It is good to review ... by seek2clean ..... The Truth in Medicine
Date: 10/13/2009 9:49:07 PM ( 16 y ago)
Hits: 2,425
. . . it is good to look back and see improvement - gradually - coming from near death 2006 with nothing but a computer and massive brain fog, and believing there was an ALTERNATIVE. No, I didn't die - yet, but I guarantee when I do there will be less parasite life than when I began this journey.
It all started 3 summers ago (after bad fall/concussion - after menopause) with . . . photo-sensitivity- the sun hurt my eyes and skin and I'm into gardening but I wanted to stay in??? And I didn't understand what was happening to me when my scalp then became itchy - only mildly annoying me at first and then came on with a vengeance, as did the horrifying brain fog and muscle wasting and digestive challenges, and breaking out in strange itchy lesion things on my neck and shoulders and other parts of my body. And I first cleansed for Candida and this revealed parasite life - unknown to me and quite hard to wrap around my psyche. It's the thing no one wants to talk about! But I've decided - a thousand files read on the subject later - that we all have them and they are either causing enough ruckus to get our attention, or not. And how would it be that all other species may carry 'eco-systemic' life-forms and the human animal would not ??? So they will possibly never be gone entirely - like Candida will not - for the same but different reasons, as Candida has a job in its harmless form (encapsulating mercury for us, I'm told?), but parasites are attempting their job of after-death composting while we're still alive. ON MY TIME and with MY DIME !!!
It is so unacceptable to me, that I am evicting them, but no longer by FORCE. When I was new to the CUREZONE I had not looked far enough into solutions to my physical decline - not researched the larger picture thoroughly YET, so desperate was I to QUICKLY feel better. Today I agree that full-on WAR cannot replace right nutrition, cannot susbtitute a working immune system and a clean system of elimination. As I regain a level of health (one not so near death) SLOWLY, I am experiencing the passing of unwanted company without parasite cleansing per se.
On board today:
-Chlorella - B6 + B12 (which has 1,650 I.U. Vitamin A)
and so in rotation every other day with -
-Whole Foods Multi Vitamin with B6, B12, pantothenic acid
and (15,000 I.U. Vitamin A) mistakenly purchased with IRON(even though I am battling anemia there may be some displacing going on with iron - post meno?)
and rotated every third day with -
-a Whole Foods Vitamin B-complex - also has Vitamin C and pantothenic acid, along with the other usual comolex stuff
and rotating further with -
-Cod liver oil (also Vitamin A -5.000 I.U.) for the omega and Vitamin D3
*-Biotin has been on board most consistently of ALL tried supplements for 2.5 years and I believe it has helped with Sugar management, and therefore sugar-fed problems.
Daily -
and to ice the B Vitamin cake I take
- Brewer's yeast flakes - 2Tbls.
and the same amount of Lecithin
-B-12 sublingual methylcobalamin each day
-2 drops, yes drops Digestive bitters (this is all that is required for me, for natural Liver Flushing that does not produce aggravated die-off from toxins)
-Chickweed caps - 2,300 mg.
-Milk Thistle - 500+ mg.
-Alfalfa - 1,000 mg.
-Coconut oil 2 Tbls.
-400 mg. Magnesium Citrate
-and Diatomaceous Earth (silica) in my R.O. water
-and I swish Sunflower/Coconut oil in the morning (10-15 mins.)
Mindful of the "too much = not good" fat soluble Vitamin A factor, and affected as most are by OUR economy, I work with what I have currently here. My condolences to those who had a lot more money to waste in our haste for feeling better. I have only a few unfortunate purchases in my collection - like Cascara sagrada and Mag. Oxide/Calcium and once upon a time had some (calcium hydroxide) Lime Water in my arsenal, but not for long, yet I still mix up some Now brand Kelp powder in a green vegetable from juicer drink, from time to time, along with Cayenne powder. This list is by no means working for anyone but me, but something about the B Vitamins and the end result is interesting !
