One more try (NO formatting) Re: Answers, suggestions and "thinks & thoughts" enclosed Re: Thanks - some details and a question by unyquity ..... Natural Healing & Herbal Solutions w/Unyquity
Date: 12/8/2009 12:37:01 PM ( 15 y ago)
Hits: 1,604
Apparently some could read the above post, but some couldn't (due to the text editors). 'Hope y'all can figger out which one of us is saying what! Uny
Here is my response without any of the formatting, bold facing, centering, etc.
Greetings Elysse1 ('nice to "meet" you...and WELCOME to the forum :)
Can someone please help me with starting this protocol, or direct me to helpful info? I would like to get some of the herbal formulations, and don't know which ones to start with for ~ 30 days.
Yes, I'm happy to assist! :) I'm going to offer my suggestions below - if you want more 'helpful information' you can find a lot more details in these three links:
Curezone's Dr. Schulze link (in the top 'link bar' on every CZ page):
This explains the basics of a large percentage of the products and protocols we utilize on this forum. Dr. Richard Schulze - Natural Therapies - Herbal Medicine - patient handbook
(you'll find the detailed instructions for the 5 Day Kidney & Liver Cleanses in the above link)
This is THE top website for more Dr. Schulze (and some Dr. Christopher) healing information: Dr. Richard Schulze Links Webpage
One of THE best learning/time-investments for your health? Watching Dr. Schulze s Natural Healing Crusade videos! You can find them online here: Attention Please! Dr. Schulzes NATURAL HEALING CRUSADE (videos & manual) //
and/or here:
(and we have it available on DVDs in our Storefront, under Media)
Warning! (lol) : this is Dr. Schulze at his most "evangelical" - folks attending this Crusade were already familiar with Dr. Schulzes extremely charismatic and blunt/truthful nature, so he was more than free to be himself! (you've been warned :::grin:::) ENJOY!!
Some history - Had a long list of diagnoses for > 10 yrs, boiled down to: Chronic fatigue syndrome, much improved over last couple years, and am currently mostly major symptom-free. However, I feel a general sense of toxic-ness, and have recently found I also have high triglycerides, high cortisol, am overweight, and perimenopausal. Long history of hypothyroid issues. Lots of above-the waist weight gain. Liver is really sluggish, and an u/s awhile back showed fatty liver. Also high on mercury urine test.
- Diagnosed many yrs ago with CFS, Fibro, and MCS. Most overt symptoms have resolved. Long history of anxiety and stress, now much improved
- Recent u/s showed fatty liver. Also high triglycerides. High metals on urine test
- I had a habit of eating starchy foods which for quick energy. I assume this might have led to the high triglycerides?
- Still quite fatigued several days/week – not debilitating, but quite fatigued after a full day of even sedentary work.
- Have had a lot of trouble with hypoglycemia. It’s been tough to stick with any type of juicing for long. I can now do some green juices with some apple/carrot at times. Recently doc said insulin-resistant but not Type II diabetic.
- I used to be a bit stocky “pear “ type body, now totally an apple with recent weight gain. Could stand to lose at least 60 lbs. I’m a pretty light eater, so go figure. Assuming this may come from stress and starchy food, hormones? The weight is really uncomfortable and limits my activity.
'Sounds like you've been down a very rocky road and you've knocked out quite a few boulders along the way...good for you!!! What do I know for sure? You CAN eliminate all the issues you've listed, and you can be in control of your health (and have vibrant health) for the rest of your life! The only thing stopping you from here on out is how much you're willing to learn (and many times, UNlearn), and how much you're willing to do!
As you might know, I'm in the middle of creating a full book's worth of FAQ's and a detailed 'Forum Description'. Everything I suggest is based on the works of the most successful healers of this century (Dr. Schulze, Dr. Christopher, Dr. Gerson, et al). These healers were consistently able to cure any & all diseases...and they did it completely naturally (although Gerson used a few isolated/unnatural supplements, we don't). In a very (very!) small nutshell - our body's natural healing schematics are hard-wired to heal and to live...and our body's ARE able to restore themselves from any condition or heal themselves from any condition. All we have to do (as these great healers have proven tens of thousands of times) is make sure that are body gets back to it's normal & natural homeostasis (homeostasis: A state of balance among all the body systems needed for the body to survive and function correctly.) and that we're able to effectively obtain & assimilate all the nutrients our bodies require, and that we're able to eliminate waste effectively (third grade science: no living organism can sustain life without the ability to assimilate nutrients & expel waste effectively). By ensuring that all our organs/systems are free of the structural debris, clogs, and results of a lifetime of congestion and compromise, as well as giving our body the fuel and energy it needs to accomplish the cleansing, restoring and healing...the rest will take care of itself (with the aid of a few foods & herbs in their natural form that God/Nature has provided for our use). This link (Dr. Schulze again :) explains some of the reasons we avoid isolated/standardized herbs & nutrients: Isolated/Standardized Extracts of plants & herbs
Most of us have been lead to believe/understand that most typical supplements are harmless; very few people understand that the use of supplements can not only throw off our bodies natural homeostasis (which prevents our body's natural healing schematics from working), but can also be dangerous. Which supplement do we all know is THE most innocent? Vitamin C, right? Check this out to see just how many aspects of our body can be thrown out of balance (and what harm can come from using just this one):
Unknown Dangers of Vitamin C
Past efforts include - c. enemas, liver flushing, and juicing in the past, but pretty intermittent. Have also taken iodine, and done pH balancing, which were a big help.
