swamp on your next vacation. But I am asking you not to be paranoid and blame every parasite on vacations to the tropics.

I see these questions asked on the forums all the time.

4. Make sure to get tested.
I always see people on the forums telling you to get tested for parasites so you know what you are up against.

I want to make this clear: I am not against testing for parasites. HOWEVER, I think it is blown out of proportion in importance. Here is why:

For the sake of argument, let's say a parasite test costs $400. Some cost more. Some cost less.

I am not affiliated with any of the following sites and I am not trying to sell you anything, I am just linking them as examples:

$30: 1 round of Humaworm:

$40: 500ml Valbazen (Albendazole):

$12: Zimecterin Gold:

$40: 50g Praziquantel:

The list goes on and on [and you can message me for a fuller list] but I think I got my point across:

For a little more money than a $400 parasite test that isn't even close to 100% accurate you can buy every major anti-parasite drug/herb and experiment or "carpet bomb". You can even buy the anti-blastoise and protozoa meds for relatively cheap when compared to the cost of testing.

Now obviously I money is not a factor for you, testing wouldn't do any harm. But if you are short on cash, why not just buy the meds you would have to buy anyway after the doctor prescribes? I realize a lot of people are going to disagree with me on this but that is just my perspective on testing.

Testing is inaccurate and follows the archaic isolate and prescribe mentality of conventional medicine. In reality you likely have several species of parasites that the test won't catch. But if you "carpet bomb" responsibly and orderly with meds you are more likely to get them.

Some of the meds are so cheap in comparison to testing that it is cheaper to just buy the med and see if anything comes out.

Yes I am aware that meds are hard on your liver and you shouldn't take a med for a parasite you don't have. I think the benefit:damage ratio outweighs the experimenting though. Especially when you consider parasites are much harder on the liver than the drugs, particularly if you are taking the drugs responsibly.

Again, I am not saying testing is the devil. But I am saying that I feel some people exaggerate it's importance and reliability.

5. Just take herbs. Drugs are evil.
Again, a lot of people are going to disagree with me on this one and that is fine.

I am well aware of the eugenicist depopulation agenda. I am well aware of corruption in modern medicine (and even not-so-modern medicine in the past.)

I will never take an anti-depressant. But I WILL and HAVE experimented with anti-parasite drugs and I think it is folly not to give try. I understand that many have had VERY bad experiences with the medical establishment. I understand that the medical establishment is just a eugenicist organization. I understand that most drugs are horribly bad for your liver. But keep these two points in mind:

-Many herbs are also bad for you.
-Parasites are even worse for your liver than drugs.

Some drugs only target a specific parasite and a lot of pro-herb people point at this factor and call it a drawback. Yes it is a drawback in many regards but it is also a beneficial effect when you look at it on the flipside. If you take THE anti-fluke drug triclabendazole... and you see no flukes coming out, you will be a little wiser about your ailment. The is just an example, there are many similar examples that could be provided.

I will not mention people by name but I have seen many pro-herb people that are vehemently opposed to using drugs. They are long-time curezone posters and they claim that herbs will cure all... and yet they are still sick. I know it sounds like I am being callous and harsh but I am only trying to expand their horizons. When you search through the post histories of pro-herb people you will notice they typically have a short history with them even.

For example: they only tried mebendazole and nothing happened so they just wrote drugs off as useless in their mind.

Or they had a friend on anti-depressants and saw how bad drugs were for that person and assumed anti-parasite drugs would follow suite.

Anti-parasite drugs are used mainly for agriculture and secondarily for humans in a lot of cases. The human version of the drug is usually the EXACT same formula handed to cattle. While their efficacy is debatable, I doubt the eugenicist agenda is as pervasive in anti-parasite meds as it is in anti-depressants and painkillers and other common meds. [And yes anti-depressants are weaponized slow-kill substances.]

Also, if you look at a drug like triclabendazole, you will find it is nigh-impossible to acquire in the USA. People have had trouble getting other drugs also:


I do believe that the more effective drugs have been closed off as best as big-pharma could. And the PG-13 drugs like mebendazole and praziquantel and made readily available in the US. They WANT to keep us sick.

6. Just take drugs. Don't bother with herbs they are too weak.
I have seen this opinion from many pro-drug people and I also disagree with it. Why would you divide yourselves into separate subgroups? Why WOULDN'T you want to use everything at your disposal, regardless of whether it is an herb or drug, to rid yourself of parasites?

Also, herbs are not weak. Bloodroot comes to mind.

Herbs have their advantages. They are systemic, they are [usually] not as harmful as drugs, they are [usually] more broad-spectrum than drugs.

7. Do I have parasites?
I don't know why people still ask this.

Yes you do.

EVERYONE has parasites.

Not 33% of people. Not 90% of people.

100% of people have some form of parasite or another residing in their body somewhere, at any given moment.

This is just a fact of nature.

The goal, therefore, not to become 100% parasite-free. I firmly believe that is impossible.

Instead you should focus on ridding yourself of the parasites that are drastically effecting your health/life.

I will demonstrate with a simple analogy:

A state park has both coyotes and wolves. The wolves are the dominate population at the moment. The deer population gets too low because of too many predators. So the park authorities kill off the wolves so the deer can repopulate.

Now the coyotes have reproduced and have a higher population than the wolves and are quite plentiful. However the coyotes don't bother the deer as much so the park does not kill them off.

Parasites compete for "territory" much like larger animals. The goal is not to get rid of every parasite but instead to get rid of the more harmful ones and let the less harmful ones reign. You will always have some type of parasite in your body claiming it as it's territory. Always.

That is just my insight on parasite cleansing in general. I have no doubt that many people will disagree with me, some of them angrily. Please let's be civil and don't take my opinions as personal attacks. I am just trying to share ideas. I realize many people here have been through a lot of pain but don't take my opinions personally.

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