But most importantly, I am seeing improvement overall by eating better food, and ALL done up to now - many full-on parasite attacks with many OTC products and Candida cleansing combos have lightened the load significantly (whether right or wrong, but don't try this at home!), SO THAT now it seems my body, with the aid of the above-mentioned, is shedding the critters quite constantly as it has been mentioned in my research as being what normally happens (in healthy people)providing all systems are go and immune system is working - leading some to believe parasites are:
- non-existent
- not in their body/bodies
- may be a problem for others in some other countries or some other forums, but not for them ?
Whatever the personal conviction, I am speaking for me, and I have bloodwork results pointing to red blood cell enlargement and scarcity (from parasite robbery and possibly the loss of parietal cells necessary to absorb B's - oh aging !). But recently it FEELS like some of the B's are actually being assimilated, and it FEELS like everything on board is helping me, and THANK GODDESS/GOD because it is all I have for now. I am, however, looking forward to adding some adaptogens, and am curious to know if -
* more vigorous attention to natural source Iodine would be helpful in view of the small knot on my neck front/thyroid - adam's apple area ?
* is there a direct need to supplement Calcium (if I do not get any from food in a day) as I take Mag Citrate daily. Haven't I had too much calcium already (SAD diet), parked in all the wrong places in the ABSENCE of Magnesium ?
I may have need for higher dosages, but I take it easy on myself because I'm very small - only dosing once per day all of the above with the exception of Dig. bitters and DE.
**Scalp itch is improving with work on my neck and head(posture, exercise, massage has repositioned head on neck w/o Chiro which I love but cannot afford right now).
Topical baking soda wash/vinegar rinse (white).
Sinus irrigation ( Seasalt ) and ear oils have helped.
I may have, in fact, SCATTERED parasites to all ends of me - coming out my head now, from ATTACKING them so vigorously, BUT the scalp was a first symptom while still on the bad food and full of brain fog and not knowing what was wrong or what to do, PRIOR to cleansing or supplementing. I think one possibility is the result of extreme hair coloring 4 years back - once got busy and left the stuff on for waaay too long, creating an unfelt chemical burn of sorts and an environment for things to take up housekeeping that would not normally live there? I could be wrong, or ????... Morgellon's, or ?
**wt.117/ht.5'6"/age:55-female POST meno. 5 years
with no HORMONE Replacement on board, but I am trusting that when I can zero in on adrenals more strongly, I will enjoy my body making them for me ?
If hair and nails are any indication of health, I have come a long way - hair is growing well and beautiful, despite the scalp mess - nails still show vertical ridges and need for circulatory work and possible liver emphasis but are stronger and straighter - both are very much better than even a year ago and have improved a great deal since taking Hv's advice adding DE, Mag. and Digestive bitters.
DE rocks as it remineralizes my purified water (I could FEEL it rather quickly, in less than 2 weeks), and it is enabling lots of critters to leave, in pieces ! Yay!!!
Yes, I wish I could say I were parasite free, or that they were/are not a problem for me - so distasteful the subject, but by now I am non-plussed by their images, and with finding them in the toilet. I think I could formally study Parasitology were it not held in the confines of traditional Educational systems.
I have found it most healing, above all, to do the best I can with all at my disposal, and to read CUREZONE voraciously with the occasional ROTFLMAO posting, but mostly by accepting what IS IS . . .
EDIT/ADD-ON: I posted re: Scalp issue - unanswered several days ago until one LEECHOONG shared this in response to a 49 days old post of mine on same subject-
>> "You are heavily infected with all kinds of parasites, fungi, worms, viruses, bacteria etc. If I were you, I would invest in The Ultimate Zapper, websites : and . Also, I would wear two units of Orgonite Zapper to sleep, eg Don Croft Terminator Zapper and Georg Ritschl Silverado Zapper. You could get them on eBay. Their websites are and . The Bob Beck zapper (Silver Pulser) made by Sota Instruments would also help : .
In addition, you should also take all kinds of herbs to kill the parasites. The zappers would increase the effectiveness of the herbs. You could search for Dr Hula Clark and her herbal formulas.
You could also consult DR. WILLIAM G. von PETERS on "<<
I SHALL NOT take all kinds of herbs to KILL parasites but
shall I try to ZAP w/ $10 zapper here ???
Still alive because of CUREZONE ~
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