A few more details
- Diet ~ 80 % organic, including chicken, wild fish
- Little to no dairy
- Trying to cut down on starches
- Taking bio-id T-3 for hypothyroid, also iodine
- Use amino acids for stress
- No sodas but weak black tea ~ 2 cups/day
- No alcohol, red meat, etc.
My main concerns would be healing liver, triglycerides, weight loss, and adrenals. [And winning the lottery, but I digress....] Lol, gmta :)
When anybody asks me: "will there be anything else?", I always reply "a winning lottery ticket"! :::grin:::
'Looks like you've done (and are doing) some really good things! (bravo!). Following are my suggestions - I realize this may be more than you want to do (or maybe can afford to do), but I also realize the more we can do at any one given time, to get all the organs of the body working together, the more effective it will be (and the less time & money we'll have to spend in the long run...and the easier it will be for our body to do what we're asking it to do).
This (from a past post) explains it 'more-better':
Doing one cleanse at a time, can many times work against us. Think of it like restoring an automobile that's been driven hard & fast for 30 years without much (any!) regular maintenance...and really (REALLY!) cheap fuel - many times 'fuel' that was definitely not even designed for the car! The exhaust is clogged, the fuel lines are filthy, the oil/filter needs changed (desperately), the carburetor needs calibrated and cleaned, sparks & plugs changed & gapped, alternator fixed/adjusted; transmission rebuilt (or at least overhauled); suspension aligned; new tires needed, brake pads replaced., etc. If you cleanse the exhaust & fuel lines (similar to the colon & parasite) before cleansing the oil/filter and carb (liver & parasites), you end up filthy fuel lines and clogged exhaust before you ever get the carb/oil/filter work. But if you do the oil/filter/carb before you cleanse the fuel lines and get the gunk out of the exhaust and deal the points & plugs, the plugs'll be corroded again before you know it. New tires & brake pads before an alignment? A waste of new tires/brake pads. If the alternater is 'shorting or weak' that stresses all the system parts....the electrical flow through the engine is no different than the electrical flow through the body. Change to high-grade fuel before cleansing and restoring the damage from the cheap fuel? :::sigh::: That can end up being a waste of fuel (too rich for the compromised system to handle). The human body is no different. It's always much more effective to 'put it up on blocks' and do a full body cleanse/restore, than it is to do it one at a time. Yep, it's more work, but it's FAR more effective (and you'll get MUCH more life out of the car by doing it that way). Remember: in this toxic/poisoned world, our bodies are like high-performance automobiles CONSTANTLY in overdrive (generally running on VERY low grade fuel with extremely little maintenance). There's no truly safe/healthy protocol (maintenance) we can do, that's as extreme as the totally unnatural conditions we live in. And it's only MDs and "alternative practicioners" that believe we can deal with one system of the body at a time. EVERY system/organ in the body depends upon every other. (Perhaps those analogies weren't "mechanically/technically perfect", but I'm sure you get the idea). In one of Dr. Schulzes interviews he talks about how many people say: "Well I did a colon cleanse; I did several Liver Flushes already; yeah, I juice fasted a few years ago; yes! I did hot/cold showers; I tried the vegan thing; I took herbs...none of it worked!" And Dr. Schulze replies, "But did you ever do everything TOGETHER?".
Just to start, here's what I was thinking: 30 days of IF 1 & 2, two each kidney and liver cleanses. Cayenne. Get up to speed with regular ce’s, juicing, etc. What do you think? I think I like you already!!
YES! 30 days of IF #1/#2 - absolutely essential! AND (you're going to LOVE this) - the psyllium in the IF#2 is fantastic for lowering triglycerides!
YES! 2 liver & kidney cleanses during that 30 days. For the liver I suggest doing Dr. Schulzes 5 day liver cleanse, followed by a 'big flush' of your choice on the 6th day. It would also be VERY beneficial for your liver to start doing nightly castor oil packs.
Also, when addressing a congested liver, we must deal with the strong possibility of liver flukes. You can do a full parasite cleanse while working on all this, but Garlic is very effective for liver flukes & other parasites (and since that's something we all need daily anyway), I recommend taking 3-6 cloves of raw garlic daily. This WILL kill liver flukes (in fact, if you have flukes, they'll likely show up when you expel your coffee enema (CE) within a day or two after starting to take the Garlic. The garlic is a cholagogue, too (it increases the flow of bile).
YES! (always!) Cayenne - 3x daily. You can choose between Cayenne tincture or powder or use both. If you're not familiar with using the high-heat Cayenne, it's MUCH easier to start with the tincture. Ultimately you want to work up to a teaspoon of the powder 3x daily. Here's the easiest way to go about getting started with Cayenne (and Garlic) dosing: · Pepper Primer & Garlic Tips -- Re: Cayenne and Garlic (Double Punch Perf...
Pepper Primer :) Re: Need Tips on Getting Hot Stuff In
Did you know? Cayenne is wonderful for regulating blood Sugar AND eliminating insulin resistance? AND AND (lol) - it is VERY calming and seriously reduces anxiety! //
Speaking of insulin resistance - raw/organic/unfiltered apple cider vinegar (ACV) has also been proven to assist in eliminating insulin resistance. Dr. Christopher suggested always having ACV mixed with a tablespoon of raw/local honey or blackstrap molasses before every meal. If you do that, you can mix the cayenne powder with it. (I mix the minced garlic in mine...around here, we call that the ACV Bomb...with or without a parasite blend added).
YES! coffee enemas - daily. I prefer organic coffee (especially hybridized for use in coffee enemas) from S.A. Wilsons here:
S.A. Wilson's Enema coffee for coffee enemas
(I also prefer their inexpensive enema buckets over any typical enema bag...they are SO much easier to clean and fill). If you do a 'big liver flush' that uses Epsom Salts , you can easily skip the 'day after doses of ES) if you do two CE's the day after the flush. The CEs are MUCH easier on your body (and they're more effective). Epsom Salts are very stressful on the kidneys for some people, and since the adrenals sit atop the kidneys, I've found that ES can substantially worsen adrenal distress (Sadly, I found that out the hard way, when doing 'once a week flush' series of Liver Flushes and coffee enemas...I was doing the typical 4 doses of Epsom Salts and adding ES to my enema the end of 3 weeks, I was "off the scale" with brutal adrenal distress).
What else?
I consider this essential! We have to provide our body with enough fuel/energy to not only sustain itself daily (and most of us rarely even do that much), but we also have to provide it with the fuel/energy to heal and cleanse itself. Minimum is 2T daily (for typical usage). I recommend 4-6T daily when healing/cleansing. Our Superfood Original is for juice fasters and vegans (it has more nutritional yeast for protein & B vitamins); the Superfood Special Blend is for those still eating meat & dairy. One Superfood is enough for 2T daily for one month.
JUICE FASTING (whenever possible, as much as possible). Please read this to understand why juice fasting IS the most powerful healing protocol therapy we have!: JUICE-FASTING: The POWERFUL healing therapy!
How can I juice-fast and work at the same time?
Juicing in canning jars...//
Diet? The most effective diet for healing and restoring the body is juice fasting...followed by raw/vegan. There are zillions "scientific & popular arguments" about diets. The greatest and most successful healers that ever healed utilized juice fasting and raw vegan diets...with VERY limited grains (particularly flour & pasta). Juices are "pure gold ore nutrition/energy"; they are assimilated and put to use (generally) in less than 30 minutes; it takes 4-6 hours and 60-65% of the bodies entire energy to process meat, dairy and heavy grains. The body has to work VERY hard to separate the "nutrition" from the mucous-forming, bulk of these foods. Bottom line: we can use 60-65% of our body's energy separating nutrition from pulp and making poop, or we can give our body 'pure gold nutrition' and let it have that 60-65% of energy to use healing & restoring itself.
Juicing and issues of blood-sugar (and "sugar" in general) - this is one where most folks have a lot of UNlearning to do (I know I did!). Of course, white Sugar is pure poison (as are aspartame/Nutrasweet & Splenda/sucralose). If you're using artificial sweeteners, be sure to stop them asap (they cause and exacerbate insulin resistance, amongst myriads of other horrors). But natural sugars from fruits & vegetables are not evil, and they are rarely compromising in any way. Example: Dr. Christopher's Original Incurables Program was taken from Brandt's "Grape Cure" (which involved eating nothing but grapes or grape juice for weeks/months). He ultimately changed that to one week of apple juice/apples; one week of carrot juice/carrots; and one week of grapes/grape juice...and this was for people with advanced cancer and other 'incurable diseases' (most were severely compromised). Of course, you can choose whatever type of juices you prefer (and that your 'doctor within' tells you are right for you). But whatever you choose, remember the number one rule about juicing and eating: "Chew your juices and drink your solids" (Dr. Christopher). What this means is being sure to swish the juices you're drinking in your mouth a few times before swallowing - this allows the 8-12 (or more) digestive enzymes in the saliva to "pre-digest" the natural sugars in the juices we drink. Dr. Christopher found that when his hypo/hyperglycemic patients would do this, they'd have no alteration in blood sugar! Read more here: //
"Drink your solids and chew your juices":) Re: Chewing food 24 times?
If you'd like to add herbal support? Dr. Christopher's Pancreas Tincture is definitely the way to go!
(note the mention of sulphur? Garlic is ultra high in sulphur...and also helps regulate blood sugar!)
--Ashwagandha root powder, 1-3T daily (more info below)
--Dr. Christopher's Adrenal Tincture (we have this in our Storefront - it's not absolutely 'essential', but a lot of folks on the forum have had great results. A 4oz bottle (using the larger 4oz dropper in the 4oz bottle) yields 4.9 droppersful daily for a month. Most get the best results from around 9-12 droppersful a that'd be two 4oz bottles).
--Both the Adrenal Tincture and Ashwagandha contain herbs known as adaptogens (my favorite kind of herbs). These do not raise or lower anything, but rather, they help the body to adapt and regulate normally. The tincture also has Hawthorn berry and a bit of cayenne - the Hawthorn berries are fantastic for the heart...many people with adrenal issues experience various heart palpitations and arrhythmias.
We need to do our best to get down to the root cause of the adrenal distress (and that is never a "lack of supplements"). The culprit? Stress, of course. But very few people know that EMF's and electro-pollution play major havoc with our adrenals (and our stress levels, and insomnia). So I'm suggesting to make sure to get in 15 minutes of "barefooting" daily (in the winter, we do this by wearing thick/heavy socks). Here's the details: Barefooting & More //
Question: Is Ashwaganda still OK if you may have high cortisol?
Absolutely! (see above and the link below)
My sense of the adrenal situation: At the worst of my CFS, symptoms indicated pretty bad adrenal stress, but no test results. I feel much improved now. BUT, I recently took a saliva cortisol test (understand these may not be so accurate) on a day when I was extremely relaxed. Results showed high cortisol throughout the day. I’m a bit concerned about the high readings given my significant weight gain, hi tryglycerides, etc. Even when I am relaxed, sometimes I have the sense of heart pounding a bit, increased breathing, pulse, etc. I also am having a lot of short-term memory blanks – I assume stress and/or hormone related (this feels totally different from the brain fog during the worst of the CFS)
Last reading assignment (I promise!). This post is one I made in the Adrenal Support forum right before I opened the forum. There are links toward the end containing very good information about Ashwagandha. This post is VERY long...but if you have the time, I suggest you read it all; there's TONS of very important information in it about healing ourselves naturally, and I'm sure it will answer a lot of your questions and concerns. //
Thyroid - 'sounds like you're treating that (successfully?). There are many reasons for thyroid imbalances, and only one of the reasons is a lack of iodine. (in fact, the combination of Poke Root and Blue Flag root has been known to cure goiters...but neither contains any Iodine at all!). As you can surmise, I suggest people use a plant-based form of Iodine that includes all the natural phyto-chemicals, constituents & co-factors that are naturally found with iodine. That's (again Dr. Christopher's) Kelp combination. If you're interested in getting off the thyroid meds, you can start taking the Kelp combination and weaning yourself off the meds. I also suggest the Glandular Tincture for thyroid & adrenal issues.
In our Storefront, we offer these herbal sedatives and 'calmers': Herbal Sedative (a blend of valerian and other sedative herbs); Valerian root; Passionflower; Kava root; Lobelia (which is also a bronchial relaxer); Glandular (which is also good for ALL glands, particularly the thryroid & adrenals); and B&B (which is not "technically" an herbal sedative blend, but one Dr. Christopher originally formulated for epilepsy. However, it is very 'neurologically calming' and assists some in ensuring a deep, solid sleep). We all have stress and anxiety; for those of us with adrenal issues, it can be brutal. We need to break the cycle to allow our adrenals time to be calm and to heal...but no one knows which one of these will work for them, until they try them. That's why we offer 1/2 ounce samples for a penny. If you decide to order anything from our Storefront and would like to sample any/all of these tinctures, just choose a 'sample option' in the Tincture section and fill in which ones you'd like to try in the "note to seller" section. Just remember (with all the herbs/tinctures),
So (whew!) there you have it :) 'Hope it was what you were looking for! Remember, there are NO incurable diseases or conditions. Yes, it does take a lot of work, but to be able to be from disease and in charge of our health is worth every bit of the effort! Please feel free (and welcome!) to join in the healing merriment and joy here...and if you haven't seen this new post/thread (by a lady that's doing the full Incurables Program) sure to check it out! //
Many blessings and thanks, I appreciate your time and advice! You're more than welcome!
Healthiest of blessings,
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